more 'woke' bullshit

I guess I am old, because I thought Instagram was not a dating app. I am not on Instagram, so I do not know for sure. I do know some Instagram models have millions of followers. Are they dating all of them? When I think of it like that, it starts seeming like a sick fantasy you have. Do you also think actresses in movies are just using the movies to try to date you?

But back to the point: if an Instagram model wants to block you, she should have every right to do that. You have freedom of speech, but not right to force women to listen to you. A nightclub has the right to refuse service to anyone they want for "petty" reasons like, they are not dressed stylishly, or they stare at women with a constant predatory gaze. Especially places that serve alcohol are given a wide latitude to pick their own patrons.

yes, you are a sick totalitarian freak who cares nothing for other humans.
It has been a untold rule for years. This is nothing new. They would just kindly ask they guy to tone it down or at least man the fuck up and talk to the lady.

you avoided the basically sets up an atmosphere that allows only the top tier men, based on the womens opinion, to stay in a nightclub........just more feminist double standards
you avoided the basically sets up an atmosphere that allows only the top tier men, based on the womens opinion, to stay in a nightclub........just more feminist double standards

these two are simps. they would throw other dudes under the bus just a for a CHANCE at a WHIFF.
I bet you condone law enforcement staring at people, just to look for suspicious or illegal conduct though, right?????? :palm:

I bet you stare at people with your hand on your dick holster! :laugh:

Be careful- This man actually shot his dick off!

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