Louisiana will require the 10 Commandments displayed in every public school classroom

They merely expend government funds to promote a Judeo-Christian code.

Makes sense, Western Civilization is based on Judeo-Christian ideals. But then you Marxists aren't fans of Western Civilization - which is the real issue here.

Nobody, including atheists, you fucking idiot, claim that schools be atheistic. Only fools like you believe that.

Nonsense, you're melting down because schools in one state are passively displaying ideals from a religion (Judaism) that you oppose.

When I was in high school, the drama teacher had a whole list of sayings from the Tao. Yet it didn't force the Jewish or Christian kids to become Taoists. I actually like much of what old Lao Tzu had to say.

But then this goes far beyond basic ideals - you are at war with the Christian god and become enraged if anyone mentions him.

What they must do is remain secular. But, morons of your stature can’t grasp the difference

No, what they must do is remain neutral and allow all ideas - you want to censor information that offends your beliefs - you're no different than the Taliban.
Sigh. If you don't understand this point then I'm afraid I can't explain the US Constitution to you. Enjoy voting for Trump and he'll go ahead and get rid of it for you.

Biden has already trashed the Constitution - particularly checks and balances, notice how he defies the court on vote buying student loan forgiveness and usurps legislative powers to create amnesty for millions of illegals?

Trump will restore the Constitution, and particularly the Bill of Rights - which OUTRAGES you Stalinists.

In November - Joe Biden will win, or the United States Constitution will survive; one or the other.
Violating the establishment clause does not require somebody to read anything.

Perversion of the establishment clause has become passe. Remember, "NOR PROHIBIT THE FREE EXERCISE" is a key element. Passive displays of religious ideas is not the establishment of a "Church of the United States." What you demand is censorship of religion, which in fact violated the establishment clause. The Church of England outlawed all other churches - as you seek to do here.

If government mandates a school (or any governmental body) to display religious messages violates that constitutional provision. That is established by a long history of court decisions.

It was created by an activist court in 1966.

You of the left will rarely acknowledge the founding fathers, but on the rare occasion you admit that someone other than Karl Marx formed our nation it is generally to trot out the Danbury letter by Jefferson, which is part of Marxist talking points.

BUT few of the left have actually read it and don't realize that in addition to speaking of a "Wall of Separation" Jefferson also said; {But it does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.}

The government is not to enforce any particular religion - NOR is it to prohibit religion as you demand.

We libertarians take the approach of do what you will as long as it doesn't cause physical or financial harm to others. You Marxists really couldn't understand.
Makes sense, Western Civilization is based on Judeo-Christian ideals. But then you Marxists aren't fans of Western Civilization - which is the real issue here.

Nonsense, you're melting down because schools in one state are passively displaying ideals from a religion (Judaism) that you oppose.

When I was in high school, the drama teacher had a whole list of sayings from the Tao. Yet it didn't force the Jewish or Christian kids to become Taoists. I actually like much of what old Lao Tzu had to say.

But then this goes far beyond basic ideals - you are at war with the Christian god and become enraged if anyone mentions him.

No, what they must do is remain neutral and allow all ideas - you want to censor information that offends your beliefs - you're no different than the Taliban.
The idea of “forcing” one to become a particular religion isn’t the issue here, idiot. I know you morons love to believe that kind of shit because you believe in the indoctrination crap if a rainbow flag is displayed.

It’s not about censorship, either, bitch. I’m all for you carrying the 10 Commandments up your ass, if you wish. A paid for and legally mandated display of ANY religious doctrine is ACTIVE, not passive.

Fucking moron.
Would you still object to it just being posted in the lobby? Every classroom is a bit much.
You dismiss another's opinion as trolling because it doesn't fit your narrative. Interesting conception.
No one is preaching in the classroom. No one is forcing anyone to look or read it.
It should be left up to the school board. Hence, the people who live there.
No, because it violates the Constitution, a decision made by SCOTUS 44 years ago. And consistent with other SCOTUS decisions. NOT in a public classroom.
Where does it say, schools "must" remain secular?
One more time, bitch. The Establishment Clause means that a particular religion, ANY religion, cannot be promoted in government institutions. Now, I can’t help you if you don’t know what the fuck secular means.
One more time, bitch. The Establishment Clause means that a particular religion, ANY religion, cannot be promoted in government institutions. Now, I can’t help you if you don’t know what the fuck secular means.
No one can help Yakuda. I imagine his teachers passing him just to get rid of the guy.
Biden has already trashed the Constitution - particularly checks and balances, notice how he defies the court on vote buying student loan forgiveness and usurps legislative powers to create amnesty for millions of illegals?

Trump will restore the Constitution, and particularly the Bill of Rights - which OUTRAGES you Stalinists.

In November - Joe Biden will win, or the United States Constitution will survive; one or the other.

You guys are positively delusional. I hope for the sake of our country you guys get past this fever dream.

Vote for your felon.
The idea of “forcing” one to become a particular religion isn’t the issue here, idiot.

No one was "forced" to do anything, retard.

I know you morons love to believe that kind of shit because you believe in the indoctrination crap if a rainbow flag is displayed.

