
"democratic capitalism" is just another word for socialism, an attempt to manipulate people.

“democratic capitalism is just another word for socialism,” so, given the US is a Democratic nation (and please spare us the idiotic semantic argument over republic/democracy), and partially socialist, I guess that means we are now a socialism nation, does Jamie Dimon and Bryon Moynihan know this
That's only part of it, and the sermon has nothing to do with capitalism or socialism.
The US economy is based on for-profit war. No capitalist would say "Blessed are the peacemakers".

Phil Donahue had the highest rated show on msnbc but they fired Phil for opposing the war in Iraq.
“democratic capitalism is just another word for socialism,”

so, given the US is a Democratic nation (and please spare us the idiotic semantic argument over republic/democracy),
Nope. The USA was a republic.

and partially socialist, I guess that means we are now a socialism nation, does Jamie Dimon and Bryon Moynihan know this
Yes, socialism exists within the former USA. So does capitalism.
No it isn't.

Sure they would. It's rather hard for them to conduct business in a warzone (e.g. Seattle).

Yes, Dems were in favor of cancel culture even in the early 2000s.
Name the last US war of necessity.

Nope. The USA was a republic.

Yes, socialism exists within the former USA. So does capitalism.

Ah, that is your line, not mine, I wouldn't make such an idiotic statement

Appears you didn't comprehend the "please spare us the idiotic semantic argument over republic/democracy

Did and does, actually can be dated back to the 19th Century, if not earlier
All the tech companies are laying off.
Not all of them, but anyway, once a company lays off employees, how does the company somehow have any power over those employees?

The workers have a $3200 mortgage,
You believe that the company used its "power" to somehow impose a mortgage onto the employees? Absurd!

You and the politicians are anti-worker and pro-welfare.
Nope. I'll determine what my position is, thank you. If you want to know my position, ask. Otherwise, don't assign bogus positions to me.

The topic of discussion is your absurd claim that employers somehow have all the power. You must support this claim by showing that employees were somehow forced to accept working conditions they never wanted and we're somehow barred from quitting whenever they wished.
Not all of them, but anyway, once a company lays off employees, how does the company somehow have any power over those employees?

You believe that the company used its "power" to somehow impose a mortgage onto the employees? Absurd!

Nope. I'll determine what my position is, thank you. If you want to know my position, ask. Otherwise, don't assign bogus positions to me.

The topic of discussion is your absurd claim that employers somehow have all the power. You must support this claim by showing that employees were somehow forced to accept working conditions they never wanted and we're somehow barred from quitting whenever they wished.
You don't get to decide how others perceive you. Claiming workers have all the power is an insult to all those who lost their job due to lockdowns and mandatory jabs. Even worse is your claim that it's the laid off workers fault for buying a house close to work. They can't pack up and leave because you said so. They're at the mercy of their employer to call them back to work before they're forced into a short sale.

It's obvious you know nothing about the despair of 21st century workers. We've been in the greater depression since 2007, and things are about to get a lot worse. There's a good chance your welfare check will end before this is over.
Appears you didn't comprehend the "please spare us the idiotic semantic argument over republic/democracy
Nope. It would appear that he recognizes that you are not his boss and that you don't get to control the conversation.

It would also appear that you are a moron who doesn't understand the semantic chasm between a republic and a democracy. Are you claiming to be an adult who somehow never learned the dramatic difference between the two?

You realize that your comments on this matter should be summarily ignored until you learn at least the fundamentals.
You don't get to decide how othersClaiming workers have all the power is an insult to all those who lost their job due to lockdowns and mandatory jabs. Even worse is your claim that it's the laid off workers fault for buying a house close to work. They can't pack up and leave because you said so. They're at the mercy of their employer to call them back to work before they're forced into a short sale.

It's obvious you know nothing about the despair of 21st century workers. We've been in the greater depression since 2007, and things are about to get a lot worse. There's a good chance your welfare check will end before this is over.
I see why you idolize Marx. He resonates with you. All you know how to do is to bitch and whine and moan and gripe and cry like a toddler throwing a tantrum.

Stay focused on the fucking point. You made the stupid assertion that employers somehow have all the power, because you are a totally uneducated moron. You were asked to support your ludicrous statement and naturally you took that as a request to bitch and whine and moan and gripe and cry some more.

