Louisiana Requires All Public Classrooms to Display Ten Commandments

We were required to take two semesters of theology in college. Enjoyed them a lot. I pretty much do some study on religion, especially Christianity, daily.

Amazing, the difference between what we were taught versus reality.
That explains your hatred of Christians.

I was a budding atheist at 12 and confirmed atheist by 14. Even had what is now called "an intervention" with my parents and two elders from my church one evening where we had a very pleasant discussion ending with me politely saying "Sorry, not buying it.". Science was brought into the conversation, specifically the story of Creation vs. the history of the Universe.

I fully support everyone having faith in something. Sticking to facts is highly recommended. Pushing one's beliefs onto others should always be wrong and illegal for government to do.
No, Dutch understands. He's just an Internet troll who likes to argue for the sake of arguing. It makes him feel smart and open minded.

"No such thing as bad publicity" is a famous Hollywood maxim. Thanks, Diesel! :thup:
A high school football coach leading a prayer in the locker room, or a history teacher posting the ten commandments is not the hill I'm going to stake my flag to die on.

But I think this is really a stealth strategy to promote Christian doctrine, not some innocuous matter of protected free speech
There's a clear difference between a school sanctioning leading prayer groups and teaching information on different religions. Again, teaching the Ten Commandments to the exclusion of other religions is unconstitutional and obviously wrong in a free society.

However, isn't banning teaching world religions also wrong? Where do we draw the line?
No it doesn't. Read the First Amendment again. I'll even help out those who are interested in learning the truth (which isn't you).

Don't attempt to (falsely) hide behind the document that you HATE.
Flip forward a few pages. Everson v. Board established that the 14th Amendment applies to the establishment clause and therefore the states. In 1947. You should know what you're talking about before you insult others.
That explains your hatred of Christians.

I was a budding atheist at 12 and confirmed atheist by 14. Even had what is now called "an intervention" with my parents and two elders from my church one evening where we had a very pleasant discussion ending with me politely saying "Sorry, not buying it.". Science was brought into the conversation, specifically the story of Creation vs. the history of the Universe.

I fully support everyone having faith in something. Sticking to facts is highly recommended. Pushing one's beliefs onto others should always be wrong and illegal for government to do.
You really have a comprehension problem, pally boy. Until you fix that, try abstinence from these types of replies. You look foolish.
Seems like violation of 1st Amendment.
Where does the first amendment t say anything about 10 commandments inside of classrooms?

You do realize that most one room schoolhouse through our history taught the Bible and the ten commandments? Right?
Where does the first amendment t say anything about 10 commandments inside of classrooms?

You do realize that most one room schoolhouse through our history taught the Bible and the ten commandments? Right?
Whenever I see “where does the Constitution say…..” bullshit, it’s typically from some moron who knows nothing about the Constitution or the historical rulings on it. You appear to be one of those. And you validate it with “why is it unconstitutional?”

Most one room schoolhouses also taught that Honest Abe never told a lie and that George Washington cut down a cherry tree. Try to catch up to the 21st century, Rufus
Where does the first amendment t say anything about 10 commandments inside of classrooms?

You do realize that most one room schoolhouse through our history taught the Bible and the ten commandments? Right?
Wrong. Completely wrong. To do so is a violation of the first amendment. Maybe you should try being a slave for knowledge.
"The Federal Court" has no power to change the Constitution.
Congress changed the Constitution in 1868 with the 14th Amendment that applied the establishment clause to all of the states due to equal protection. Do you know anything about this thread?
You are such a troll. He said, "Billion 300 million (that would be 1,300,000,000, teacher imposter)," then immediately corrected himself to, "Trillion 300 million (1,000,300,000,000)," because that's the right number.
Let's bet that much I'm not an imposter...I'm so surprised you're not watching the Olympic diviing trials...;)
Congress changed the Constitution in 1868 with the 14th Amendment that applied the establishment clause to all of the states due to equal protection. Do you know anything about this thread?
To be precise, that’s how the courts interpreted the 14th amendment which the puppeteer and his socks apparently did not know somehow. Your post is correct, ITN is an ignoramous.