Louisiana Requires All Public Classrooms to Display Ten Commandments

No court has the authority to change the Constitution.

Christians certainly can. The 1st amendment does not apply to the States. Any State may designate a State religion (assuming it's in their own State constitution). If a State wants to designate Christianity as the State religion, IT CAN, and they have before!
Give example of a State doing this.
You have an overly simplistic understanding of the Constitution
The Constitution is the ONLY authoritative reference of the Constitution.
and those who wrote it.
It doesn't matter who wrote it. It is ratified by the States. It is law.
Much of it is too vague
It is written in plain English. The fact that you don't understand or read English is YOUR problem.
to apply to specific situations and must be interpreted. It is the role of the courts to make that interpretation.
No court has any authority to interpret the Constitution or change the Constitution.
It is a lot of work to keep up with constitutional law,
It is easy. The Constitution doesn't change often.
but it is necessary to understand the document and make rational posts on JPP.
And you aren't making rational posts on JPP. You have locked yourself into several paradoxes which you have never cleared.
Here is the point dumbass, those three assholes apparently didn't get the memo that killing people is bad. You dimwitted donut
You still haven't made a point. Religion would not have prevented Hitler, Mao, and Pol Pot from killing millions of people either.
Most of the Decalogue are instructions for how to have the proper relationship with the god of Abraham, there's only four of the commandments that could be considered universal moral expectations.

So it really is a stealth attempt to promote Christianity in public schools.
Yes it is, Cypess. Not sure why these people even want to pretend otherwise.
One god, one king, one ruler.

Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer! [One People, One Realm, One Leader!]​

You don't have to recite something to violate the 1st. Government is to remain neutral--do noting to enhance or hinder religion. The same would apply to Jewish symbols, Islamic symbols, Hindu, etc.
Agreed. It's favoritism toward one religion unless all religions are offered the same access.

Would it be okay to teach a "Religions of the world" class? Of course. Just as long as all religions are treated and covered equally.