Louisiana Requires All Public Classrooms to Display Ten Commandments

How Donald Trump has already broken all 10 Commandments​

Graven images, coveting his neighbor's possessions, adultery...The Donald pretty much violated all of them

My classroom was full of wonderful inspirational posters... some manufactured...some student produced...many different themes... If they were student produced they were framed and the kids took them home at the end of the year...
I doubt if that would Is cause a problem. It doesn't even mention satan...;)
Teaching kids that there is only one true religion, beyond violating the establishment clause, disregards all others that have just as much validity.

Agreed that, by and large, kids will not pay much attention to a display after a period. However, it is clearly unconstitutional by inserting a religious doctrine into a government institution. If one agrees that the Constitution, especially one of the fundamental tenets of it, be upheld, then the display has to go away.
Teaching kids that there is only one true religion, beyond violating the establishment clause, disregards all others that have just as much validity.

Agreed that, by and large, kids will not pay much attention to a display after a period. However, it is clearly unconstitutional by inserting a religious doctrine into a government institution. If one agrees that the Constitution, especially one of the fundamental tenets of it, be upheld, then the display has to go away.
No one is teaching any children that there is only one true religion...
No one is teaching any children that there is only one true religion...
Placing posters of one religion like it's the truth is doing that very thing. You are okay with it because you share that religion. That is exactly what they do is Muslims countries with Islam. You are no different.
Many years ago, there was a hubub in my community about the display of the 10 Commandments in a public park. Ironically, it was originally placed there with the Cecille B. DeMille movie rather than a religious movement.

Fundamentalists were chaining themselves to it. All kinds of gaudy display.

A deeply religious co-worker of mine put it this way. “I don’t need the 10 Commandments in a public display. Let them remove it. I carry the 10 Commandments in my heart all the time. That’s all I need.”
“I can’t wait to be sued,” Mr. Landry said on Saturday at a Republican fund-raiser in Nashville, according to The Tennessean. And on Wednesday, as he signed the measure, he argued that the Ten Commandments contained valuable lessons for students.

“If you want to respect the rule of law,” he said, “you’ve got to start from the original law giver, which was Moses.”

Sounds like theocracy.
Ah, sounds like he wants to fund-raise off of what a great MAGAT "Christian" he is. You know, fuck that whole Constitution thing. :rolleyes:
No one is teaching that...it's a poster...
Schools should teach read writing and arithmetic. They should be neutral on religion. If they display the 10 Commandments they should display laws from other religions also. I don't think anyone has the time or will for that. While I firmly believe the 10 Commandments should be followed. It is up to the parents to make sure their kids see the need for the 10 Commandments . I think Churches should operate OFF CAMPUS student centers that have activities before and after school for students. Those churches could display the 10 Commandments in their student center.
While the Commandments are religious, they have an undeniable historical meaning. Simply having religious content or promoting a message consistent with a religious doctrine does not run afoul of the Establishment Clause. See, e.g., Lynch v. Donnelly, supra, at 680, 687.

Residents and others challenged the inclusion of the creche as a violation of the First Amendment's Establishment Clause. In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court rejected the challenge—ruling that the religious display on public property didn't violate the Constitution because the display also served a secular purpose
The first commandment says, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind"

What the fuck!
Then there's the whole Sabbath Day and keeping it holy. This could very well backfire when the kids start wondering why one of the Commandments says not to commit adultery, yet mom and dad are supporting an orange shitgibbon who did that multiple times.
Kinda self explanatory, Frank. Whatever/whoever your Lord God might be. If you have none, so be it. No one is forcing you to read/look at them.
It's quite likely that if they are posted in each classroom, more than one kid is going to see it. Otherwise what's the whole fucking point? Don't answer that. It's not to help kids be more moral. It's to virtue-signal the (R)s' alleged religion and fund-raise off any opposition to this quite blatant violation of the establishment clause.

I wonder if any actual conservatives will defend the Constitution, or just let this go as usual?