Museum of Atheism

You cannot understand history, sociology, politics, culture, ethics without having a good working knowledge of world religions.

You might as well try to learn physics without learning Newtonian mechanics.

Half the time I can reduced a bible thumper to a quivering pile of jello because I know Christian history and theology better than they do

Agreed. It's part of most cultures even if they are less religious today. Their history binds them.

Look at the complaints of the white supremacists on JPP; they're afraid the brown people are taking over and that "white" culture will be lost. Stupid, yes. Racist, yes. But that's what they fear. Jack appears to lean that way just like he hates women and Christians.
Cy: "The importance of the Medieval Christian scholars and monks is the role they played in preserving the Greek knowledge, and incorporating it into the western civilization tradition.'
Jack; Yeah. AFTER the Christians DESTROYED every book they could find that held a different position than the Bible. Let's give credit to the Arabs for reintroducing Europe with the Ancient Past.

Again, you try to white wash the religious book burners.

Oooh, Jack. You're starting to get mad. Is this the night you lose all control again and set another JPP record? :laugh:
Give me one good reason!

Because you people know that your leader DONALD TRUMP is a lying, cheating, racist, hell bent on destroying America's Democracy and Republic by trying to obstruct Justice in the Congressional Hearings, to put himself back into power so that he can continue with his self-rewarding crimes against the American People, America's Government, and our Government's legal, judicial, voting, and financial institutions such as the IRA, while further corrupting the Senate, the Justice Department, the intelligence community, The House of Representatives, the White House, and the Supreme Court!


And if that is not enough, I'll just start writing you a 1,000 page book on everything else I am damn mad about at you assholes of America- THE TRUMP CULTISTS!

Everyone of you Trump Supporting morons should be tarred & feathered, horse whipped, and tossed into the nearest PISS POOL along with your crazy leader!
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Oooh, Jack. You're starting to get mad. Is this the night you lose all control again and set another JPP record? :laugh:

This all happened a long time ago. We all need and want a factual record of events. The Facts are, religions are dogmatic and fanatical when it comes to their Belief system. The Christian Church behaved like other religions and destroyed everything that they felt was heretical, anything they felt was pagan, including Books from the Past.

So, it's a little humorous to watch Cypress, a self-proclaimed 'Intellectual', attempting to portray the Book Burners as some sort of 'Preservers of the Ancient Knowledge'.
This all happened a long time ago. We all need and want a factual record of events. The Facts are, religions are dogmatic and fanatical when it comes to their Belief system. The Christian Church behaved like other religions and destroyed everything that they felt was heretical, anything they felt was pagan, including Books from the Past.

So, it's a little humorous to watch Cypress, a self-proclaimed 'Intellectual', attempting to portray the Book Burners as some sort of 'Preservers of the Ancient Knowledge'.
Jack, your bias is in the bolded. The "like other religions" comment is good. You recognize that this is more about the nature of mankind and not "religion".

Cypress is a student of history. So am I. Why do you have a problem with that?

We're all partly our genetics but mostly our upbringing and life experiences. Cypress likes a lot of things and loves to discuss them. You bitch, whine and moan about Christians and women. Who do you think is more "intellectual"?
Jack, your bias is in the bolded. The "like other religions" comment is good. You recognize that this is more about the nature of mankind and not "religion".

Cypress is a student of history. So am I. Why do you have a problem with that?

We're all partly our genetics but mostly our upbringing and life experiences. Cypress likes a lot of things and loves to discuss them. You bitch, whine and moan about Christians and women. Who do you think is more "intellectual"?

'Religion' isn't science, and it isn't inquisitive. It's dogmatic. I find it odd that Cypress continues to try and promote this autocratic institution as some sort of 'benefit' to mankind. Cypress does seem 'inquisitive', OPPOSITE to religious belief.
My only conclusion is that he was brainwashed as a child.
Cy: "The importance of the Medieval Christian scholars and monks is the role they played in preserving the Greek knowledge, and incorporating it into the western civilization tradition.'
Jack; Yeah. AFTER the Christians DESTROYED every book they could find that held a different position than the Bible. Let's give credit to the Arabs for reintroducing Europe with the Ancient Past.

Again, you try to white wash the religious book burners.

You purposefully google-patrol the internet looking for information about Christianity which confirms your bias.

That is the Hallmark of confirmation bias.

That's not what I do. I mainly acquire my knowledge in a balanced way, from a variety of experts, to get the complete picture, as best I can ascertain it. That means learning the good with the bad.

History is too important to me to reduce it to caricature and propoganda.

That is exactly why I have a wide range of posts on this board both criticizing religion, and acknowledging when it has been important.

Your posts are unrelentingly hostile, caustic, and negative... curiously, only about Christianity, not any other Religion.

