Minimum Income

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Well... After you see my son, you can tell him to his face that he's fat and incompetent... You can do that right after you tell me to my face that I'm a coward. And as I have said all along... We have a very unique opportunity here... I live in Mexico and don't get back to the states much at all. It has to be a special occasion to bring me back. This coming August, I am coming home for the wedding of my oldest son. Then, my other son and I will get to spend a few days together, just the two of us, driving from Maine to NYC. Since Boston was right on the way from Point A to Point B, I thought that we might be able to stop there on the way and see you. Clearly, my primary reason for the trip is to see my children and spend time with them... If my having my son along frightens you, and you want to call this lunch meeting off, just say so. God knows, there are plenty of better places to have lunch in Boston. I don't know why the fact that I am traveling with my son should intimidate you like it apparently does... Your having a videographer certainly doesn't intimidate me in the least. So... 8/5/13...1300...Jacob Wirth's... 31 Stuart St., Boston. We'll meet up, you can call me a coward to my face and you can call my son fat and incompetent to HIS face, we'll hash that out, have lunch, and go our separate ways.
Go for it.
Lets make a guess, traffic was bad, you got delayed at the airport.
Fat boy don't intimidate me.
Government stats say he is obese.
Are you arguing with your governments facts?
OBAMAS rules say your son is obese.

Reality says you are a coward.
I will be at jakes, unless you prefer another location, given your whining.
Lets change to Menton shall we?
great! Then we don't have to actually interact with DY at all, other than to wave at him on the rooftop across the street. Then it can be just the four of us.
With me and my four friends that makes 9. Since you invited us all, are you buying?
There won't be any delays. We can easily make it to Jake's by 1pm. We'll see you there. We'll have lunch, a few beers, and LOTS of laughs.
My kids visit me in Mexico at least once a year. They all prefer to have those visits coincide with major holidays, and with seasons where the weather there is appreciably less enjoyable than it is here. Father's day is not one of those major holidays and June in New England is every bit as lovely as it is here.

I am REALLY getting excited for you to call my son obese... It's gonna be an absolute laugh riot!

So they can't stand your presence more than once a year?

My son visits 5 times a year, meets me on every trip I make to the UK, my daughter visits 2 or 3 times a year and meets me each time I'm in the UK.
When I head to Lusaka my son is always there.
My daughter would visit more often but I don't allow her husband into my homes.

You see, unlike you, I'm a good father whose kids enjoy my company.

Your kids fucking hate you.
The fat one particularly.
absolutely not. You just stand over there on the rooftop with your giant pals.

Oh come on, be nice. We're all nice Irish boys, love to drink and have a little fun with the dough boys once in a while. Buy the first round. A nice, warm, August afternoon in Boston. We'll have some laughs.
I hate to be the voice of sanity here; it may get me kicked off the forums...

but whether your kids visit you on an arbitrary holiday is unrelated to your parenting skills.

Quite frankly, I'm beginning to think 007's kids are as imaginary as his view of an America with no poverty (just to bring back on topic somewhat). Given that we sent him links documenting tent cities and poverty, and he just continues to declare that poverty doesn't exist, I'm wondering if he just dreamed up his kids. After all, he can't be more than what - 21? 22? with those kinds of posts?

007- you can have your own interpretation; you don't get to have your own facts, ok?
I hate to be the voice of sanity here; it may get me kicked off the forums...

but whether your kids visit you on an arbitrary holiday is unrelated to your parenting skills.

Quite frankly, I'm beginning to think 007's kids are as imaginary as his view of an America with no poverty (just to bring back on topic somewhat). Given that we sent him links documenting tent cities and poverty, and he just continues to declare that poverty doesn't exist, I'm wondering if he just dreamed up his kids. After all, he can't be more than what - 21? 22? with those kinds of posts?

007- you can have your own interpretation; you don't get to have your own facts, ok?
Two kids in the USA.
17 months old and 1 month old.
I have proven this already.
I think one of the ways to measure parenting skills is to ascertain how well you train your children to evaluate and chose suitable mates for their life's journey. I adore all my kids and think that they all have chosen life partners who are equally delightful. 007, on the the other hand, will not let his daughter's husband inside his house. She obviously picked well, eh?


Oh... From this morning's NYT:
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