Louisiana Requires All Public Classrooms to Display Ten Commandments

“I can’t wait to be sued,” Mr. Landry said on Saturday at a Republican fund-raiser in Nashville, according to The Tennessean. And on Wednesday, as he signed the measure, he argued that the Ten Commandments contained valuable lessons for students.

“If you want to respect the rule of law,” he said, “you’ve got to start from the original law giver, which was Moses.”

Sounds like theocracy.
"More than 40 years ago, in Stone v. Graham, the Supreme Court overturned a similar state statute, holding that the First Amendment bars public schools from posting the Ten Commandments in classrooms."
"More than 40 years ago, in Stone v. Graham, the Supreme Court overturned a similar state statute, holding that the First Amendment bars public schools from posting the Ten Commandments in classrooms."
Yes. Maybe the Supreme Court wants to bring us back to the Bible.
States will find that the law of the land is whatever the Regime in Washington says it is today....the sovereignty of the states is well on the way to being over.
The states are not free to violate the 1st Amendment establishment clause. The Supreme Court ruled on this case in 1980.
Teaching kids right from wrong is pissing on The Establishment Clause? Whoda thunk?
Beside the point, but teaching kids right from wrong is a mission of parenthood and communal living. The mission of public school is and always has been teaching kids "their A, B, C's".
Beside the point, but teaching kids right from wrong is a mission of parenthood and communal living. The mission of public school is and always has been teaching kids "their A, B, C's".
If only parents and the community would do their job...and it's obvious that always isn't taking place...
A teacher's job may include passing along skills that can possibly offer a better future for these kids...and maybe even save their life...
Our students are with us quite a number of hours each day...if they're there for extra curricular activities...sports, clubs, etc...sometimes a good majority of the day...
Our job extends far beyond just reading, writing, and arithmetic...
So if a state required portions of the Koran be inscribed on the wall at all schools, Trumppers would be fine w that?