Nuclear News Thread

Prove it.

Not sure how you're gonna be able to prove that, but I'd love to see ya try.

Sure- Crimea was Russian in the Crimean War- it was Russian in 1951 when Kruschev- himself a Ukrainian- attempted to hand it to Ukraine. Sleight of hand, you see, as it was still within the Soviet Union and he thought it didn't matter. However, the Crimeans were not consulted- and they were all Russians- and Kruschev did not have a quorum in the Grand Presidium. (For dumbasses like you that means that no vote could be legitimately passed ) So the Presidium majority was worthless and Crimea remained Russian . The UN accepted that Kruschev had the power to change the status of a recognized part of Russia- but he did not. Such attempts at status change are illegal, even under international law, so the UN was guilty of shooting itself through the foot.

Pretty much like you, really.

Crimea is now reinstated as Russian - according to the will of Crimeans. You support self-determination, of course.

Haw, haw..................................haw.
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Sure- Crimea was Russian in the Crimean War

What about prior to the Crimean war?

it was Russian in 1951 when Kruschev- himself a Ukrainian- attempted to hand it to Ukraine

Or was it a reaffirmation of sovereign Ukrainian territory since Crimea was part of Ukraine when it was admitted to the UN as a member state?

Also, what Kruschev did isn't my problem to reconcile, it's yours.

Sleight of hand, you see, as it was still within the Soviet Union and he thought it didn't matter.

Except that it does matter, according to you.

So you now have to concede the point that the USSR affirmed Crimea was a part of Ukraine.
However, the Crimeans were not consulted- and they were all Russians- and Kruschev did not have a quorum in the Grand Presidium. (For dumbasses like you that means that no vote could be legitimately passed ) So the Presidium majority was worthless and Crimea remained Russian . The UN accepted that Kruschev had the power to change the status of a recognized part of Russia- but he did not. Such attempts at status change are illegal, even under international law, so the UN was guilty of shooting itself through the foot.

Couple things...

Firstly, what you're saying here is that the USSR affirmed that Crimea was a part of Ukraine.

Whether or not YOU think that is fair doesn't matter; the fact of the matter is that when it comes to international and global recognition, Crimea, Donbass and all the other occupied regions are sovereign Ukrainian territory, which means Putin is violating the UN Charter by invading one of its member states.

The UN has not accepted the false referendum because it wasn't conducted by Ukraine, didn't poll everyone who lived in those territories, and was illegal under Ukrainian law.

So you have to reconcile all of that before you can even make the argument that those parts of Ukraine are Russian.
What about prior to the Crimean war?

Or was it a reaffirmation of sovereign Ukrainian territory since Crimea was part of Ukraine when it was admitted to the UN as a member state?

Also, what Kruschev did isn't my problem to reconcile, it's yours.

Except that it does matter, according to you.

So you now have to concede the point that the USSR affirmed Crimea was a part of Ukraine.

Can you two take this elsewhere, please?
What about prior to the Crimean war?

You must be playing stupid deliberately.

Or was it a reaffirmation of sovereign Ukrainian territory since Crimea was part of Ukraine when it was admitted to the UN as a member state?

Yes, you must be.

Also, what Kruschev did isn't my problem to reconcile, it's yours.

Yes, you are. No doubt about it.

Except that it does matter, according to you.

So you now have to concede the point that the USSR affirmed Crimea was a part of Ukraine.[/QUOTE]
Couple things...

Firstly, what you're saying here is that the USSR affirmed that Crimea was a part of Ukraine.

No- Krushev. Illegally. You don't read so good.

Whether or not YOU think that is fair doesn't matter; the fact of the matter is that when it comes to international and global recognition, Crimea, Donbass and all the other occupied regions are sovereign Ukrainian territory, which means Putin is violating the UN Charter by invading one of its member states.

That's up for debate- not that it's going to make any difference as the Russians have a Security Council veto. So does Russia's backer, China. What America does for Israel so Russia and China will always do for their own interests.
You can kiss ALL territories which voted to 'leave Ukraine ' goodbye.
Unlike the occupied Palestinians, the populations of the Donbas and Crimea voted to rejoin/align with Russia. It's a situation which makes their wishes legitimate. The law states that territory can never be taken/annexed BY FORCE.
Again, no points for your half-assed grasp of events and the law.

The UN has not accepted the false referendum because it wasn't conducted by Ukraine, didn't poll everyone who lived in those territories, and was illegal under Ukrainian law.

The Donbas already declared independence. Russia recognized it. Crimea was legally Russian anyway.

So you have to reconcile all of that before you can even make the argument that those parts of Ukraine are Russian.

Done. You are debunked. Go away
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You cannot go further backward. Alternative energy is the future and much of the present. Maybe wood-burning stoves are more your speed. Perhaps coal?

So the future is black outs and people starving from food shortage because there is no famland since it is all used for renewable energy useless systems that do not produce enough electricity
No- Krushev. Illegally. You don't read so good.

How is it illegal if the USSR did it themselves?

Because no one forced Kruschev or the Soviet government to do this; they did so on their own, officially.

Still waiting for something official from you that establishes that territory as Russian and not Ukrainian.
That's up for debate

No it isn't.

You don't have anything official that says those regions are a part of Russia, though there is plenty of official shit that establishes those regions as part of Ukraine.

The USSR thought that it was Ukrainian territory, so you are now also in conflict with what the USSR said, back when it existed.

The Russia of today is only about 30 years old and has no legitimate claim to anything outside of its borders.

not that it's going to make any difference as the Russians have a Security Council veto. So does Russia's backer, China. What America does for Israel so Russia and China will always do for their own interests.
You can kiss ALL territories which voted to 'leave Ukraine ' goodbye.

How is that going to happen when Russia is clearly losing this war?

Unlike the occupied Palestinians, the populations of the Donbas and Crimea voted to rejoin/align with Russia.

That referendum didn't poll all the people in those regions, was illegal under Ukrainian law, and was not recognized by any international body.

If Israel did the same poll of Israelis in WB, it would turn the same result.

So it's hypocritical that you attack Israel for making the same claims to WB and Gaza that Russia makes to Crimea and Donbass.

It's a situation which makes their wishes legitimate. The law states that territory can never be taken/annexed BY FORCE.
Again, no points for your half-assed grasp of events and the law.

You can't prove that referendum was legitimate, mostly because it didn't poll all the people who lived there.

Also, if they want to live in Russia so bad, then move there.

The Donbas already declared independence. Russia recognized it. Crimea was legally Russian anyway.

No one else has recognized that, no one else thinks it's legitimate.

You're also a hypocrite.
So the future is black outs and people starving from food shortage because there is no famland since it is all used for renewable energy useless systems that do not produce enough electricity

There already are blackouts and food shortages under your beloved capitalist system, so shut the fuck up.