New way to finance college

There is a trillion dollar student debt bubble in this country. Something has to give here shortly. This market is ripe more than almost any other for disrupting and that's what business entrepreneurs do. You are clearly missing the opportunity that others see here. It remains to be scene what the outcome will be but it is a good thing for all of us that this is occurring. addresses the symptoms and not the problem. We cannot compete as a world power if we don't educate our youths. Most advanced industrial nations graduate 30 to 35% of their population with post secondary education. Your solution is to trade one bubble for another. It doesn't address the core issues of what is driving up costs in post secondary education.
USC isn't a State funded school. Poor choice. Your basic premise is right but for poor schmucks like me cost of housing and food are not exactly inconsiderable. My Junior year was great practice for grad school as I had to work part time to pay for food and housing study a demanding and time consuming major with its lab work while preparing for the MCAT but my housing and living cost were a substantial problem, obstacle and adversity to be overcome and I missed out on important aspects that enhance a college education such as building life long social networks and connections in the upper strata of society and extracurricular activities, etc. Then again though you missed out on the life experience of struggling through that adversity getting through school then struggling to pay off that debt. Although if I was you I wouldn't trade experiences. Yours was more pleasant for sure. ;)
I'm elite because I'm from Ohio. :)

I am lucky that I didn't have to work during school. (during the summer but not school) Knew a number of people who did. I'm a nobody but met a number of friends while there who are upper crust. It's fun to roll in their world. addresses the symptoms and not the problem. We cannot compete as a world power if we don't educate our youths. Most advanced industrial nations graduate 30 to 35% of their population with post secondary education. Your solution is to trade one bubble for another. It doesn't address the core issues of what is driving up costs in post secondary education.
Mott, all I've done here is post an article of a private firm trying to get into this market that has a relationship with one school. This firm may go no where or it could be on to something. I posted it because it's an important area. Not that we are solving the world's problems on this board but college debt is an unsustainable bubble and something is going to have to change.
There is a trillion dollar student debt bubble in this country. Something has to give here shortly. This market is ripe more than almost any other for disrupting and that's what business entrepreneurs do. You are clearly missing the opportunity that others see here. It remains to be scene what the outcome will be but it is a good thing for all of us that this is occurring.

The idea is unimportant. Seriously. A good idea is some debt forgiveness and a new GI bill.
Mott, all I've done here is post an article of a private firm trying to get into this market that has a relationship with one school. This firm may go no where or it could be on to something. I posted it because it's an important area. Not that we are solving the world's problems on this board but college debt is an unsustainable bubble and something is going to have to change.
Well we agree there and that something is going to be non-educational costs. They may enhance the quality of education for those who can afford them but they make higher education prohibitively expensive for those who can't. Another problem is that demand outstrips supply. Maybe we need more Universities and post secondary schools to create an economy of scale and by increasing supply to meet demand. My solution there would be to create more branch campuses and fund them so they can provide four year bachelors degrees, as well as technical and trade certifications.
CFM, this topic woukdnt appeal to you because you don't know what college is right?

CFM in one of his more whimsical moments.


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To piss off snowflakes, bottom feeders and racists
Not much. One will destroy your credit and seize assets if you do not pay, the other might just physically break your legs. Personally I think if you do not have the cash to go to college or a should be the blue collar field for you. Damn good chance you would do better in the long term.
So no more free ride (tax payer funded) quotas for minorities?
None, actually they have made some good ones. It is the Univerties themselves that are the cause of the problem. There are more things the government can do to control costs and probably will if the public gets pissed off enough.

Good little Liberal.
Last edited: addresses the symptoms and not the problem. We cannot compete as a world power if we don't educate our youths. Most advanced industrial nations graduate 30 to 35% of their population with post secondary education. Your solution is to trade one bubble for another. It doesn't address the core issues of what is driving up costs in post secondary education.

No, but look at it from Wacko's perspective; "this market is ripe"
"It remains to be scene"
"but it is a good thing for all of us".

I have two children in college.
High costs are NOT a good thing you drooling fool. Take another shotand shut the fuck up you typical republican.
By the way, one of my sons has 100% tuition scholarship and you are incorrect about the cost ratio other that at the Ivy league and their associated schools.
You should really open your mind to what Althea and Mott are saying.