
We can do an odd number if you want.

Not sure what you mean about the Seer. Is the Seer the equivalent of a Power Role, or is the Seer a Doctor? I'm very familiar with, and not at all about Werewolf. Have you use modified PRs, too?

Seer = Detective
Angel = Doctor
Wait a minute. If alternate accounts are allowed here, how would that affect Werewolf/Mafia???

For the love of God, that's what your sign-ups are for, and no one is going to be allowed to play if we don't know who they are. We will tell you if an obvious troll tries to sign-up for you game.

That makes sense.

Is it alright if I start Signups today? I'd leave Signups open for a few days. Hoping to get 13-15+ players.
we've used seers (cops/detectives) angels (doctors) vigilantes, watchers (a villager who selects someone at night to watch, and they will see if anyone performed any actions on that person) and that's about it.

We don't like overloading our games with powerroles though, mostly because we usually can't get more than 13ish to play, and you dont want to have an unbalanced game or a game that is basically decided on d1. Personally I am a big advocate of vanilla games. (3 wolves, 1 seer, 9 reg villagers)
That makes sense.

Is it alright if I start Signups today? I'd leave Signups open for a few days. Hoping to get 13-15+ players.

You'll be lucky, I doubt that any Werewolf games have had that many participants in the past. Maybe 13 but certainly not more.
We ALWAYS skimp on PRs. The fun is in having a lot of VTs. If we have 10-12 players we use a Doctor, a Cop, and a Jailkeeper. If we hit the 16+ mark, we throw in a Tracker.

I've considered straight-up Vanilla games for the lulz.
Other Werewolf roles we have kicked around

Vigilante - Villager who can fire a shot at anyone else in the middle of the day (i.e. SHOOT GRIND)
Masons - Two villagers who know each other's ID, and can privately communicate as the Wolves do

Seer Wolf - Can peek at the actions of villagers in hope of finding a special role such as Angel, Vigilante, Seer
Roleblocker Wolf - Can block a villager from potentially utilizing their role ability during the Night phase
also we modkill inactives because there it's the only way to make sure people don't sign up and then slack off. voting every day is mandatory. or you're out.
Wake, please learn the Werewolf equivilents of all the Mafia roles and then proceed to NEVER use the Mafia terms on this site EVER AGAIN.

We are a Werewolf Site!!

Wake, please learn the Werewolf equivilents of all the Mafia roles and then proceed to NEVER use the Mafia terms on this site EVER AGAIN.

We are a Werewolf Site!!


Are you kidding? ;-)

On DP all of our games were solely Mafia. Hell if anyone knew what a werewolf was.
Werewolf it is, then. If a Mafia game were to be run, would that result in a banning? If so, then I guess we won't play any Mafia.
I moderated Round II, and ballooned the roster of players to a still record high. It made the game a bit unstable, and it is only memorable because of Mott's epic Seer screwjob.