That is why you have all the hallmarks of someone who practices confirmation bias when you frantically Google for articles which support your preconceived notions
Yeah. AFTER the Christians DESTROYED every book they could find that held a different position

Again, you try to white wash the religious book burners.
Without frantically googling to find the answer, explain to me how the works of Homer, Herodotus, Thucydides, Virgil, Seneca, Sophocles, the Aeneid, etc. survived past antiquity if the Christians were burning every book?

Here is a nugget of information you may want to tuck away: Almost no one was reading in the early Middle Ages in western Europe. Literacy almost disappeared in western Europe in the early Middle Ages.

That is in fact why the early Middle Ages were called the Dark Ages: hardly anyone could read or write, so we do not have much of a written record of those years. Literacy really didn't take root in western Europe until the High Middle Ages under Charlemagne.

The main reason literacy clung to life support in western Europe during the early Middle Ages is because the Christian monks and the monasteries made it a point to remain literate, and to preserve the written tradition for posterity.
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You purposefully google-patrol the internet looking for information about Christianity which confirms your bias.

That is the Hallmark of confirmation bias.

That's not what I do. I mainly acquire my knowledge in a balanced way, from a variety of experts, to get the complete picture, as best I can ascertain it. That means learning the good with the bad.

History is too important to me to reduce it to caricature and propoganda.

That is exactly why I have a wide range of posts on this board both criticizing religion, and acknowledging when it has been important.

Your posts are unrelentingly hostile, caustic, and negative... curiously, only about Christianity, not any other Religion.

That is why you have all the hallmarks of someone who practices confirmation bias when you frantically Google for articles which support your preconceived notions

hahahahahahahaha ...
I've got my basic history from Public School. Not highly studied, not seriously researched, not biased. Do you think Theocracies like Iran and Saudi Arabia promote 'Free Expression' or 'inquisitiveness'?
:) Probably not. They are interested in promoting their own religion for some reason. Probably a 'control tool'.
You, continuously blather on about how you are 'balanced' in your approach to history, but somehow not quite convinced the Dark Ages was one of Superstition, Autocratic Rule, Anti-intellectualism, and suppression of independent thought. Rather than see it as an Age of Ignorance, you attempt to make the Church into some Shining Beacon of Knowledge.

As a person that unabashedly claims he's an 'Intellectual', you seem more like some paid Spokesperson for Christianity.

'Christianity' had a thousand year run to prove what it was. It proved to be an Autocratic System, that favored the Few, at the expense of the Many. Generation, after generation, after generation, the Serfs were used as Slave Labor to enrich the Few (which included the Priesthood) at the top. Not much individual freedom, not much individual expression, not much individual inquiry. That's a pretty bad track record. You are the only 'Intellectual' I know that supports and promotes such a system.

Somebody said 'If it wasn't for religion, we would have been on the moon 500 years ago'.
Without frantically googling to find the answer, explain to me how the works of Homer, Herodotus, Thucydides, Virgil, Seneca, Sophocles, the Aeneid, etc. survived past antiquity if the Christians were burning every book?

Here is a nugget of information you may want to tuck away: Almost no one was reading in the early Middle Ages in western Europe. Literacy almost disappeared in western Europe in the early Middle Ages.

That is in fact why the early Middle Ages were called the Dark Ages: hardly anyone could read or write, so we do not have much of a written record of those years. Literacy really didn't take root in western Europe until the High Middle Ages under Charlemagne.

The main reason literacy clung to life support in western Europe during the early Middle Ages is because the Christian monks and the monasteries made it a point to remain literate, and to preserve the written tradition for posterity.

Funny how there were so many Schools of Thought BEFORE the Christians. Epicurus had a school called The Garden.
Let's see, I've heard of Madrassas in Arabic Lands. All they teach is the Koran. Nothing else. I would guess this is what the Christians did, had their own Madrassa Schools. Nothing was taught, only recitation of Religious Texts.

In fact ... I'm beginning to think that is what happened to you. As a child, you were sent to a Christian Madrassa School. Am I right?
Funny how there were so many Schools of Thought BEFORE the Christians. Epicurus had a school called The Garden.
Let's see, I've heard of Madrassas in Arabic Lands. All they teach is the Koran. Nothing else. I would guess this is what the Christians did, had their own Madrassa Schools. Nothing was taught, only recitation of Religious Texts.

In fact ... I'm beginning to think that is what happened to you. As a child, you were sent to a Christian Madrassa School. Am I right?

Okay, so you cannot explain why the works of Homer, Beowulf, Thucydides, Seneca, Virgil, et al survived antiquity,
even though you claimed christians were burning all the books.
If you are not publishing in legitimate, peer-reviewed scientific journals, you are not doing science.

You are doing advocacy.

