Louisiana Requires All Public Classrooms to Display Ten Commandments

If he becomes president there should be just like there should currently be a picture of the shit stain you voted for in very classroom.
May I suggest a picture of TRUMP WITH STORMY in every classroom?

Or How about a picture of Trump and Kim Jong Um in every classroom!

Or a Picture of Trump and Jeffry Epstein in every classroom!
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The first commandment says, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind"

What the fuck!
Most of the Decalogue are instructions for how to have the proper relationship with the god of Abraham, there's only four of the commandments that could be considered universal moral expectations.

So it really is a stealth attempt to promote Christianity in public schools.
This is a mindless chant on your part.

Federal law can only be implemented in pursuance of the Constitution, of which is OWNED by the STATES. IOW, the federal government only has power that the STATES, collectively, allow it to have.

Why are you supporting implementing a Russian mindset of government (aka "The Father/Mother") here in THIS nation? I thought that you HAAAAAATED Russia??? ....... or "Putin", as you call it........

No, it isn't. Read the 1st Amendment.
Separation from Church and State!
May I suggest a picture of TRUMP WITH STORMY in every classroom?

Or How about a picture of Trump and Kim Jong Um in every classroom!

Or a Picture of Trump and Jeffry Epstein in every classroom!
LMFAO or maybe joey shitting his diaper

Or having to be off the stage

Falling on the stairs to air force 1

Or little kids rubbing his legs in the pool

Sniff and groping women and little girls.

Him reading his daughter's dairy about taking showers with him

LMFAO or maybe joey shitting his diaper

Or having to be off the stage

Falling on the stairs to air force 1

Or little kids rubbing his legs in the pool

Sniff and groping women and little girls.

Him reading his daughter's dairy about taking showers with him

There are no pictures of that- Because none of that ever happened IDIOT!

With the exception that Biden did trip by trying to run up the stairs of the plane!

Let's see your pictures FUCKTARD!
Where does that appear in the constitution?
First Amendment! But leave it as Louisiana made it,because ,this is obviously a Christian law!
Wait till Muslim kids show up with pray rugs facing Mecca,those Louisiana Hicks will freak out!
Lets see what the courts say!

Louisiana’s Ten Commandments Law Signals a Broader Christian Agenda​

Taken together, the measures have signaled the ambition of the governor and the Republican-led Legislature to be at the forefront of a growing national movement to create and interpret laws according to a particular conservative Christian worldview. And Mr. Landry, a Catholic who has been vocal about his faith’s influence in shaping his politics, wants to lead the charge.

I can see it now!

A student asks, "Who wrote those Commandments", teacher says "God did in the form of a Burning Bush" and the student says, "Are you out of your mind"?

Oh yes, this is going to work!
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Louisiana’s Ten Commandments Law Signals a Broader Christian Agenda​

Taken together, the measures have signaled the ambition of the governor and the Republican-led Legislature to be at the forefront of a growing national movement to create and interpret laws according to a particular conservative Christian worldview. And Mr. Landry, a Catholic who has been vocal about his faith’s influence in shaping his politics, wants to lead the charge.

Good article. Dominionism lives.
Marx did not want religion to be illegal.
But he was correct that religion often tells its followers that one need not be loyal to the state because your belief about god is a higher law.
You don't have to make something illegal to oppress it.
The Soviets allowed a diminished puppet Orthodox Church to continue to exist,
but still State policy was a dogma of materialistic scientific atheism,
a program to oppress and eradicate religion where possible,
and to execute or arrest priests, bishops, deacons that were suspected to be counter-revolutionary or heretical to the communist cause.
You don't have to make something illegal to oppress it.
The Soviets allowed a diminished puppet Orthodox Church to continue to exist,
but still State policy was a dogma of materialistic scientific atheism,
a program to oppress and eradicate religion where possible,
and to execute or arrest priests, bishops, deacons that were suspected to be counter-revolutionary or heretical to the communist cause.
I have no problem with making religion illegal. But the masses need it.