My Suggestion

You could voice your opinion more openly on the board. I see that many view you as a token, I don't think you are. But the voice that is not heard openly can be considered such. A puppet master does not have a voice, he has strings. You have no strings as there is no puppet master here. If you want to make a more prominent statement and have a more prominent role, use your voice on the open forum. I know Damocles will allow it. And he is Lord of this unearthly realm.

Neither of you gives a shit about what you are saying, you just want it to be done to non-liberals, not liberals
Your post makes no sense. Do you try to be this stupid or does it come naturally?

I just realized, after seeing this post on my desktop vs my phone, that Zappasguitar said "On the NOSEY". When I read this post on my phone, I thought he said "Oh the NOSEY".

I recant my post Zappasguitar.
Are you an arrogant ass in real life or do you just play one on message boards?

By the way, the bigger boards run TruthMatters off the board completely. She and I used to post on a much bigger board. She spammed Democrat talking points on election fraud on every thread. They kept suspending her then finally shit canned her. That someone can endlessly spam every thread isn't how the "big boards" operate, they actually have little tolerance for trash like you idiots who can't make a coherent point to save your life

Interesting. So I am an idiot who can't make a coherent post, yet you have thanked my posts.

You say 'TruthMatters', i presume you refer to Evinice. That said, if big boards ban Evince for similar type posts, then they are shit. I admit to enjoying some of her posts and admit the fact that some of her posts border on spamming (the republicans cheat in every election), however, her comments are not trollish. She believes them. Why would a 'big' board or any credible board deny her the opportunity to let her voice be heard?

For example: this board allows a racist to constantly post racist filth. Over and over.

It is a form of a censorship (though this is a private board) in that this board allows racists to run amok, but will ban someone for talking about a viewpoint they don't agree with. Arguably, Evince puts forth the argument way too much and in threads it doesn't belong, but, that doesn't merit banning.

This board has a MOD SQUAD that is horrible. The only mod I see who has any capabilities, is Rana. Bar stool Billy is an admitted drunk, Grind is a, actually who the hell knows what Grind is. He tends to be almost bi-polar.
Interesting. So I am an idiot who can't make a coherent post, yet you have thanked my posts.

You say 'TruthMatters', i presume you refer to Evinice. That said, if big boards ban Evince for similar type posts, then they are shit. I admit to enjoying some of her posts and admit the fact that some of her posts border on spamming (the republicans cheat in every election), however, her comments are not trollish. She believes them. Why would a 'big' board or any credible board deny her the opportunity to let her voice be heard?

Because she repeatedly puts them in every thread on every subject despite repeated warnings and suspensions, she is constantly trying to take threads off topic

For example: this board allows a racist to constantly post racist filth. Over and over.

Not sure who you mean or what that entails, but I'm new here. You need to be more specific

Interesting. It is a form of a censorship (though this is a private board) in that this board allows racists to run amok, but will ban someone for talking about a viewpoint they don't agree with. Arguably, Evince puts forth the argument way too much and in threads it doesn't belong, but, that doesn't merit banning.

This board has a MOD SQUAD that is horrible. The only mod I see who has any capabilities, is Rana. Bar stool Billy is an admitted drunk, Grind is a, actually who the hell knows what Grind is. He tends to be almost bi-polar.

So find another board. And Rana is terrible, she has horrible reading comprehension. Though I haven't seen her use her mod powers inappropriately, I give her credit for that.

What's arrogant and condescending and why I said that was the crap about small time board. You could have made your point without sounding more interested in looking down your nose than making your point. My view.
Because she repeatedly puts them in every thread on every subject despite repeated warnings and suspensions, she is constantly trying to take threads off topic

Not sure who you mean or what that entails, but I'm new here. You need to be more specific

So find another board. And Rana is terrible, she has horrible reading comprehension. Though I haven't seen her use her mod powers inappropriately, I give her credit for that.

What's arrogant and condescending and why I said that was the crap about small time board. You could have made your point without sounding more interested in looking down your nose than making your point. My view.

Cite repeated warnings and suspensions.
If you are talking about other boards don't.
That is private info unless you can quote Evince on it.
Too stupid to see who the board racist is yourself? Lol
Rana, like all the Mods here has an exemplary record of fairness. That is why she was selected.
You should practice clear communication if you feelmisunderstood rather than critique those who don't readily follow your jumbled jargon.
You just show your scummy underside by repeatedly attacking her. You should fuck yourself.
A little respect from you would go a long way.
Cite repeated warnings and suspensions.
If you are talking about other boards don't.
That is private info unless you can quote Evince on it.
Too stupid to see who the board racist is yourself? Lol
Rana, like all the Mids here has an exemplary record of fairness. That is why she was selected.
You just show your scummy underside by repeatedly attacking her. You should fuck yourself.
A little respect from you would go a long way.

I answered he question I was asked. And you're too stupid to know someone who hasn't been here long hasn't gotten to know the posters? LOL, of course you are...
so your stupid ass insults someone who fills you in?

fucking fact adverse

Actually, he didn't fill me in, he asked how just because I'm new here I don't know the posters yet. Uh...I'm new here?

And wow, I never knew you were against insults. Granted you never do them, but I didn't realize it was actually a stand on principle. I just thought you were a nice person. But you're both nice and have great integrity
The Stormfront faction are given free reign to spout their racist vitriol without restraint, and they are a growing force here.
This board is becoming a racist haven ...
If all Damo wants is a small racist board that occasionally talks about sports he is getting it...
The Stormfront faction are given free reign to spout their racist vitriol without restraint, and they are a growing force here.
This board is becoming a racist haven ...
If all Damo wants is a small racist board that occasionally talks about sports he is getting it...

I haven't seen that yet. Yet I see you talking about it all the time and not backing it up. You seem to be the boy who called wolf
It's not a racist board if you put the racists on IA. I saw a post that I reported that was beyond the pale, as I felt it called for violence against people who are black, and did so using hate speech. Post is still up- that poster was put on IA today.
It's not a racist board if you put the racists on IA. I saw a post that I reported that was beyond the pale, as I felt it called for violence against people who are black, and did so using hate speech. Post is still up- that poster was put on IA today.

Let me guess...Chopped Liver?