My electric bill

Fascism is a leftist philosophy that the democrats embrace fully.

Fascism is literally the very definition of extreme right political ideology.

It's curious how Trumpanzees like to use real English words in a manner that has no correlation to their actual meaning.

I know that they hate education,

but they nonetheless must have special classes

on how to obfuscate the actual English language.
An unmistakable scent!

Fascism is literally the very definition of extreme right political ideology.

Typical exchange with a democrat:

democrat: Fascism is right wing
American: What makes it right wing?
d: Because it's fascist
A: Okay, but what makes fascism right wing?
d: because it's capitalist
A: Weren’t Mussolini and Hitler collectivists with the state controlling the means of production?
d: They were corporatists
A: So they sold stock in an exchange?
d: well, there were private owners
A: So there was no exchange or stock involved like a corporation would use?
d: greedy Capitalist pigs
A: but there was no stock for the public to buy and ownership was set by the party that ruled the government?
d: see - capitalists
A: Government controlling the means of production is capitalism?
d: Racist
A: isn't racism a collectivist concept? The denial of individualism in favor of group identity?
d: Racism is right wing
A: From the trail of tears, slavery, the Klan, Jim Crow, to BLM, haven't the democrats been behind virtually all racism in America?
d: Democrats were Republicans back then
A: That's just stupid. Back to fascism.
d: Fascism is right wing
A: Fascism holds that the state - the government, is supreme. Isn't that what democrats claim?
d: Republicans are fascists
A: Don't Republicans advocate for individual civil rights?
d: We need courts to make laws at the federal level to ensure rights for women by imposing law from the top
A: shouldn't people decide for themselves on a state by state basis?
d: You're destroying democracy

It's curious how Trumpanzees like to use real English words in a manner that has no correlation to their actual meaning.

I know that they hate education,

but they nonetheless must have special classes

on how to obfuscate the actual English language.

It's curious how you fascists can be so fucking stupid.
Basically this thread is about, I don't care if Trump is a Fascist dictator ,as long as my electric bill is lower!

Trump is not fascist nor a dictator.
Fascism is a form of socialism. That's like DEMOCRATS. It is government manipulation of markets. It is theft.
I have this idiot on ignore. The sheer stupidity of his argument boggles the mind. It's the same as claiming that the furnace doesn't run any longer if it's 40 degrees out, vs. 60.

No, idiot. It doesn't work 'harder'. It works 'longer'.

Not really. Furnaces are pretty good at maintaining temperature (assuming the unit is big enough).
Good point. Mussolini made the trains run on time, or so the meme goes. Of course the posit of this thread is a lie but that doesn’t stop Nora.

No, it is not a good point. It is based on redefinition fallacies. (fascism<->capitalism, President<->dictator).
We noticed something recently about Trump. He is fully capable of talking like an actual adult, when he wants to. Yet when you listen to one of his rants to his followers, he talks like he barely made it out of fourth grade. For some odd reason, that appeals to the marks who follow him. Our theory is that they are not educated nor bright ppl for the most part, and that childish manner of speaking to them is soothing. "He's one of us!" they believe.

Totally incredible.

Childish rant. Inversion fallacy.
Your monthly bill is clearly affected by how long your run your AC because you pay per kWh used.
Anyone that actually gets an electric bill and looks at it would see that the electric company lists kWh as electricity usage.


Hey Poorboy, the price per kWh increased in many areas during the Biden administration.
Apparently you don't understand anything about thermostats. They shut off the HVAC when the proper temperature is reached. If the outside temperature is hotter then the AC doesn't work harder per minute it is on it works longer. That raises the question of is something working harder if it works 20 minutes an hour instead of 10 minutes an hour. You would seem to want to argue that working 20 minutes is exactly the same thing as working 10 minutes.

Word stuffing. I never made any such argument.
If the outside temperature is hotter, the AC still uses the same energy to run.
You assumed wrong. I can't imagine a reason to go to Vancouver, Washington, as I was unaware of its existence.
I meant Vancouver, British Columbia, of which most people have actually heard.
I crossed to continent to attend my friend's son's wedding there.
The I went to San Francisco and actually had fun.

There are mountains in Vancouver BC. Grouse mountain is about 4200 ft. The place has several coastal mountains. Nearby is Mt Baker at 10800 ft.
I suppose you like to have fun in a crime ridden city like San Francisco.
Which post # answered that question?
Go back and read it, Blink.
RQAA always means you don't know and never posted an explanation.
Redefinition fallacy, Blink. RQAA means Repetitive Question Already Answered. It is what you are doing.
I am still waiting for the name of one county that had more votes than registered voters and you are incapable of typing one word naming that county.
Pivot fallacy. RQAA.

Traditional A/C could only drop INTERIOR temperatures 20° - not exterior. So insulation makes a difference. If it's 110° outside, a decently insulated home will be about 95° inside and the A/C can drop it to about 75°

But even this is no longer true, modern air conditioning is vastly more efficient and is closer to a 30° delta.

HVAC systems can produce a delta much better than that!