New way to finance college

And a lot less well rounded educationally. I think that's a poor idea honestly. When I was in school I pretty much thought anything outside of my science classes was a waste of my time. Now that I"m older and can look back with a lot more of life's experience and wisdom do I realize how dead wrong I was and how valuable those classes were. I agree with specialization for graduate studies but not for undergraduate studies. I think there's a heck of a lot more fat that can be trimmed from academia without sacrificing the liberal arts mission to make you a more well rounded and enlightened person. I'm glad I took communication, education, social sciences and liberal arts classes. I'd be a dreadfully boring person if I had only focused on science (ok...I just served a big fat softball set up for a cheap shot. LOL).

As for trade school....I agree whole heartedly if that's where your heart lies but that doesn't change the cost aspect. Top trade schools like NASCAR's automotive program cost a crap load of money too.

Times have changed though. Quoting Aristotle, analyzing a painting, or debating the meaning of a sonnet from 17th century England, while fascinating in its own right, should not be what defines your college education anymore unless that is your focus just as an art major should not be required to understand soil science. For today's generation if I want to appreciate literature I can, anytime, anywhere. I can even do it in college as a voluntary elective outside of my degree path if I choose to enroll in that class, but it shouldnt be a requirement if it has no connection to my major in my opinion. It would save thousands of dollars for me and most other students. Ive taken a lot of my required core classes, basically the same classes I had to take in high school, and they were interesting but I still fail to see how reading Slaughterhouse Five will realistically help me manage livestock, or for someone else how learning how to manage livestock will realistically help that literature major during their career.
you copied one line from the article and attributed it to me. Just say it's from the article.

I hit reply with quote and deleted the parts I wasn't replying to.....JPP attributed it to you.....if you don't like it put your quotes in quotes.....I'm not going to waste my time changing "cawhacko" to your source in the quote box.....
Times have changed though. Quoting Aristotle, analyzing a painting, or debating the meaning of a sonnet from 17th century England, while fascinating in its own right, should not be what defines your college education anymore unless that is your focus just as an art major should not be required to understand soil science. For today's generation if I want to appreciate literature I can, anytime, anywhere. I can even do it in college as a voluntary elective outside of my degree path if I choose to enroll in that class, but it shouldnt be a requirement if it has no connection to my major in my opinion. It would save thousands of dollars for me and most other students. Ive taken a lot of my required core classes, basically the same classes I had to take in high school, and they were interesting but I still fail to see how reading Slaughterhouse Five will realistically help me manage livestock, or for someone else how learning how to manage livestock will realistically help that literature major during their career.

Then go receive an agricultural education someplace and don't call it a college education.
That's not the way the game works. You make a claim, and you ask others to debate a negative? Your OP title claims you've found a new way to fund college tuition. You don't know what the interest rate is, and you don't know anything about the terms.

Typically, when the govt. subsidizes something, it's to keep prices lower, not higher.

To whom, those receiving the subsidy or those funding it?
The sport is irrelevant. It doesn't change the truth.

Prove I didn't.

Hey, it's the internet we can all make up sh*t about ourselves. So knock yourself out trying to convince people you went to school on an athletic and academic scholarship.

I found a way to address the housing/food portion with my daughter's college. Her scholarships covered tuition, books, fees, and the rest of the costs related to taking classes. I was left with the cost of paying room and board. It totals approximately $9K/year. The academic costs, while somewhere around the $26K range, don't matter. They're covered.

I found a way to offset that $9K which will benefit me in the long run. The spring before she started college, I bought a 3BR/2Bath condo in the town where the college is located. It's about 5 - 6 miles from the school and has lake access with a boat dock. She uses the MBR and I rent out the other two bedrooms to her roommates. With what I charge, I make the payment and then some. Continuing to do that will allow me to pay off the 15 year loan on the condo in about 8 years. Since my youngest will also be attending the same university, she will do the same thing. What I will have done by that time is have provide the two of them a place to live at no cost and had the renting roommates pay for the condo. The only cost I will incur is food.
Over Four Years You Will Spend About $75,604 on Housing, Food and Other Stuff.

On-campus housing and dining at University of Southern California has changed an average of 3.7% for each of the past five years. If current growth trends in room, board and other expenses continue, we expect this year's incoming freshmen to pay $18,026 their first year of college. By their final year they will pay approximately $18,597 for an associate degree seeker, and $19,795 for a bachelor degree seeker to cover these expenses Over the entire degree (assuming you graduate on-time) the total will come to $75,604 for a four year stay or $36,623 for a two year stay.

Did you even read your own link?

Room and Board - $13,85

Housing - $8,355

Meals - $5,500

It's really not that hard.
Hey, it's the internet we can all make up sh*t about ourselves. So knock yourself out trying to convince people you went to school on an athletic and academic scholarship.

In other words you can't prove something you claimed didn't occur while claiming you know more about my personal situation that the firsthand knowledge I have of it. Interesting.

I have a very easy way to do it. Provide your name and address. I'll be more than happy to hand deliver any documentation you need in order for me to knock myself out convincing you of what I say. Step up or fuck off. The ball is on your field now, so to speak.
In other words you can't prove something you claimed didn't occur while claiming you know more about my personal situation that the firsthand knowledge I have of it. Interesting.

I have a very easy way to do it. Provide your name and address. I'll be more than happy to hand deliver any documentation you need in order for me to knock myself out convincing you of what I say. Step up or fuck off. The ball is on your field now, so to speak.

It's pretty simple. If you really played a sport you would state what it is. Not that complicated.