So now that you have done nothing to support your point, did you have any other little nuggets of pure genius at which we can all have a good laugh?

... or, if you change your mind and would like to support your point, show that employees are somehow forced to accept working conditions they never wanted and are somehow barred from quitting whenever they wish.
Marx was not an economist. He hated economics and created an anti-economics religion: Marxism. I see that you are a preacher of this religion, which means that you suck at economics (a hard, fast requirement of the religion).

Das Kapital is more of a "Satanic Bible" (economics-wise) than it is any sort of economics textbook. The volumes have nothing to do with economics. I presume you either haven't read them, or you really have no idea what economics is and conflate it with a passionate hatred for economics.


Das Kapital is nothing more than bitching and moaning and whining and griping and complaining ... and NEVER addresses economics.

Stupid, uneducated comment. Economics never goes bankrupt. Economics never needs any sort of bailout. Go to school and learn something.

Das Kapital is more of a "Satanic Bible"

So much for any intelligent discussion on Marx
Marx had 4 stages of capitalism. What we call late-stage capitalism today, Marx called it state capitalism by predicting capitalists would own the state (state meaning government). That's exactly where we are right now and have been for quite some time.

Over 1000 derailments a year proves that capitalists profits are more important than the lives of we the people. These CEOs are psychopaths. It may take a decade or 2 before the people of East Palestine, OH start dying of cancer, but past manmade disasters show it's inevitable.

Amtrak has a lot of derailments and injuries. Is that because Amtrak puts revenue over the lives of passengers?
I see why you idolize Marx. He resonates with you. All you know how to do is to bitch and whine and moan and gripe and cry like a toddler throwing a tantrum.

Stay focused on the fucking point. You made the stupid assertion that employers somehow have all the power, because you are a totally uneducated moron. You were asked to support your ludicrous statement and naturally you took that as a request to bitch and whine and moan and gripe and cry some more.

So now that you have done nothing to support your point, did you have any other little nuggets of pure genius at which we can all have a good laugh?

... or, if you change your mind and would like to support your point, show that employees are somehow forced to accept working conditions they never wanted and are somehow barred from quitting whenever they wish.
Capitalism goes bankrupt and needs a bailout on average of every 7 years.

6 bankruptcies and bailouts in 37 years.

The S&L bailout of 1986
Black Monday of 1987
Dotcom scam of 1995
Subprime scam of 2007
Covid bailout of 2020
The upcoming bankruptcy of 2023

You do the math.

May Bankrupt Anonymously

Those failures happened after the Diploma Dumbos took over. In the prosperous 1950s, only one-third of the CEOs had gone to college (The Organization Man, hidden in a footnote). Class-biased indentured-servitude college education and its sponsor, hereditary dominance, contradict the vitality of Capitalism. Marx was both an academic and a spoiled, sheltered richkid, so he is used by both sides because he is as irrelevant as they are.


Typically, an "economist" would have a masters in economics, 4 years as an undergrad, 2 years of graduate studies, but this depends on the school.

Berkley, for instance offers a Ph.D. in economics, but this is a 6 year program that jumps from the baccalaureate level to the doctoral level - effectively the same level of study that NY Mellon requires for a Masters in economics. Both are 6 years of study.

Most "economists" either teach, work for the government, or very large financial institutions.

What do you consider the most influential book on economics that you've read?

Oinkonomics: Where the Little Piggies Go to Market

Economics is the astrology of the social sciences, because it is based on charts. Or perhaps the alchemy, because it is missing some basic truths about productivity and is based on myths.
Ever hear of the Forty-Eighters? They played a part in getting Lincoln elected. Most modern socialists are bought off.
Pundits Purposely Making the False Connections Ordered by Those Who Hired Them

The European revolts of 1848 had the opposite effect. They scared the sweat-shopping Northern ruling class into believing the same thing would happen here, this time successfully. So they came up with the Civil War scheme of killing off or taking the fight out of the bravest sons of the White working class and also replacing them with well-tamed and grateful scab-labor Africans coming North after Emancipation.
This is the first time I've seen 1848 Europe connected to 1860s America, so, in anticipation of the truth getting out, the misleaders are practicing preemptive perversion so Americans don't realize what the 1860s war and the 1960s Civil Rights movement were all about.