Museum of Atheism

:) I just went to Public School and learned about History.

You seem to have missed a few classes. The Church destroyed the Wisdom of the Ancient Past, and you try to turn it around and tell yourself that the Church 'saved' it. You go on and on about how great the thousand year reign of religion was, while others refer to it as the Dark Ages. A thousand years is a long time to be ruled by Autocrats that will kill you for having any doubt about what they claim is 'Truth'. It's amazing how when you are confronted by any of this, you immediately begin throwing out names of Greek Philosophers as though any of them agree with you.

"How Christians Destroyed the Ancient World"

"Using the mutilation of faces, arms and genitals on the Parthenon’s decoration as one of her many, thunderingly memorable case studies, Nixey makes the fundamental point that while we lionize Christian culture for preserving works of learning, sponsoring exquisite art and adhering to an ethos of “love thy neighbor,” the early church was in fact a master of anti-intellectualism, iconoclasm and mortal prejudice."

You've been brainwashed. It is interesting how you try to pass yourself off as an Intellectual, but come off more like a Sunday School teacher. (not trying to make this personal)
^ A classic and utterly transparent strawman fallacy

At no time and at no where did I deny that church authorities cruelly eradicated pagan people and traditions, engaged in anti-semtic pogroms, and relentlessly pursued and executed heretics: Arians, Nestorians, Gnostics, the Cathars, and more.

In fact, I pretty sure I have acquired more knowledge than you about it, since I do not have to frantically scramble on Google to find NY Times articles.

What I don't agree with you about is your jihad that religion is always evil, always terrible, always wrong, and not one single solitary time has ever provided the slightest benefit to humanity.

I think your jihad is in fact intellectually dishonest, unsupported, propagandistic, and probably based more on emotion than careful and balanced deliberation of facts.
Do you always post other people's words and pass them off as your own, neglecting to cite a link?

Your claim that Jesus created the Big Bang is known in classic rhetoric as the logical fallacy, appeal to ignorance.

Quantum fluctuations at least reasonably rises to the level somewhere between an educated guess and a legitimate hypothesis- because quantum mechanics demonstrates to us that is is physically possible for something to be created from nothing; that not all causes have to have a first causer.

The bible thumping flat-earth fanatics think I am an atheist

And certain militant anti-christian jihadists claim I a bible thumper.

Balanced and careful deliberation of the facts is apparently offensive to both groups of jihadists.
^ A classic and utterly transparent strawman fallacy

At no time and at no where did I deny that church authorities cruelly eradicated pagan people and traditions, engaged in anti-semtic pogroms, and relentlessly pursued and executed heretics: Arians, Nestorians, Gnostics, the Cathars, and more.

In fact, I pretty sure I have acquired more knowledge than you about it, since I do not have to frantically scramble on Google to find NY Times articles.

What I don't agree with you about is your jihad that religion is always evil, always terrible, always wrong, and not one single solitary time has ever provided the slightest benefit to humanity.

I think your jihad is in fact intellectually dishonest, unsupported, propagandistic, and probably based more on emotion than careful and balanced deliberation of facts.

:) I'm just trying to be factually honest here. It really doesn't matter what you or I believe when it comes to the big scheme of things. I'm trying to paint an objective picture here.

There are two parts of most religions, the occult part, and then some 'philosophical' part.
I find it difficult to buy into any of the occult jargon. I think that is placed there more as a way to 'impress' people about how 'Godly' the other parts of the storyline are.
I find the 'philosophical' parts more interesting. Many of the religions teach a similar principle: "Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds".
The 'Heaven/Hell' device seems to be an effective 'Stick & Carrot' choice to control people.

My view of the Christian religion is that it is a Slave Religion that was effectively used in Europe for a thousand years to control the population for the benefit of the few.
With the Renaissance, the shackles of the Church, and the direction of popular thought, was altered for a better human experience.
It's worth remembering that in Marx's time, however ineffective, opium was the medicine available for many illnesses (as late as my own teetotal great-aunts' time they were supping 'medicines' based on opium), and that, though I can't remember the translation I first read (and they tend to vary a great deal) what Marx writes is a great deal more understanding (religion is ' the heart of a heartless world' and other similar things). The point is that it doesn't answer the disease, not that people were then fools for taking it. It's like being an alcoholic: it is very very difficult to give up the pop. Today they condition us much more effectively.

Opium dulls the senses. I think you did not understand what Marx said.
:) I'm just trying to be factually honest here. It really doesn't matter what you or I believe when it comes to the big scheme of things. I'm trying to paint an objective picture here.

There are two parts of most religions, the occult part, and then some 'philosophical' part.
I find it difficult to buy into any of the occult jargon. I think that is placed there more as a way to 'impress' people about how 'Godly' the other parts of the storyline are.
I find the 'philosophical' parts more interesting. Many of the religions teach a similar principle: "Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds".
The 'Heaven/Hell' device seems to be an effective 'Stick & Carrot' choice to control people.

My view of the Christian religion is that it is a Slave Religion that was effectively used in Europe for a thousand years to control the population for the benefit of the few.
With the Renaissance, the shackles of the Church, and the direction of popular thought, was altered for a better human experience.

Every religion thinks they're doing good. I once know a Satanist who thought it was a good relgion.
:) I'm just trying to be factually honest here. It really doesn't matter what you or I believe when it comes to the big scheme of things. I'm trying to paint an objective picture here.

There are two parts of most religions, the occult part, and then some 'philosophical' part.
I find it difficult to buy into any of the occult jargon. I think that is placed there more as a way to 'impress' people about how 'Godly' the other parts of the storyline are.
I find the 'philosophical' parts more interesting. Many of the religions teach a similar principle: "Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds".
The 'Heaven/Hell' device seems to be an effective 'Stick & Carrot' choice to control people.

My view of the Christian religion is that it is a Slave Religion that was effectively used in Europe for a thousand years to control the population for the benefit of the few.
With the Renaissance, the shackles of the Church, and the direction of popular thought, was altered for a better human experience.

I think religion has both been both harmful, and beneficial is the social and cultural development of humanity. Depending on the historical facts of the case

And I have a posting history proving I have been balanced and deliberative about it.

As far as I can tell, 99.99999999999999 percent of your posting history on religion is almost singularly focused on Christianity being unrelentingly evil, universally terrible, and has never having had the slightest, microscopic benefit for humanity.

That is why I consider your jihad utterly intellectually dishonest.
I think religion has both been harmful, and beneficial is the social and cultural development of humanity.

. And I have a posting history proving I have been balanced and deliberative about it.

As far as I can tell, 99.99999999999999 percent of your posting history on religion is almost singularly focused on Christianity being unrelentingly evil, universally terrible, and has never had the slightest, microscopic benefit for humanity.

That is why I consider your jihad utterly intellectually dishonest.

Spoken as an agnostic! Very convincing.
Do you always post other people's words and pass them off as your own, neglecting to cite a link?

Your claim that Jesus created the Big Bang is known in classic rhetoric as the logical fallacy, appeal to ignorance.

Quantum fluctuations at least reasonably rises to the level somewhere between an educated guess and a legitimate hypothesis- because quantum mechanics demonstrates to us that is is physically possible for something to be created from nothing; that not all causes have to have a first causer.

Dr. Jason Lisle, an astrophysicist working at Answers in Genesis,

As for the rest it is horse manure!
Dr. Jason Lisle, an astrophysicist working at Answers in Genesis,

As for the rest it is horse manure!

He doesn't appear to work at a reputable research university, or have a track record of publications in the legitimate peer reviewed scientific literature.