McCain ad

What harm does society have an interest in regulating BEYOND that of harm to the existing environment? Making sure they don't poison us, or pollute our water or create products that harm. We have NO BUSINESS interfering with their profits. We have NO BUSINESS interfering in their pay inequities. If people who work there don't like what they are getting paid, and so long as it fits within minimum wage laws, then fuck eveyone that thinks the CEO makes to much money. It isn't anyones money but the corporation and its shareholders and if they are satisfied with paying him or her that then no one else should care. You keep saying "regulating the harm that the pursuit of that profit". So long as no one is getting cheated or stolen from poison polluted or harmed by the product, there is NO HARMFUL profits. That is just socialistic code for bad capitalists. And if one capitalist is bad for making do much more money than the little people then they all are, athletes, movie stars and CEO's and if you are too idiotic to see that then perhaps you should remove your blinders and take a look at your hypocracy as well.
What harm does society have an interest in regulating BEYOND that of harm to the existing environment? Making sure they don't poison us, or pollute our water or create products that harm. We have NO BUSINESS interfering with their profits. We have NO BUSINESS interfering in their pay inequities. If people who work there don't like what they are getting paid, and so long as it fits within minimum wage laws, then fuck eveyone that thinks the CEO makes to much money. It isn't anyones money but the corporation and its shareholders and if they are satisfied with paying him or her that then no one else should care. You keep saying "regulating the harm that the pursuit of that profit". So long as no one is getting cheated or stolen from poison polluted or harmed by the product, there is NO HARMFUL profits. That is just socialistic code for bad capitalists. And if one capitalist is bad for making do much more money than the little people then they all are, athletes, movie stars and CEO's and if you are too idiotic to see that then perhaps you should remove your blinders and take a look at your hypocracy as well.

What harm does society have an interest in regulating BEYOND that of harm to the existing environment? Making sure they don't poison us, or pollute our water or create products that harm. We have NO BUSINESS interfering with their profits. We have NO BUSINESS interfering in their pay inequities. If people who work there don't like what they are getting paid, and so long as it fits within minimum wage laws, then fuck eveyone that thinks the CEO makes to much money. It isn't anyones money but the corporation and its shareholders and if they are satisfied with paying him or her that then no one else should care. You keep saying "regulating the harm that the pursuit of that profit". So long as no one is getting cheated or stolen from poison polluted or harmed by the product, there is NO HARMFUL profits. That is just socialistic code for bad capitalists. And if one capitalist is bad for making do much more money than the little people then they all are, athletes, movie stars and CEO's and if you are too idiotic to see that then perhaps you should remove your blinders and take a look at your hypocracy as well.

I am unaware of anyone stating that the government should regulate CEO salaries? Are you bloviating against a strawman again? What do you get out of doing that?
We absolutely do have an interest in regulating against certain ways of obtaining these profits, which would include but not be limited to; price gouging, war profiteering, collusion.

You seem to have looked around this country and decided that “the left” is the problem. You’re full of shit on that, but you are in a very tiny minority, we have an election that is going to take care of this bullshit, and I have already wasted too much time on an argument shared by, exactly 2% of the country. Because my friends, even the vast majority of McCain voters will be voting for him because they believe that he is going to keep them safe, or because they are racist, or because they are radically anti-choice. Even out of McCain voters, you will not find many who will swallow the horsehit you and SF are peddling.

Again, enjoy it. You earned it.
lol quoted for FUCKING TRUTH.

And this goes out to the hacks on BOTH sides.

This seems to ignore the part of my post which stated “you didn’t hear it from me”. I made a two sentence post, and two of you have already demonstrated you could not comprehend both sentences.

Interesting. But irrelevant. You’re out. Enjoy it.
This seems to ignore the part of my post which stated “you didn’t hear it from me”. I made a two sentence post, and two of you have already demonstrated you could not comprehend both sentences.

Interesting. But irrelevant. You’re out. Enjoy it.

