Museum of Atheism

I think religion has both been both harmful, and beneficial is the social and cultural development of humanity. Depending on the historical facts of the case

And I have a posting history proving I have been balanced and deliberative about it.

As far as I can tell, 99.99999999999999 percent of your posting history on religion is almost singularly focused on Christianity being unrelentingly evil, universally terrible, and has never having had the slightest, microscopic benefit for humanity.

That is why I consider your jihad utterly intellectually dishonest.

You seem to get highly upset when anyone has a different opinion of your 'Christianity is the best thing since sliced bread' attitude. There's no Jihad (your War on Christmas) on Christianity, just a calm discussion of it's failings. I've mentioned before that I joined and came across Quaker ancestors. Below is an example of your 'Ethics' and 'Morals'.

"The Religious Society of Friends, whose members are commonly known as Quakers, was a Christian movement founded by George Fox in England during the early 1650s. Quakers opposed central church authority, preferring to seek spiritual insight and consensus through egalitarian Quaker meetings. They advocated sexual equality and became some of the most outspoken opponents of slavery in early America. Robinson and Stevenson, who were hanged from an elm tree on Boston Common in Boston, were the first Quakers to be executed in America."

Puritans hanging Quakers. This pretty much sums up any 'Freedom of Thought', difference of opinion, intellectual curiosity, that religions have on society.
Whether it's Protestants and Catholics, or Sunnis and Shias, religions have 'Club Rules'.

Yes, the religion of Europe did produce great artwork, magnificent Cathedrals, and wealthy Bishops ... all in accordance with Jesus and His Teachings.
You seem to get highly upset when anyone has a different opinion of your 'Christianity is the best thing since sliced bread' attitude. There's no Jihad (your War on Christmas) on Christianity, just a calm discussion of it's failings. I've mentioned before that I joined and came across Quaker ancestors. Below is an example of your 'Ethics' and 'Morals'.

"The Religious Society of Friends, whose members are commonly known as Quakers, was a Christian movement founded by George Fox in England during the early 1650s. Quakers opposed central church authority, preferring to seek spiritual insight and consensus through egalitarian Quaker meetings. They advocated sexual equality and became some of the most outspoken opponents of slavery in early America. Robinson and Stevenson, who were hanged from an elm tree on Boston Common in Boston, were the first Quakers to be executed in America."

Puritans hanging Quakers. This pretty much sums up any 'Freedom of Thought', difference of opinion, intellectual curiosity, that religions have on society.
Whether it's Protestants and Catholics, or Sunnis and Shias, religions have 'Club Rules'.

Yes, the religion of Europe did produce great artwork, magnificent Cathedrals, and wealthy Bishops ... all in accordance with Jesus and His Teachings.

I feel like the truth always lies somewhere in between your jihad (Christianity is universally and unrelentingly evil),

and Jerry Falwell's jihad (non christians are damned for eternity)
I feel like the truth always lies somewhere in between your jihad (Christianity is universally and unrelentingly evil),

and Jerry Falwell's jihad (non christians are damned for eternity)

:) You are trying to paint me in a corner I am not in.
'Religion' (all religions) have an occult part to them. I have a difficult time buying into that Storyline, but I do admit, there could be an 'Afterlife', 'Other Dimension', or something 'Else'.
'Religion' usually has a 'philosophical' part. Some of the Philosophy could be good or could be bad. 'Christianity' I view as a 'Slave Religion' (as I've mentioned before) and is probably the result of the Roman Occupation of Palestine, and the way to survive the Occupation.

I'm just trying to be objective here. To counteract your undying devotion to every thing Christian Orthodox. :)
:) You are trying to paint me in a corner I am not in.
'Religion' (all religions) have an occult part to them. I have a difficult time buying into that Storyline, but I do admit, there could be an 'Afterlife', 'Other Dimension', or something 'Else'.
'Religion' usually has a 'philosophical' part. Some of the Philosophy could be good or could be bad. 'Christianity' I view as a 'Slave Religion' (as I've mentioned before) and is probably the result of the Roman Occupation of Palestine, and the way to survive the Occupation.

I'm just trying to be objective here. To counteract your undying devotion to every thing Christian Orthodox. :)

As far as I can tell, 99.999 percent of your posts about religion are about Christianity, and of those 99.99999999 percent are unrelentingly and caustically critical of Christianity.

I can only respond to the words that leave your keyboard, and that just has all the hallmarks of an anti-christian troll.

I myself take history and sociology more seriously.

When the facts merit criticism, I will criticize religion.

On the other hand, where I feel religion has been important, or at least interesting, to human historical and cultural development, I may acknowledge it.