Peer reviewed scientific journals are hypothesis not science, they are asked over, and over to provide the billions of examples there should be for slow evolutionary processes, and they have NONE.
Because you people know that your leader DONALD TRUMP is a lying, cheating, racist, hell bent on destroying America's Democracy and Republic by trying to obstruct Justice in the Congressional Hearings, to put himself back into power so that he can continue with his self-rewarding crimes against the American People, America's Government, and our Government's legal, judicial, voting, and financial institutions such as the IRA, while further corrupting the Senate, the Justice Department, the intelligence community, The House of Representatives, the White House, and the Supreme Court!


And if that is not enough, I'll just start writing you a 1,000 page book on everything else I am damn mad about at you assholes of America- THE TRUMP CULTISTS!

Everyone of you Trump Supporting morons should be tarred & feathered, horse whipped, and tossed into the nearest PISS POOL along with your crazy leader!

What crimes has he committed against his country?
Look I know that because of Biden's ineptness that the mid terms should be a disaster for Democrats. Biden is owned by china, russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and because you support him so are you!
The fact that the Democrats are saying the will do well in the mid terms, is exactly a pre cursor to them cheating again!
You are mentally deranged if you think what the Socialist democrats stand for is good for America. Your anger needs to be checked before you hurt someone! When you feel the need to do any of what you described, come find me! Better yet meet me half way in between where you live, and where I live and you can attempt to act out your foolhardy scheme!
Why would 'Christians' burn ANY books?

I accept your tacit admission you cannot explain why the classics of Greek and Roman literature, poetry, and drama survived past antiquity if the Christians were burning "all" the books.

If you want to claim I am a Christian apologist, there is something else you need to attempt to explain....

Why does this thread itself have so many criticisms of religion written by me?

Some examples where I criticize religion right on this thread:

One good thing about Soviet atheism is it made divorce available to women, who previously had been trapped in abusive marriages by the patriarchy of the Orthodox religious tradition.

Because fundamentalists like the Taliban, the Saudi theocracy, and American conservative evangelicals desire to limit free thought, scholarly inquiry, civil rights, and scientific investigation.

(Religious conservatives) spent enormous resources and decades of effort to try to outlaw gay marriage and women's reproductive choice

It wasn't too many decades ago they tried to prevent white people and black people from getting married.

The leaders of the Orthodox Church conspired with the tsar and the aristocracy to keep 80 million Russians in a state of abject serfdom and illiteracy for centuries.

So it is just doesn't cut the mustard to reduce everything to a simple maxim that religion is good and atheism is bad.

Examples of threads I started in which I criticize religion:

Cypress mocks creation Science Museum buffoonery:

Museum of the Bible mockery, by Cypress:

Cypress Mocking young Earth creationists:

Cypress Mocking bible thumpers:

More of Cypress Criticizing Religion:

^^ I could easily post 20 more examples
As far as I can see, the 'dark ages' were just a period when written records were poor. The Roman slave-economy didn't work any more in Western Europe and was replaced by new kinds of progressive society believing in Christianity, the last living element of romanitas. The Age of Saints in West Britain (Britannia Prima) sounds to have been deeply creative and confident, bringing Ireland into what had been the western part of the Empire and helping to revive dead scholarship there. For my money, everything that made Europe important later was born of the 'dark ages'.
As far as I can see, the 'dark ages' were just a period when written records were poor. The Roman slave-economy didn't work any more in Western Europe and was replaced by new kinds of progressive society believing in Christianity, the last living element of romanitas. The Age of Saints in West Britain (Britannia Prima) sounds to have been deeply creative and confident, bringing Ireland into what had been the western part of the Empire and helping to revive dead scholarship there. For my money, everything that made Europe important later was born of the 'dark ages'.

To me it is not a legitimate criticism to complain that 8th century Christian leaders were not fierce advocates for first amendment rights. That is trying to anachronistically project modern western political theory back to the early Middle Ages

I am sure when Church officials ran across Gnostic or Nestorian scrolls they tried to suppress them or destroy them.

But censorship was basically a universal practice until the 19th century, by both secular and religious authorities. The French King did not like what Voltaire was writing, and the Russian Tsar sent Dostoyevsky to prison camp for expressing ideas the tsar did not like. Solzhenitsyn was suppressed for years.
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I accept your tacit admission you cannot explain why the classics of Greek and Roman literature, poetry, and drama survived past antiquity if the Christians were burning "all" the books.

If you want to claim I am a Christian apologist, there is something else you need to attempt to explain....

Why does this thread itself have so many criticisms of religion written by me?

Some examples where I criticize religion right on this thread:

Examples of threads I started in which I criticize religion:

Cypress mocks creation Science Museum buffoonery:

Museum of the Bible mockery, by Cypress:

Cypress Mocking young Earth creationists:

Cypress Mocking bible thumpers:

More of Cypress Criticizing Religion:

^^ I could easily post 20 more examples

Cy: "I accept your tacit admission you cannot explain why the classics of Greek and Roman literature, poetry, and drama survived past antiquity if the Christians were burning "all" the books."
Jack: We've already discussed how the Muslims of Spain reintroduced Europe to the books of Antiquity.