New way to finance college

What efforts has gov't made to control college costs that have been rejected?
None, actually they have made some good ones. It is the Univerties themselves that are the cause of the problem. There are more things the government can do to control costs and probably will if the public gets pissed off enough.
Flawed collectivist thinking. Businessmen don't have to care about you. But by caring about profit they are forced to come up with things that improve your life so you voluntarily part with your property

Funny how you seem to ascribe these noble attributes to politicians as if they really care about you
sarcasm is beyond you, isn't it?
This is spot on. Rune you need to read and understand this as well as you question why student loans are ripe for disruption.

Oh Wacko! ILA is an idiot. How much data do you need to see that the largest class of criminals that do the most amount of damage to our society are not thugs from the ghetto or faceless bureaucrats in government but white collar criminals in business. Now I don't say that to paint all businessmen as criminals but to disabuse your notion that they are all holy saints. The honest truth is that a business solution would mean that only fortunate people, like you, would attend college.
Oh Wacko! ILA is an idiot. How much data do you need to see that the largest class of criminals that do the most amount of damage to our society are not thugs from the ghetto or faceless bureaucrats in government but white collar criminals in business. Now I don't say that to paint all businessmen as criminals but to disabuse your notion that they are all holy saints. The honest truth is that a business solution would mean that only fortunate people, like you, would attend college.

That really was one of his dumbest posts ever.
Oh Wacko! ILA is an idiot. How much data do you need to see that the largest class of criminals that do the most amount of damage to our society are not thugs from the ghetto or faceless bureaucrats in government but white collar criminals in business. Now I don't say that to paint all businessmen as criminals but to disabuse your notion that they are all holy saints. The honest truth is that a business solution would mean that only fortunate people, like you, would attend college.

There is a trillion dollar student debt bubble in this country. Something has to give here shortly. This market is ripe more than almost any other for disrupting and that's what business entrepreneurs do. You are clearly missing the opportunity that others see here. It remains to be scene what the outcome will be but it is a good thing for all of us that this is occurring.
There is a trillion dollar student debt bubble in this country. Something has to give here shortly. This market is ripe more than almost any other for disrupting and that's what business entrepreneurs do. You are clearly missing the opportunity that others see here. It remains to be scene what the outcome will be but it is a good thing for all of us that this is occurring.

Will you actually explain why you disagree with what I say here Rune or are you just going to continue groaning my posts like a little kid?
Oh Wacko! ILA is an idiot. How much data do you need to see that the largest class of criminals that do the most amount of damage to our society are not thugs from the ghetto or faceless bureaucrats in government but white collar criminals in business. Now I don't say that to paint all businessmen as criminals but to disabuse your notion that they are all holy saints. The honest truth is that a business solution would mean that only fortunate people, like you, would attend college.

You go out of the way to miss the point

I don't think business people are saints. Quite the contrary. I distrust them as I distrust politicians. Why? They are people. People are flawed

But here is the difference (and is obviously lost on you and Cuckold Rune); no private businessman can make me do anything against my will. He can't make me buy his product. But a $20,000 a year piece of shit government flunky can make my life miserable.
Tuition today at USC is over $50K and room and board over $12K. So the issue with school affordability is not tuition but housing and board?
USC isn't a State funded school. Poor choice. Your basic premise is right but for poor schmucks like me cost of housing and food are not exactly inconsiderable. My Junior year was great practice for grad school as I had to work part time to pay for food and housing study a demanding and time consuming major with its lab work while preparing for the MCAT but my housing and living cost were a substantial problem, obstacle and adversity to be overcome and I missed out on important aspects that enhance a college education such as building life long social networks and connections in the upper strata of society and extracurricular activities, etc. Then again though you missed out on the life experience of struggling through that adversity getting through school then struggling to pay off that debt. Although if I was you I wouldn't trade experiences. Yours was more pleasant for sure. ;)
The federal loans work the same at USC as they do at UCLA. It's also the government's ticket in the door, which is why conservative colleges such as Thomas Aquinas and Hillsdale don't accept federal funds.
Yes housing costs are increasing. Ok. You think $12K is more than $50K?
That was a clueless and out of touch Statement Wacko. Attending a private school, when I was college age was a hopeless pipe dream. Local State U was my only option. When I started college in 81 the most my father had ever made in one year was $15,000. The problem isn't some schmuck from an upper middle class family struggling to afford $62,000 a year at the University of Spoiled Children. Fuck them. They can go to State U and live within their means.

This is an issue of middle and working class kids not being able to afford the $20 to $25 kpy at State U!
That was a clueless and out of touch Statement Wacko. Attending a private school, when I was college age was a hopeless pipe dream. Local State U was my only option. When I started college in 81 the most my father had ever made in one year was $15,000. The problem isn't some schmuck from an upper middle class family struggling to afford $62,000 a year at the University of Spoiled Children. Fuck them. They can go to State U and live within their means.

This is an issue of middle and working class kids not being able to afford the $20 to $25 kpy at State U!

You have done well MTH. As well as your education, it taught you character.
Times have changed though. Quoting Aristotle, analyzing a painting, or debating the meaning of a sonnet from 17th century England, while fascinating in its own right, should not be what defines your college education anymore unless that is your focus just as an art major should not be required to understand soil science. For today's generation if I want to appreciate literature I can, anytime, anywhere. I can even do it in college as a voluntary elective outside of my degree path if I choose to enroll in that class, but it shouldnt be a requirement if it has no connection to my major in my opinion. It would save thousands of dollars for me and most other students. Ive taken a lot of my required core classes, basically the same classes I had to take in high school, and they were interesting but I still fail to see how reading Slaughterhouse Five will realistically help me manage livestock, or for someone else how learning how to manage livestock will realistically help that literature major during their career.
It isn't and it won't but it's not intended too but a day may come when you can appreciate contemplating how surviving the fire bombing of Dresden, a college town, where over 25,000 civilians died and the post traumatic stress syndrome derived from that experience impacted the life of a single soldier who shared that horrible experience most eloquently. Maybe it will affect your world view about war and sending young people off to die in war.

The point being is there is more to life and enlightenment than this single passion you have. Be open minded about the experience and the rewards will come later. My attitude when I was in college was similar to yours. I was wrong. I am now profoundly glad I was required to suffer through those classes.