Louisiana Requires All Public Classrooms to Display Ten Commandments

Nor will the lack of one. You okay with the pillars of Islam going up right next to them? Didn’t think so.
Why would I not be ok...no one will pay attention to that either...;) You do know how large 11X 14 is...don't you?
As long as it doesn't start a fight...violent...full or profanity or porn...
Why would I not be ok...no one will pay attention to that either...;) You do know how large 11X 14 is...don't you?
As long as it doesn't start a fight...violent...full or profanity or porn...
Sure, sure. Doesn’t matter because both are unconstitutional.
Interesting how controversial this issue is. Shows the state of America where some do want to force others to abide by Christian principles.
To be precise, that’s how the courts interpreted the 14th amendment which the puppeteer and his socks apparently did not know somehow.
True, in 1947. But that's just when the Court interpreted the 80-year-old constitutional amendment. The puppeteer and his socks (before I blocked them all) like to claim that courts are illegitimate. The court didn't amend the Constitution. Congress did. But he refuses to deal with reality or learn honesty.
Sure, sure. Doesn’t matter because both are unconstitutional.
Ok...I just responded to your comment...
I never had to deal with issues involving politics or religion when I taught...things were so much better then..
My heart breaks for teachers these days...
If the real goal of posting a particular religion's list of rules in the classroom is to instill moral behavior, why not try this instead? Most religions have some version of the Golden Rule. Why not post these versions with an attribute after each showing where it came from?

OTOH if the purpose of posting one religion's set of rules is to promote that religion, which this seems to be, it is clearly a grandstanding stunt meant to generate controversy, donations to the party promulgating it, and is clearly unconstitutional.
Agreed 100% and an excellent example. Teach the differences and similarities between world religions with variations on "The Golden Rule" being a great example. The Ten Commandments have roots or similarities in other cultures. Like Sumerian Law, they are a great template for the social order of a human tribes and cities. Having a common code is conducive to peaceful relations.
No one is forced to abide by Christian principles...
Would shit her Depends if her local city and school board agreed to teach the Bardo Thödol.

Which, IMO, would do her some good to learn.

A central tenet of all schools of Buddhism is that attachment to and craving for worldly things spurs suffering and unease (dukkha), which influence actions whose accumulated effects, or karma, bind individuals to the process of death and rebirth (samsara). Those who have attained enlightenment (bodhi) are thereby released from this process, attaining liberation (moksha). Those who remain unenlightened are drawn by karma, whether good or bad, into a new life in one of six modes of existence: as a sufferer in hell (enduring horrible torture), as a wandering ghost (driven by insatiable craving), as an animal (ruled by instinct), as a demigod (lustful for power), as a human being (balanced in instinct and reason), or as a god (deluded by their long lives into believing they are immortal).
You have an overly simplistic understanding of the Constitution and those who wrote it. Much of it is too vague to apply to specific situations and must be interpreted. It is the role of the courts to make that interpretation.

It is a lot of work to keep up with constitutional law, but it is necessary to understand the document and make rational posts on JPP.
You ask too much. The MAGA morons on this board couldn't pass a seventh grade civics test. Plus, they're clinically delusional and chronic liars, so odds are not good.
Louisiana ranks near the bottom when compared to other states regarding the education of its children. But hey, putting a VERSION of the 10 Commandments on display will solve everything! :cautious:
Ironic, isn't it, that these backwoods hicks can assemble the will to pass a virtue signaling MAGA meat law that does nothing, but they can't find any solutions to their failed educational system? Typical Republicans.
"A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind, and touches a heart." (attributed to an unknown source) Get over it... A little poster on the wall isn't going to damage anyone...;)