New way to finance college

Their choice right?

There is a huge student debt bubble in this country. I'm not sure if you think it doesn't exist or don't care that it does. And you seem to think there is no way to address it.
Well, it's clear that you aren't reading any input from this thread. Housing/food accounts for the lion's share of debt. When you have half of the campus studying for a degree that will do nothing for them, they're taking up a dorm room that could be used by someone else.

As such, supply/demand comes into play, and we have a nation of kids with insurmountable debt because they simply weren't ready to face the real world when they graduated high school.
Flawed collectivist thinking. Businessmen don't have to care about you. But by caring about profit they are forced to come up with things that improve your life so you voluntarily part with your property

Funny how you seem to ascribe these noble attributes to politicians as if they really care about you

Why is this statement nonsense Althea?
The discussion started about becoming a slave to a hedge fund, as opposed to a bank. It shouldn't take that long to debate both sides of the issue.

What do hedge funds have to do with this discussion? Again, you didn't read the article. And the Fed Gov't is a bank to you is not surprising
Well, it's clear that you aren't reading any input from this thread. Housing/food accounts for the lion's share of debt. When you have half of the campus studying for a degree that will do nothing for them, they're taking up a dorm room that could be used by someone else.

As such, supply/demand comes into play, and we have a nation of kids with insurmountable debt because they simply weren't ready to face the real world when they graduated high school.

Housing and food costs are not why tuition costs have doubled or more. You don't understand the basis premise of the problem.
Why is this statement nonsense Althea?
Tell us what happens when a female student who is a slave to the hedge fund she signed her life away to, decides she's going to become a stay at home mom, instead of a lawyer. What will the hedge fund do to 'make her life better'?
Tell us what happens when a female student who is a slave to the hedge fund she signed her life away to, decides she's going to become a stay at home mom, instead of a lawyer. What will the hedge fund do to 'make her life better'?

READ the article for one, dear lord. Nor does that come close to addressing what ILA wrote.

Here's another albeit older article giving you an idea of how this would work.
[h=2]Over Four Years You Will Spend About $75,604 on Housing, Food and Other Stuff.[/h][FONT=&quot]On-campus housing and dining at University of Southern California has changed an average of 3.7% for each of the past five years. If current growth trends in room, board and other expenses continue, we expect this year's incoming freshmen to pay $18,026 their first year of college. By their final year they will pay approximately $18,597 for an associate degree seeker, and $19,795 for a bachelor degree seeker to cover these expenses Over the entire degree (assuming you graduate on-time) the total will come to $75,604 for a four year stay or $36,623 for a two year stay.[/FONT]
READ the article for one, dear lord. Nor does that come close to addressing what ILA wrote.

Here's another albeit older article giving you an idea of how this would work.
There is NO information to be gleaned from your article, save for the few sentences that admit it isn't a very good idea. ILA didn't address what the hedge fund will do to someone who chooses another direction after graduation, which is the norm today.
[h=2]Over Four Years You Will Spend About $75,604 on Housing, Food and Other Stuff.[/h][FONT="]On-campus housing and dining at University of Southern California has changed an average of 3.7% for each of the past five years. If current growth trends in room, board and other expenses continue, we expect this year's incoming freshmen to pay $18,026 their first year of college. By their final year they will pay approximately $18,597 for an associate degree seeker, and $19,795 for a bachelor degree seeker to cover these expenses Over the entire degree (assuming you graduate on-time) the total will come to $75,604 for a four year stay or $36,623 for a two year stay.[/FONT]

I just said it costs over $12K for room and board
There is NO information to be gleaned from your article, save for the few sentences that admit it isn't a very good idea. ILA didn't address what the hedge fund will do to someone who chooses another direction after graduation, which is the norm today.

You have trouble understanding economics which is why you completely miss the point of his post. It is so far over your head.

Is hedge fund a liberal boogeyman term? Because this has nothing to do with hedge funds yet you continue to use it.
You have trouble understanding economics which is why you completely miss the point of his post. It is so far over your head.

Is hedge fund a liberal boogeyman term? Because this has nothing to do with hedge funds yet you continue to use it.
Keep avoiding the question