more 'woke' bullshit

so you could not serve blacks too and that would be fine?

That is where it gets dicey. You can ban Blacks from your house, but there might be bans on banning Blacks from a nightclub. There also might not be. A private club can often even ban Blacks. They will often keep it quiet, because it is questionable where exactly the line is. But Blacks cannot force their way into a Grand Wizard of the KKK's private house, and can probably not force the KKK to accept them as members.

What I can do as a bouncer is trespass anyone who does not conform to the rules set by the club, even silly rules. I have blocked entrance to people for not wearing shirts with collars, or not wearing pants with belt loops. I can also block people who give out a vibe the club does not want. I have literally had to kick people out for being bad dancers(I did not feel good about that one), and we try to let in the better looking people(unfair to ugly people).

What I did a lot was kick men out for making women feel uncomfortable. As a general rule, nightclubs want a good balance of men and women, and of the two, women are much harder to get into the club. We kick out a man, there are far more desperate to get in.

In general, we try to warn the man that the woman is not interested in him, and to just move on. If he is like you, he will start spouting he has a 1st Amendment right to continue to hit on her even after she said she was not interested. At that point we would point out that we have a legal right to trespass him for almost any reason we want.

I never saw the point in it all. Once a woman has made clear she is not interested, wouldn't it make more sense to move on and try to find another woman? A man's time is limited, and wasting both his and her time on something that will not happen is just that, a waste of time.
Nah. More women, more business. That's the point.

It is very difficult to keep a club going with a "rape vibe." While a club with lots of women will do great, whatever the rules you set on the men are. That is just the nature of the business.
That is where it gets dicey. You can ban Blacks from your house, but there might be bans on banning Blacks from a nightclub. There also might not be. A private club can often even ban Blacks. They will often keep it quiet, because it is questionable where exactly the line is. But Blacks cannot force their way into a Grand Wizard of the KKK's private house, and can probably not force the KKK to accept them as members.

What I can do as a bouncer is trespass anyone who does not conform to the rules set by the club, even silly rules. I have blocked entrance to people for not wearing shirts with collars, or not wearing pants with belt loops. I can also block people who give out a vibe the club does not want. I have literally had to kick people out for being bad dancers(I did not feel good about that one), and we try to let in the better looking people(unfair to ugly people).

What I did a lot was kick men out for making women feel uncomfortable. As a general rule, nightclubs want a good balance of men and women, and of the two, women are much harder to get into the club. We kick out a man, there are far more desperate to get in.

In general, we try to warn the man that the woman is not interested in him, and to just move on. If he is like you, he will start spouting he has a 1st Amendment right to continue to hit on her even after she said she was not interested. At that point we would point out that we have a legal right to trespass him for almost any reason we want.

I never saw the point in it all. Once a woman has made clear she is not interested, wouldn't it make more sense to move on and try to find another woman? A man's time is limited, and wasting both his and her time on something that will not happen is just that, a waste of time.

it's not dicey.

you shouldn't ban anyone, racist.
yes, you are a sick totalitarian freak who cares nothing for other humans.

I do not have Instagram. My wife once showed me an Instagram photo of Emily Ratajkowski(who apparently has a very successful Instagram account). In your fantasy, was Ratajkowski trying to date me, or was she trying to date my wife?

Honestly, your angry vibe when it comes to dating will not work well for you. The best way you avoid being a simp when it comes to women is not by threatening them, but rather by being willing to walk away from them. If one woman is not interested, find the next one. Gradually adjust your level to whatever women accept you. This is me caring about you, and your happiness.
I do not have Instagram. My wife once showed me an Instagram photo of Emily Ratajkowski(who apparently has a very successful Instagram account). In your fantasy, was Ratajkowski trying to date me, or was she trying to date my wife?

Honestly, your angry vibe when it comes to dating will not work well for you. The best way you avoid being a simp when it comes to women is not by threatening them, but rather by being willing to walk away from them. If one woman is not interested, find the next one. Gradually adjust your level to whatever women accept you. This is me caring about you, and your happiness.

since i'm married, i'm not on dating apps. In fact, I'm not on any social media. no IG, no FB, no tiktok or X.........nothing. unless you count here as social media. If I were in the market, I know my value......and I refuse to even entertain the bullshit that's out there that the modern women employ.
I do not have Instagram. My wife once showed me an Instagram photo of Emily Ratajkowski(who apparently has a very successful Instagram account). In your fantasy, was Ratajkowski trying to date me, or was she trying to date my wife?

Honestly, your angry vibe when it comes to dating will not work well for you. The best way you avoid being a simp when it comes to women is not by threatening them, but rather by being willing to walk away from them. If one woman is not interested, find the next one. Gradually adjust your level to whatever women accept you. This is me caring about you, and your happiness.

This is not about instagram. it's about you being a shit example of a human being.
I was a bouncer, 30+ years ago, and we threw people out for creepily staring, so it is not a new policy. We had a right to refuse service to anyone (for the most part), and could throw out anyone who was giving a creepy vibe. When running a nightclub, making women feel comfortable is one of the most important things (you want an even balance, and women are harder to get into the club).

Sorry, but incels are just terrible customers for so... so many reasons.

Incels - pretty much the ONLY thing the left has ever invented.....
you avoided the basically sets up an atmosphere that allows only the top tier men, based on the womens opinion, to stay in a nightclub........just more feminist double standards

There are nightclubs that only allow the beautiful people in. If you do not have looks, money, and style, you are not getting in. It is easier for women to get in, but we will not accept most women. I worked at clubs like that, and never really felt good about it all. That being said, it is their right to do that.

There are a lot of other nightclubs that as long as you follow the basic rules, and let everyone have a fun time, you can get in(especially on a less crowded night). I kicked many men out for making women feel uncomfortable, but I also kicked out a few women for doing the reverse. Women just tend to be more polite, and able to follow basic rules.

Whatever the nightclub standard, being angry is always a bad look. Not being able to follow basic rules of etiquette when reminded of them is also a bad look. Almost always bringing women with you is a good look. We do not like to admit it, but we are desperate to get women into the club (assuming it is not a gay bar).

I actually worked at a gay bar for a few nights. It was surprisingly just like working at a regular bar, except with a lot fewer women calming things down.
Staring is not only rude, but it also demonstrates how creepy, unscrupulous, or ignorant one can be for staring to begin with.

Staring is also used as an intimidating or threatening gesture for the nefarious and malevolent personalities!

Staring is basically a retarded thing to do- in any case! So consider the source!

True, but the same can be said for voting democrat....
illegal discrimination.

you are illegal.

I am saying this out of kindness. If you are drunk and shout angrily at a nightclub on a street that they are illegally discriminating against you, the police will arrest you... And everyone will laugh at you.
these two are simps. they would throw other dudes under the bus just a for a CHANCE at a WHIFF.

I would throw creeps out of bars for a paycheck. Dating patrons was frowned upon.

It is called capitalism.

I guess you could try to setup a nightclub that threw women out for not being receptive to your creepiness... But no woman would ever go to such a nightclub, and most men would have no interest in going to a nightclub that had no women.