New school shooting

Eighteen children ages 5 to 10, gone. But they'd rather rant about the 2nd amendment.

Their misplaced priorities are a sad thing.

They claim that every life is sacred.

A pity they can't harness the same fire reserved for the unborn to protect our children once they leave the womb.
the takers try to politicize this issue and then the takers get mad when someone responds in a political manner.
I think that's one thing ObamaCare will help with accomplishing. A quick conversation while having the yearly physical just might expose a few people.
and this will pose a constitutional dilemma, once you start denying rights to those with beliefs you don't like. never gonna happen.
have you no shame?

It hurts to view the subject without all the diversionary little pro-gun taglines the gun nuts like to attach to these kind of things, doesn't it?

The bottom line is another gun nut used another gun to snuff out 18 bright little lights and those lights will NEVER shine again.
Yes, I know, I have been haunted by this thought, these little kids were dreaming of Santa only this morning. Their parents, I don't know what to say, I personally would commit suicide, period. I guess if you have other children who depend on you, it becomes more complicated, but if you only have one, or if you are not the parent but like me, an aunt (or other relative) who loves this child, I would just kill myself today. I would not want to go on. I know this, because I have been through it but not with a child. And I know for sure, I would simply just check out. It would be time for me.

It's not unusual for a tragedy like this to end up with the parents divorcing compounding the problem for the other children.

I did a quick Google "Timeline: School violence in the U.S."

Following is just three examples from the site.

Barry Loukaitis, 14, Frontier Junior High , Washington Feb 2/96. Life in prison

Michael Carmeal, 14, West Padacah Dec 1/97 Kentucky. Life in prison

Nathaniel Brazill, 13, Lake Worth, Florida. May 26/00. 28 years in prison.

I was wondering about people's views on the length of sentence for those three boys. 13 and 14 year olds sentenced to life in prison.
I notice that you FAIL to blame those responsible. While those boys and girls were being gunned down, where were the police officers you said would be their protection?

Oh I blame the one responsible..another gun nut with a gun and a score to settle.

You can try and pin this on the cops but you gun lovers own this one.
You fucking Ghouls. These children's bodies are not even out of the school yet and you want to politicize this? Parents are still waiting to hear if their children are dead? If their homes are going to be less one child for Christmas. I have TWO boys who are in first grade. THE ONLY thing I can think is how horrible this is for at least 18 families.