Louisiana Requires All Public Classrooms to Display Ten Commandments

The Soviets thought they were building a new society based on the principles of scientific materialism, and thought religion was toxic to collective welfare of the masses.
I have no interest in scientific materialism. Marx, like Hegel, believed the state must be the final authority in terms of behavior.
"The Federal Court" has no power to change the Constitution.
It did not change it. It simply reaffirmed it unconstitutonal to mandate religious activities in the classroom which was already established law.
You don't get to speak for the dead. Omniscience fallacy.
No court has authority to interpret or change the Constitution.
I'm not speaking for the dead. I am citing Alexander Hamilton's own words from the Federalist Papers who said judicial review was essential to maintain checks and balances on the government's power. Another book you should read.
It did not change it.
Yes it did.
It simply reaffirmed it unconstitutonal to mandate religious activities in the classroom which was already established law.
What does the 1st Amendment say? You tell me. I already know what it says. At least take a gander at the very first word of it (for starters)...
I'm not speaking for the dead.
Yes, you are.
I am citing Alexander Hamilton's own words from the Federalist Papers who said judicial review was essential to maintain checks and balances on the government's power. Another book you should read.
Irrelevant. The Federalist Papers are not the Constitution. Stick with what the Constitution says.
Yes it did.

What does the 1st Amendment say? You tell me. I already know what it says. At least take a gander at the very first word of it (for starters)...
Read the 14th amendment which served as the basis for making most of the Bill of Rights applicable to the states. The 14th amendment served as the basis for the change in the Constitution accepted by every liberal and conservative Supreme Court.
It depends if the teacher has decided to teach the rainbow flag.... Posters and decorations Are just that... I taught and coached for thirty years.... I understand the basics perfectly...
There's nothing proving that statement! Everyone knows you were the lunchroom lady
No one is teaching any children that there is only one true religion...
When you put the 10 Commandments in a public classroom ,you're advertising one religion over another! Could not be more unconstitutional!
If the Democrats did that ,you would be against it