Louisiana will require the 10 Commandments displayed in every public school classroom

Even for you, that is an astoundingly stupid comparison.

But you hate all of those and are fighting to end them?

You are the one that thinks TRUMP IS GOD.

You are the one who IDOLIZES Donald TRUMP!

And here you are again today, Bearing False WItness- as you do every day here!

So you are already a FUCKING HYPOCRITE and in serious violation of the 10 COMMANDMENTS- so GO AND FUCK YOURSELF RETARD!
SO the bits about "thou shalt have no God before me" and "keep the Sabbath" are moral and not religious? Interesting view you have there.

But I am forced to pay for it. Just as long as you would be OK if your tax money went to build an Islamic display in your public square, I guess it would be OK.

Comrade, "Keep the Sabbath" introduced the concept of a day of rest. You can thank the Jew's for days off. This is very much a moral concept - that all people deserve at least one day a week that they do not labor.
Mandating it be posted in every public funded school means it will incur a cost. Are you really not aware of how the world works? Do mommy and daddy still pay for everything for you?

You don't live in that state.

If you did, you could vote against it. But you are in Victorville trying to impose you views on those of other states.
...until the Muslims decide to force their faith on you.

They decided to do that 1400 years ago. Any time Muslims have power they convert by the sword.

(Why so short sighted? Do you think you want religious conflict? Is that your jam?)

The 10 Commandments are universally recognized as the foundations of law and morality - both of which you Stalinists reject.
They decided to do that 1400 years ago. Any time Muslims have power they convert by the sword.

So why do you want to open the door to their using our tax payer dollars to proselytize in the US?

The 10 Commandments are universally recognized as the foundations of law and morality - both of which you Stalinists reject.

You are supporting a convicted felon for President. So much for support of "law" or "morality"
So u disagree with

“Thou shalt not kill.”

“Thou shalt not commit adultery.”

“Thou shalt not steal.”
Six of the ten commandments - the majority - have nothing to do with universal moral expectations, but have to do with the correct way to have a relationship with the god of Abraham.

That is a religious creed.

You are the one that thinks TRUMP IS GOD.

You are the one who IDOLIZES Donald TRUMP!

And here you are again today, Bearing False WItness- as you do every day here!

So you are already a FUCKING HYPOCRITE and in serious violation of the 10 COMMANDMENTS- so GO AND FUCK YOURSELF RETARD!

You're loosing it Lizard.

Cut back the meth and fentanyl - saying this as a friend.