I quoted SF's response to DESH and you assumed it was about you?

You've got quite a complex girl.
Are you fucking stupid or deaf?

Many have been clamoring for that since ENRON.

No one on this thread has, and Soc has been directly addressing me about what he perceives my personal beliefs to be. That is not one of them
So who the fuck are you calling stupid, you dumb motherfucker who adds shit to this board other than “I fucked your granddaughter up the ass” and “hahhaha, that goes for both parties!” Fuck you asshole.
Enron was a result of a tax code that is so complex that Enron was able to cook their books (with the help of their auditors) to an extent that no one could tell without a comprehensive look into their books (which is what the auditors are supposed to protect shareholders from).

The Deregulation (or elimination of Glass Steagall) was begun under the first Bush (with a Dem Congress) continued by Clinton (with first a Dem Congress and then a Rep one) and finished by Bush II (with a Rep Congress). For the final friggin time... this was the result of BOTH parties trying to engineer "more home ownership" for those who would not have previously qualified to own a home.

We have not had a good energy policy in the past 40 years. That again is not a result of either conservative or liberal policies but rather it is the result of too many idiots in BOTH parties in DC.

Note.... to all those who are currently bitching about oil/food speculators.... why did you not bitch when the speculators kept prices artificially low? (yes, this is a rhetorical question)

true as far as it goes, but you cannot tell the complete story without looking like a fool.

and I don't have the time to waste on you.
Ah, so you are saying you would prefer I not quote him?

It would not matter if you did... she would simply say....

"I did not read your post to see if you addressed my concerns, I rather just decided to pretend you didn't so that I can continue to bitch at you."
And I am also voting for Obama, but for other reasons. Price gouging, war profiteering are against the law. No bid contracts suck Haliburton is scum for the way they have made money off the war and screwed the soldier in the process, but they are an exception. YOu were the one talking about CEO salaries. And you presume to lecture me about ranting about shit that you can't change and that doesn't matter? Absent illegal activity, harm to us or our enviroment, profit is none of your business. If obtained legally, then you have no business complaining, and if you want to complain, join the ranks of the investors and get involved in the way your companies run their businesses. Otherwise, once again you are pissing into the wind. I know there are Enrons and Haliburtons our there, but they are the exception and not the rule. And if they make HUGE profits in the course of legally run businesses then good on em. I never said the left is the down fall of america. Loons on the left and the right are BOTH responsible for the idiocy at the base of their parties. I think someone, anyone should abandon them both and run a government from the center, pragmatically, with as little interference as possible. Stay out of Bedrooms, wombs,and board rooms. Minimum wage and safe working environments are about as far as I am willing to see the government go. It should cut taxes and it should cut spending. Across the board. That will never happen but if it did, the party that did it would reign for a thousand years.
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true as far as it goes, but you cannot tell the complete story without looking like a fool.

and I don't have the time to waste on you.

Oh, so we have yet another leftie who is going to give me the bullshit line of..."I know so much more and could elaborate, but will not. I will instead pretend that you are so wrong without offering even a shread of evidence to back that up"

Gotcha.... that is expected from you.
So who the fuck are you calling stupid, you dumb motherfucker who adds shit to this board other than “I fucked your granddaughter up the ass” and “hahhaha, that goes for both parties!” Fuck you asshole.

In my defense, that was a great thread.

Much more interesting than the normal BUSH SUCKS! ZOMG YES HE DOES! WELL HE DID SOME GOOD! ZOMG NO HE DIDNT! UR RIGHT HE SUX! kind of thread.

BB decided to make me mad by posting personal information, and I decided to employ my considerable skills at infuriating people to great effect.

The way I saw it: Posting personal info is against the rules and talking about children is against the rules. He broke the former, so I broke the latter. When it was changed I took down the posts about his granddaughter.

I offered him a chance to just remove it himself before I did anything, and he decided against it. He didn't know that I can make anyone devolve into tears or fury with great ease if I so desire.
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