Michael Steele becomes first black RNC chairman

I support the right of any woman, black, white, or burgundy, to decide if they are mentally, physically, financially, or emotionally prepared to birth a child.
Birthing a child, although takes physical and emotional effort, is not the same as raising it, and until there are no couples willing to adopt and accept financial and long term emotional responsibility, the gal should learn to simply abstain from sex instead of killing her own child.
Birthing a child, although takes physical and emotional effort, is not the same as raising it, and until there are no couples willing to adopt and accept financial and long term emotional responsibility, the gal should learn to simply abstain from sex instead of killing her own child.

Given that you take no responsibility for the "gal" raising her own child, I think it a far better option to simply ignore whay someone who takes no responsibility has to say about what any "gal" does with her body .. and ignoring you works.

Roe v Wade will never be overturned and republicans didn't make a dent in it even after almost complete control of government.

My position is simple .. who cares what you think about abortion.
I find it funny that the Republicans elected a man to lead their party that tried to win office by misrepresenting that he was a Democrat and went so far as to distribute "Steele Democrat" bumper stickers and mailers and pamphlets (handed out by homeless folks bussed in from Philadelphia) that provided sample ballots indicating that Steele was a Democrat.


Here's the "Democratic Sample Ballot." Note the left hand column:


And the article:

I find it funny that the Republicans elected a man to lead their party that tried to win office by misrepresenting that he was a Democrat and went so far as to distribute "Steele Democrat" bumper stickers and mailers and pamphlets (handed out by homeless folks bussed in from Philadelphia) that provided sample ballots indicating that Steele was a Democrat.


Here's the "Democratic Sample Ballot." Note the left hand column:


And the article:


Desperation elected Steele as RNC Chair.
Given that you take no responsibility for the "gal" raising her own child, I think it a far better option to simply ignore whay someone who takes no responsibility has to say about what any "gal" does with her body .. and ignoring you works.

Roe v Wade will never be overturned and republicans didn't make a dent in it even after almost complete control of government.

My position is simple .. who cares what you think about abortion.

I love this thread.
I find it funny that the Republicans elected a man to lead their party that tried to win office by misrepresenting that he was a Democrat and went so far as to distribute "Steele Democrat" bumper stickers and mailers and pamphlets (handed out by homeless folks bussed in from Philadelphia) that provided sample ballots indicating that Steele was a Democrat.


Here's the "Democratic Sample Ballot." Note the left hand column:


And the article:


Holy shit, I can't believe that.
Yet you support the organization created by that fear. How ironic. :)

Sanger had some disturbing views and beliefs. But they were mainly typical of many people's beliefs during that period of time.

Birth control has been lauded as one of the greatest liberators of women. Allowing her to choose when, indeed if, she got pregnant was a major breakthrough.

That the found of Planned Parenthood had racist beliefs in the 20s & 30s is not surprising. That sort of ignorance was widespread.

But the use of birthcontrol to prevent pregnancies in poverty stricken areas and putting the control in the hands of women is a huge boon for all people. And especially for minorities.

What Planned Parenthood has done FOR minorities has far outweighed the unfortunate beginnings of the organization.
I like Steele, seems like a good guy, so far. hopefully, this will get the Republicans back on the right track and not the one they have been on for the last 30 years!
Sanger had some disturbing views and beliefs. But they were mainly typical of many people's beliefs during that period of time.

Birth control has been lauded as one of the greatest liberators of women. Allowing her to choose when, indeed if, she got pregnant was a major breakthrough.

That the found of Planned Parenthood had racist beliefs in the 20s & 30s is not surprising. That sort of ignorance was widespread.

But the use of birthcontrol to prevent pregnancies in poverty stricken areas and putting the control in the hands of women is a huge boon for all people. And especially for minorities.

What Planned Parenthood has done FOR minorities has far outweighed the unfortunate beginnings of the organization.

At one time, Planned Parenthood was not even pro-choice.

It's beyond stupid to go back 50 years and more and judge and organization today, based on then. If we were to apply modern standards to our Founders, what would we teach about them?
Given that you take no responsibility for the "gal" raising her own child...
Actually, I make contributions to my Catholic church that supports an organization to support these gals in need, as well as find their unwanted children loving families that can support them. :)
Sanger had some disturbing views and beliefs. But they were mainly typical of many people's beliefs during that period of time.

Birth control has been lauded as one of the greatest liberators of women. Allowing her to choose when, indeed if, she got pregnant was a major breakthrough.

That the found of Planned Parenthood had racist beliefs in the 20s & 30s is not surprising. That sort of ignorance was widespread.

But the use of birthcontrol to prevent pregnancies in poverty stricken areas and putting the control in the hands of women is a huge boon for all people. And especially for minorities.

What Planned Parenthood has done FOR minorities has far outweighed the unfortunate beginnings of the organization.

Argumentum ad numerum

The fate of the target race- blacks- in America during this time period has been of steadily increased incidences of single parent households and the poverty that goes with that. Again, Sanger was wildly successful with her intended goal.
Actually, I make contributions to my Catholic church that supports an organization to support these gals in need, as well as find their unwanted children loving families that can support them. :)

The Catholic Church has it hands full paying off children who have been sexually molested by their own priests.

Your small contributions to your church is a far cry from taking any responsibility for unwanted children.That's just the bullshit placebo you tell yourself to make yourself believe that you matter.

You don't.

Women, or in neanderthal language, "gals", are not your property. You hold no authority over them. They don't need you.
The Catholic Church has it hands full paying off children who have been sexually molested by their own priests.

Your small contributions to your church is a far cry from taking any responsibility for unwanted children.That's just the bullshit placebo you tell yourself to make yourself believe that you matter.

You don't.

Women, or in neanderthal language, "gals", are not your property. You hold no authority over them. They don't need you.

And no woman owns anyone else besides herself, either (except perhaps her husband or boyfriend...).
She owns HER body, you don't .. which is the point.

BAC, if the hardcore fundamentlists somehow agree that a woman owns her own body, they would have to relinquish their control over her.

Can't have that. Next thing you know they would want to vote, go outside without a veil, drive, go to college........
