My electric bill

I value my nationality against all enemies, foreign and domestic. :flagsal:

I'm more cosmopolitan than a bunch of criminals from Sicily. Jus' sayin'. :laugh:

I'll take your word for it, Oom,
but going by your own words, I must admit,
that it doesn't seem that you live that way!

You're practically a freaking cowboy.
Does "cosmopolitan" now include that?
I could have just not gotten the memo, of course.
My electric company didn't do that. My electric bills have been LOWER under Biden. Same with my friends and relatives.

Maybe you should close your windows, TinkerBitch.

I dont believe you....rates are on average up 30% in two years according to official government numbers.
I'll take your word for it, Oom,
but going by your own words, I must admit,
that it doesn't seem that you live that way!

You're practically a freaking cowboy.
Does "cosmopolitan" now include that?
I could have just not gotten the memo, of course.

I'm an unabashed, unhyphenated American who has literally traveled the world. I've studied other cultures and their histories....mostly with a military eye, but studied, nonetheless. I have no need to "value my ethnicity" to give my life value since, as demonstrated on JPP every day, a little bit of Dutch goes a long way. :thup:
I'm an unabashed, unhyphenated American who has literally traveled the world. I've studied other cultures and their histories....mostly with a military eye, but studied, nonetheless. I have no need to "value my ethnicity" to give my life value since, as demonstrated on JPP every day, a little bit of Dutch goes a long way. :thup:

We're different.
We both know it.
No problem.
I am a true independent, I vote for whatever party is not in power regardless of my views on issues.

Nobody believes you, TinkerBitch. We all know you're really a far right troll. You've been exposed.
And you're not a very smart troll. We figured you out after just a couple days.