My Suggestion

1) We are big time. That's why you are here. We have been around forever and keep churning out the posts.

2.) Re: rules that affect only one user... I am assuming you mean the legion troll thing. Well, that rule technically affects everyone. It's applied to all persons. What a retard johnny come lately like yourself doesn't realize though is that nearly 70%+ of this board has whined and bitched about legion troll since time immemorial. We were told if we didn't do anything about legion this board would die. So then we implement the smallest of sacrifices, you can only make 10 threads a day. That's more than reasonable. It addresses one of this boards populations main concerns while being as minimally invasive as possible. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about.


Evince is a fucking retard. Everyone knows it. Everyone from different message boards knows it. Even the most hardcore liberal and idealogical buddies of desh realize she is a mouth breather and face palm every day.

In conclusion,

I generally like suggestions, but you have proven yourself to be an absolutely huge retard. It's hilarious you think your opinions have any validity at all. No one gives a fuck about what you have to say.

You're big time? LOL. Not.

The only retard is you who thinks they are big time by harassing posters they don't like and forcing others to leave with arbitrary rules designed for one poster. You're delusional. I mean, you knew I was talking about Legion Troll and I didn't even have to mention his name. Pfffffffft.
1) We are big time. That's why you are here. We have been around forever and keep churning out the posts.

2.) Re: rules that affect only one user... I am assuming you mean the legion troll thing. Well, that rule technically affects everyone. It's applied to all persons. What a retard johnny come lately like yourself doesn't realize though is that nearly 70%+ of this board has whined and bitched about legion troll since time immemorial. We were told if we didn't do anything about legion this board would die. So then we implement the smallest of sacrifices, you can only make 10 threads a day. That's more than reasonable. It addresses one of this boards populations main concerns while being as minimally invasive as possible. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about.


Evince is a fucking retard. Everyone knows it. Everyone from different message boards knows it. Even the most hardcore liberal and idealogical buddies of desh realize she is a mouth breather and face palm every day.

In conclusion,

I generally like suggestions, but you have proven yourself to be an absolutely huge retard. It's hilarious you think your opinions have any validity at all. No one gives a fuck about what you have to say.


did you even fucking notice that you have been fucking wrong about nearly fucking everything you fucking sociopath

You lie without any compunction.

You BRAG about feeling no compassion for the suffering of other creatures.

YOU are the broken one buddy.

Its why the only girls who will give you some are fellow sociopaths.

they fuck you in more ways than one huh.

they are your equal.

REAL functioning women want nothing to do with sociopaths like you.

Your kind is worthless to us
You're big time? LOL. Not.

The only retard is you who thinks they are big time by harassing posters they don't like and forcing others to leave with arbitrary rules designed for one poster. You're delusional. I mean, you knew I was talking about Legion Troll and I didn't even have to mention his name. Pfffffffft.
Feel free to go to one of the other forums on the internet then. Or don't, whichever. You're still going to be a meaningless boot though.
If evince gets abused perhaps it's deserved.
It is certainly being provoked by her. Like most attention whores the nature if the attention is irrelevant.
Legion Troll was a different animal. Flooding the board with posts diminishes all other posters.
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I have to admit I am confused by the three distinct personalities Konono has demonstrated since joining.......the first was obviously a front, but the last two are totally self-contradicting......
Lol, he is so retarded. I see legion allowed you to continue posting after he left in a hissy fit.

Why would Jeb be flying the flag of Southern Democrats? Hillary had one in her office, back when it was fashionable.


Right is a liar and a Photoshoptard...
And he is not man enough to own up to it.