My electric bill

Why are all Pedo Don fans oppressive authoritarian assholes? It's anti-American to deny Americans their unalienable rights.


Final answer is:
on a hot day, transmission lines ability to transfer electricity is reduced and more is lost due to increased resistance
On a hot day, Copper wound generators ability to generate electricity is reduced because of increased resistance

Summer capacity
Natural Gas 53,446 MW
Coal and Lignite 13,568 MW
Nuclear 4,973 MW

Total Summer capacity - 71987

Total capacity in winter can not be the same as total capacity in summer because of physics.

Power plant generators are not outdoors. Their maximum generating capacity is NOT effected by resistance changes in wire.
Power plant generators are not outdoors. Their maximum generating capacity is NOT effected by resistance changes in wire.

It must be great living in a fantasy world where closing a door changes physics.
It must be great living in a fantasy world where all electrical transmission lines are indoors.

Even better, it must be great living in a fantasy world where all the electrical generators are kept in hermetically sealed rooms that are heated in winter and cooled in summer to always stay exactly the same temperature.
I wonder where they get the electricity to keep the generator rooms air conditioned and why that doesn't reduce the amount of electricity available for the grid.
It must be great living in a fantasy world where closing a door changes physics.
Never said any such thing, moron.
It must be great living in a fantasy world where all electrical transmission lines are indoors.
Never said any such thing, moron.
Even better, it must be great living in a fantasy world where all the electrical generators are kept in hermetically sealed rooms that are heated in winter and cooled in summer to always stay exactly the same temperature.
Never said any such thing, moron.
I wonder where they get the electricity to keep the generator rooms air conditioned and why that doesn't reduce the amount of electricity available for the grid.
The generator, moron. The reduction is insignificant, moron.

Word stuffing isn't going to work, Poorboy.
Final answer is:
on a hot day, transmission lines ability to transfer electricity is reduced and more is lost due to increased resistance
On a hot day, Copper wound generators ability to generate electricity is reduced because of increased resistance
Thank you. At this point you either need to clarify that you haven't been reading my posts, especially where I mention that the maximum capacities already have all of this factored in, or you need to show that ERCOT is totally unaware of what you mention and somehow never included physics in their calculations.

Total Capacity is the same all year around because ERCOT uses the lowest single value for every parameter throughout their computations.
All evil people will burn in Hell, Matt. Save your soul and repent before it's too late.


3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. 7:3-5&version=KJV

Dutch, you really shouldn't use Bible verses for your perverse online trolling.

You beam in the eyeball retard.
3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. 7:3-5&version=KJV

Dutch, you really shouldn't use Bible verses for your perverse online trolling.

You beam in the eyeball retard.

Are you even a Christian, Matt? If so, why don't you take the advice of Jesus Christ you quoted?
Take it up with your public service commission. Biden isn't micromanaging utilities.

"In the United States, utility companies are regulated at the state and municipal levels by public service commissions."

What Biden does at a national level trickles down to all sorts of things, including utility bills.

For example, he cut our energy production meaning states have to pay more for it so they pass that down to the people paying the bills.
What Biden does at a national level trickles down to all sorts of things, including utility bills.

For example, he cut our energy production meaning states have to pay more for it so they pass that down to the people paying the bills.

This sounds like a correlation-causation fallacy.
This sounds like a correlation-causation fallacy.

It's not a fallacy.

What presidents do have direct impacts on the population.

You create more energy the energy get's cheaper you create less energy the price of it rises.

Now while energy production has even slightly increased under Biden it's been hampered enough that it can't keep up with the growing demands due to things like population increase or increased regulations put on energy companies from Biden.
The last one was 221.00 and it's been consistently over 200.00 since Biden became president.

When Trump was president it was 114.00 almost consistently.

There has been no change in my energy consumption.

How is biden helping the people again?

He has made it harder for people to survive.

How is it Biden’s fault that your electric company started putting bullshit charges on your account? My electric company recently started charging me for electricity AND “distribution,” effectively doubling by monthly bill. How is that Biden’s fault?