Here are just some of the times I have criticized religion:

Cypress mocks creation Science Museum buffoonery:

Museum of the Bible mockery, by Cypress:

Cypress Mocking young Earth creationists:

Cypress Mocking bible thumpers:

More of Cypress Criticizing Religion:

^^ I could easily post 20 more examples
As far as I can tell, 99.999 percent of your posts about religion are about Christianity, and of those 99.99999999 percent are unrelentingly and caustically critical of Christianity.

I can only respond to the words that leave your keyboard, and that just has all the hallmarks of an anti-christian troll.

I myself take history and sociology more seriously.

When the facts merit criticism, I will criticize religion.

On the other hand, where I feel religion has been important, or at least interesting, to human historical and cultural development, I may acknowledge it.

Here are just some of the times I have criticized religion:

All correct but let's not forget Jack is an Abbie Normal. An impish style of bipolarism but with a very bad attitude about Christian religion. He refuses to say why and I've recommended he seek treatment.

IMO, he experienced some form of trauma resulting in both misogyny and hate towards Christianity. Note that he loves to abuse women on JPP.

Most such cases involve upbringing by cruel parents or orphanages. A Catholic orphanage in the 1950s-60s would not be a fun place for a kid. Add a cruel, knuckle-cracking nun and he could grow up to hate both Christians and women.

Maybe his High School love dumped him for a preacher. Obviously it's something that hurt him so badly that he's still carrying it with him in his 70s.

....or he's bipolar. ;)
:) You are trying to paint me in a corner I am not in.
'Religion' (all religions) have an occult part to them. I have a difficult time buying into that Storyline, but I do admit, there could be an 'Afterlife', 'Other Dimension', or something 'Else'.
'Religion' usually has a 'philosophical' part. Some of the Philosophy could be good or could be bad. 'Christianity' I view as a 'Slave Religion' (as I've mentioned before) and is probably the result of the Roman Occupation of Palestine, and the way to survive the Occupation.

I'm just trying to be objective here. To counteract your undying devotion to every thing Christian Orthodox. :)

Odd that you don't claim the other two major Abrahamic religions are a "Slave Religion". In addition to your weak excuse for singling out Christianity you should explain your hatred of women.
As far as I can tell, 99.999 percent of your posts about religion are about Christianity, and of those 99.99999999 percent are unrelentingly and caustically critical of Christianity.

I can only respond to the words that leave your keyboard, and that just has all the hallmarks of an anti-christian troll.

I myself take history and sociology more seriously.

When the facts merit criticism, I will criticize religion.

On the other hand, where I feel religion has been important, or at least interesting, to human historical and cultural development, I may acknowledge it.

Here are just some of the times I have criticized religion:

Yeah. 'Religion' doesn't seem as productive as 'Philosophers'.
Philosophers and Philosophy make one think. Most welcome a variety of Thought. Never do they attempt to stifle different Opinions.

Can you say 'Dogma'? That's religion. A dogmatic set of Beliefs that will never change, no matter what later 'Truths' are found.
YOU ... are attempting to promote an Autocratic system of the Occult.
Yeah. 'Religion' doesn't seem as productive as 'Philosophers'.
Philosophers and Philosophy make one think. Most welcome a variety of Thought. Never do they attempt to stifle different Opinions.

Can you say 'Dogma'? That's religion. A dogmatic set of Beliefs that will never change, no matter what later 'Truths' are found.
YOU ... are attempting to promote an Autocratic system of the Occult.

You are correct. In philosophy you can disagree with someone and follow with an explanation.
In religion people will just tell you why you need to state the official doctrine.
Odd that you don't claim the other two major Abrahamic religions are a "Slave Religion". In addition to your weak excuse for singling out Christianity you should explain your hatred of women.

Jews and Muslims don't have Man-Gods like Jesus. They have 'Prophets', or Wise Men. That's at least a believable start.
Most of the Forum is 'Christian' so most of the discussions of religion hinge around 'Christianity.
Guno is deep into his Ethnicity, not so much 'Jewish Religion', which he pretty much dismisses as Not True. I've asked about God giving Jews a Land Title, if God really did write the Ten Commandments with his finger, and his thoughts on Moses having a man killed for working on the Sabbath. Along with the usual genocide of the Caananites.
Moon doesn't seem to talk about his religion, so I'm not sure just how deep into Islam Moon is.
I have mentioned the Sunnis and the Shias are about in the same place the Catholics and Protestants were in ... 500 years ago.
You are correct. In philosophy you can disagree with someone and follow with an explanation.
In religion people will just tell you why you need to state the official doctrine.

