Louisiana Requires All Public Classrooms to Display Ten Commandments

Right. So, a rainbow flag in a classroom is indoctrination, but “Thou shalt have no other gods before me” is not.

The last profession you should have had was teaching. You don’t even grasp the basics of it.
And that's one of many reasons that let you know that Toxic was never a teacher. She just plays one here, which is a disgrace to all teachers.
Because you only care about religion.
I think the abundance of topics I post and write about speaks for itself.

Good luck trying to grasp the history of the Ottoman Empire without knowing anything about Islam; appreciating Chinese art without grasping it's Taoist roots; or understanding European history without a firm knowledge of the Protestant Reformation.
I think the abundance of topics I post and write about speaks for itself.

Good luck trying to grasp the history of the Ottoman Empire without knowing anything about Islam; appreciating Chinese art without grasping it's Taoist roots; or understanding European history without a firm knowledge of the Protestant Reformation.
so? All you ever talk about is religion.
grrrr you hates you some god haters grrrr
So you are mad at be because you and other atheists have posted a plethora of threads about religion in recent months. Why did you post them if you didn't want me to participate?
Totally irrelevant to this situation.

That ruling was about a display in the shopping district as part of a larger display including Santa Claus, Christmas trees and the such. Not an overt attempt to advocate or endorse for a particular religion. Advocation or endorsement is specifically prohibited. In Lynch v Donnelly, that’s EXACTLY what Sandra Day O’Connor said in the majority opinion.

So, once again, you post from ignorance.
Earl didn't write that post. Someone else who hates the Constitution if it bothers libs wrote it. Then he reposted it without citing the source because he's an idiot.

Moral moron 💩


In the last three months almost all the threads started about religion were posted by you or other atheists.
I find the origin and tenets of religion, especially Christianity, quite interesting.

As Bart Ehrman puts it, Christianity and the Bible is and has been a major force in history. And in America. To ignore that or minimize it is a mistake.
Earl didn't write that post. Someone else who hates the Constitution if it bothers libs wrote it. Then he reposted it without citing the source because he's an idiot.
I call it their memeverse. The bubble where they live through others’ memes.
I find the origin and tenets of religion, especially Christianity, quite interesting.

As Bart Ehrman puts it, Christianity and the Bibke is and has been a major force in history. And in America. To ignore that or minimize it is a mistake.
I prefer actual history. Let the religious construct their own histories.
Let's raise the money for a good cause...this much...
You are such a troll. He said, "Billion 300 million (that would be 1,300,000,000, teacher imposter)," then immediately corrected himself to, "Trillion 300 million (1,000,300,000,000)," because that's the right number.