I know you retards love to believe that a kid walking past the 10 Commandments will have NO CHOICE but fall on their knees and accept Jesus by the mere presence of the document.

It’s not about censorship, either, bitch.

That's all it is, cunt. You hate competing religions and use the power of the state to infringe the free exercise.

I’m all for you carrying the 10 Commandments up your ass, if you wish. A paid for and legally mandated display of ANY religious doctrine is ACTIVE, not passive.

Fucking moron.

You Taliban types sure come unglued when you are called out.

A passive display compels no action, shit for brains.
Perversion of the establishment clause has become passe. Remember, "NOR PROHIBIT THE FREE EXERCISE" is a key element. Passive displays of religious ideas is not the establishment of a "Church of the United States." What you demand is censorship of religion, which in fact violated the establishment clause. The Church of England outlawed all other churches - as you seek to do here.

It was created by an activist court in 1966.

You of the left will rarely acknowledge the founding fathers, but on the rare occasion you admit that someone other than Karl Marx formed our nation it is generally to trot out the Danbury letter by Jefferson, which is part of Marxist talking points.

BUT few of the left have actually read it and don't realize that in addition to speaking of a "Wall of Separation" Jefferson also said; {But it does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.}

The government is not to enforce any particular religion - NOR is it to prohibit religion as you demand.

We libertarians take the approach of do what you will as long as it doesn't cause physical or financial harm to others. You Marxists really couldn't understand.
Makes sense, Western Civilization is based on Judeo-Christian ideals. But then you Marxists aren't fans of Western Civilization - which is the real issue here.

Nonsense, you're melting down because schools in one state are passively displaying ideals from a religion (Judaism) that you oppose.

When I was in high school, the drama teacher had a whole list of sayings from the Tao. Yet it didn't force the Jewish or Christian kids to become Taoists. I actually like much of what old Lao Tzu had to say.

But then this goes far beyond basic ideals - you are at war with the Christian god and become enraged if anyone mentions him.

No, what they must do is remain neutral and allow all ideas - you want to censor information that offends your beliefs - you're no different than the Taliban.
It's unconstitutional
Perversion of the establishment clause has become passe. Remember, "NOR PROHIBIT THE FREE EXERCISE" is a key element. Passive displays of religious ideas is not the establishment of a "Church of the United States." What you demand is censorship of religion, which in fact violated the establishment clause. The Church of England outlawed all other churches - as you seek to do here.

Nope. Theorcrats like yourself confuse freedom of religion and establishment. I do not favor any censorship of religion when that religious expression comes from non-governmental sources. Passive displays do not establish religion, but when mandated by the government they violate the principle of neutrality that government shall not do anything to help or hinder religion. Requiring the Ten Commandments violates the constitutional prohibition that government policy must have a "secular purpose." What is secular about a policy requiring the display of religious material?

It was created by an activist court in 1966.

You of the left will rarely acknowledge the founding fathers, but on the rare occasion you admit that someone other than Karl Marx formed our nation it is generally to trot out the Danbury letter by Jefferson, which is part of Marxist talking points.

BUT few of the left have actually read it and don't realize that in addition to speaking of a "Wall of Separation" Jefferson also said; {But it does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.}

The government is not to enforce any particular religion - NOR is it to prohibit religion as you demand.

We libertarians take the approach of do what you will as long as it doesn't cause physical or financial harm to others. You Marxists really couldn't understand.
The Founders took an even stricter view of the establishment clause. Madison, who wrote the 1st amendment and some other founders opposed chaplains in the armed forces, House, or Senate.

Government is not prohibiting religion when it does not post the 10 Commandments in public places. The public is still free to say or do anything to express their religion, but government cannot mandate that behavior. Students can post a copy of the Commandments on their personal material, gather around to pray before school or lunch, or choose to include a prayer as part of their graduation ceremony, but government may not require it.
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No one was "forced" to do anything, retard.

I know you retards love to believe that a kid walking past the 10 Commandments will have NO CHOICE but fall on their knees and accept Jesus by the mere presence of the document.

That's all it is, cunt. You hate competing religions and use the power of the state to infringe the free exercise.

You Taliban types sure come unglued when you are called out.

A passive display compels no action, shit for brains.
The action, bitch, is paying for and requiring display. If you don’t define that as forcing, then you are more stupid than you portray yourself. If that’s fucking possible.
No, because it violates the Constitution, a decision made by SCOTUS 44 years ago. And consistent with other SCOTUS decisions. NOT in a public classroom.
Again. No one is forcing anything on anyone. Why do you fucktards hate anyone/anything Christian? Why would a plaque containing the 10 Commandments offend you?
Why aren't you offended by wasting $billions on illegals in our classrooms?
Again. No one is forcing anything on anyone. Why do you fucktards hate anyone/anything Christian? Why would a plaque containing the 10 Commandments offend you?
Why aren't you offended by wasting $billions on illegals in our classrooms?
Ten Commandments are tenets of the Christian religion.
The action, bitch, is paying for and requiring display. If you don’t define that as forcing, then you are more stupid than you portray yourself. If that’s fucking possible.
You pay for illegals in our classes and you whine about a plaque. Stupid evil bitch you are...