... or just kill you for blasphemy. :(

"Blasphemy, as defined in some religions or religion-based laws, is an insult that shows contempt, disrespect or lack of reverence concerning a deity, a sacred object or something considered inviolable. Some religions consider blasphemy to be a religious crime. Wikipedia"
... or just kill you for blasphemy. :(

"Blasphemy, as defined in some religions or religion-based laws, is an insult that shows contempt, disrespect or lack of reverence concerning a deity, a sacred object or something considered inviolable. Some religions consider blasphemy to be a religious crime. Wikipedia"

St. Thomas codified Christian theology, which most live by today. Thomas referred to Aristotle as, "The Philosopher" and explicitly built his theology on Aristotle's metaphysics.
It is no small irony that Aristotle detested religion and thought worshipping God in human or animal form was an abomination.
St. Thomas codified Christian theology, which most live by today. Thomas referred to Aristotle as, "The Philosopher" and explicitly built his theology on Aristotle's metaphysics.
It is no small irony that Aristotle detested religion and thought worshipping God in human or animal form was an abomination.

Odd. Cypress always throws out 'Aristotle', along with a dozen other Philosophers, as he waxes on about religion. The ploy seems to be, by association with great Greek Philosophers, he can imply religion is just as meaningful.
You are correct. In philosophy you can disagree with someone and follow with an explanation.
In religion people will just tell you why you need to state the official doctrine.

Socrates would point out that can be as dangerous as heresy:
In 399 BC, Socrates went on trial for corrupting the minds of the youth of Athens, and for impiety.

IIRC, there are about 2000 different Christian denominations, most of them Protestant since Catholicism is more hierarchical. All religions have a list of tenets for their religion, but not all are judgy about it. Some simply don't condone it and leave it up to God to judge.
Odd. Cypress always throws out 'Aristotle', along with a dozen other Philosophers, as he waxes on about religion. The ploy seems to be, by association with great Greek Philosophers, he can imply religion is just as meaningful.

Yes, Cypress never read Aristotle, or most of the philosophers he name drops.
People argue about whether you believe in God or not.
One rarely sees discussions about the nature of God.

Go for it.

The nature of God, IMO, is unknowable. How can we, mere mortals who can't even comprehend the size of our own planet, how to comprehend a power as great or greater than then entire Universe itself?

One thing for sure, God isn't an old man sitting on a golden throne while millions of adoring angels sing hosannas to him.
Odd. Cypress always throws out 'Aristotle', along with a dozen other Philosophers, as he waxes on about religion. The ploy seems to be, by association with great Greek Philosophers, he can imply religion is just as meaningful.

And this is pathology. As soon as he is questioned about his claims, he becomes hysterical.
Yes, Cypress never read Aristotle, or most of the philosophers he name drops.
A qualified psychologist can help you get to the root of your resentment towards me.

I have never read the original research papers of Einstein or Bohr either, but I have a better working knowledge of general relativity and quantum mechanics than you.

You would truly be amazed how much you can learn simply by reading books, popular magazines, and other resources available from the library.
All correct but let's not forget Jack is an Abbie Normal. An impish style of bipolarism but with a very bad attitude about Christian religion. He refuses to say why and I've recommended he seek treatment.

IMO, he experienced some form of trauma resulting in both misogyny and hate towards Christianity. Note that he loves to abuse women on JPP.

Most such cases involve upbringing by cruel parents or orphanages. A Catholic orphanage in the 1950s-60s would not be a fun place for a kid. Add a cruel, knuckle-cracking nun and he could grow up to hate both Christians and women.

Maybe his High School love dumped him for a preacher. Obviously it's something that hurt him so badly that he's still carrying it with him in his 70s.

....or he's bipolar. ;)

The caustic and unrelenting hatred of Christianity certainly has psychological origins.

I detest bible thumping theocrats, Islamic Sharia law, and the Hindu caste system.

But that does not lock my mind up into a fossilized dogma of hate. I can recognize where world religions have played important or interesting roles in human historical, cultural, or ethical development
Jews and Muslims don't have Man-Gods like Jesus. They have 'Prophets', or Wise Men. That's at least a believable start.
Most of the Forum is 'Christian' so most of the discussions of religion hinge around 'Christianity.
Guno is deep into his Ethnicity, not so much 'Jewish Religion', which he pretty much dismisses as Not True. I've asked about God giving Jews a Land Title, if God really did write the Ten Commandments with his finger, and his thoughts on Moses having a man killed for working on the Sabbath. Along with the usual genocide of the Caananites.
Moon doesn't seem to talk about his religion, so I'm not sure just how deep into Islam Moon is.
I have mentioned the Sunnis and the Shias are about in the same place the Catholics and Protestants were in ... 500 years ago.
Is that supposed to be your excuse for attacking Christians and only Christians?

What about your attacks on women? Are the two hatreds related in your mind?