Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan –

I figure you'll end up in the newspapers after murdering a bunch of innocent Americans. I hope SWAT doesn't kill you. It'd be better if they shot you through the spine and you ended up in a wheelchair shitting in a bag with a life sentence.

You are pretty full of yourself. I could give one fuck about what you think. You are part of the problem.
Coldjoint hasn't posted here since last December and, at this point, has posted 54 posts today. Either he just got banned from TPF or he just got out of prison.

What he and everyone like him is too fucking moronic to understand is that he's actually claiming the Democrats are smarter than Trump and the entire Republican Party to pull the wool over the eyes of over 74M Trumpian morons.

Well, hopefully he disappears again real quick. We have enough deranged and septic individuals already on JPP.
You are pretty full of yourself. I could give one fuck about what you think.

You are part of the problem.
That's clearly a lie and you are clearly a fucking moron. So were you banned from another forum or did you get out of jail? Why were you gone for 8 months and then posted over 60 posts your first day back?

If I'm part of the problem, am I one of those you want to murder?