Louisiana Requires All Public Classrooms to Display Ten Commandments

Forcing schools to display the 10 Commandments sounds like something Iran would do!!

What's next, forcing them to listen to a SERMON 1st period, Passing the Plate, BAPTISMS in the auditorium?
No, Iran does not require the Ten Commandments in public places.
Many schools have religious classes. There is nothing illegal about that.
It's rather hard to conduct a baptism in a room with no water!
Although several of the states had established churches in their state for several years. They could not do that after the establishment clause was made applicable to the states (1940s)
This was in response to his claim of atheism
I can see it now!

A student asks, "Who wrote those Commandments", teacher says "God did in the form of a Burning Bush" and the student says, "Are you out of your mind"?

Oh yes, this is going to work!
Good one!
Marx believed religion was a social structure that benefited the elite and enslaved the masses.
Quite the opposite, actually. Go read the writings of Karl Marx, Sybil.
Taking their cue from Marx, Soviet state policy was a kind of scientific materialism that promoted atheism, and specifically sought to oppress and eradicate Christianity, Judaism, Islam within the former Russian empire.
The Church of No God is not atheism, Sybil.
Ever since the French revolution, State sanctioned atheism has been as oppressive to human conscience as has state theocracy.
The Ten Commandments is not a theocracy.
If I was forced to choose, I would probably live in the former Soviet Union rather than the Islamic Republic of Iran, but that's only because the USSR had recognizably European features in culture, education, science, and society.

Pluralistic societies which do not promote either atheism or state religion are the gold standard to aspire to, IMO.
Yet you support state religions:
* The Church of Green
* The Church of Global Warming
* The Church of Covid
* The Church of the Ozone Hole
* The Church of Hate
Quit repeating constitutional interpretations that the Supreme Court abandoned 40 years ago.
The Supreme Court cannot change the Constitution, Dim.
The 1st amendment establishment of religion was made applicable to the states in 1940.
The Supreme Court cannot change the Constitution, Dim.
Those that believe all the conspiracy theories seem the most uninformed about the Constitution.
The Democrat party is a conspiracy. It is no theory.
Sock, but it has done so many times.
The Supreme Court has no authority to change the Constitution
Try to keep up with constitutional interpretation.
The Supreme Court has no authority to interpret or change the Constitution.
You might get something right in your posts one day.
It is YOU denying the Constitution, Dim. You cannot blame your problems on me or anybody else.
Separation from Church and State!
No such phrase exists in the Constitution, Brick.
The 1st amendment does not apply to the States.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

The 1st amendment applies only to Congress (the federal government).
First Amendment! But leave it as Louisiana made it,because ,this is obviously a Christian law!
Wait till Muslim kids show up with pray rugs facing Mecca,those Louisiana Hicks will freak out!
Lets see what the courts say!
The 1st amendment does not apply to the States. This is a State action.
No court has any authority to change the Constitution.