Nuclear News Thread

Well you know who has NO SUPPORT? Russia.

Ukraine has allies it can call on. Does Russia? Who is Russia going to call on? Belarus? Syria? Not exactly global powers, there.

Russia's supporters, unlike Ukraine's, are not seeking re-election by blowing their trumpets.
Stop being such a fucking crybaby.

It took me literally 1 second to search "average age of Palestinian" on Google.

' Average age ' has nothing to do with it, dumbass. Revisit the post and stop making a fool of yourself.
You mean foreign investment, which Trump did in Russia but you don't consider that an act of aggression.

No- I mean purchase of huge swathes of Ukrainian land. You were clearly too stupid to read and understand the facts of the article.
That depends on your viewpoint. The Zelensky neo-Nazis shelled the pro-Russian Donbas for eight years.

Donbas wasn't and has never been "pro-Russian", it has always been Ukrainian.

But that's not an incursion into Russia.

*Russia* has led an incursion into Ukraine.

YOU SAID that Russia's borders were threatened but you can't articulate how.
Well- I'd like to say that it's been nice chatting with you- but you've taught me nothing and you've become repetitiously stupid and insulting.

I have classes now- but I'll check over any other dumbass dollops that you might leave in the hope of winning a point.
Loaded question. The referendum wasn't illegal. Ask the participants

Yes, the referendum was very much illegal under Ukrainian law, and that is one of the reasons why the UN didn't recognize it.

Also, if I only polled the tiny minority of people who agreed with me, I'd get the same polling result too.

But if I polled everyone, then I'm not going to win that poll...and that is why Russia's fake referendum fell flat.
Just a while ago you were denying that huge swathes of Ukraine have been sold to Americans

No I wasn't.

I said it was foreign investment, which happens in every single country including your favorite Russia.

And how is foreign investment in non-military infrastructure a justification for invading your neighbor?

Should we invade Mexico because Ford invested in an auto plant there?

You are now looking like a thick-skinned twat.

Did you mean "thinned-skinned"? Because thick skin would imply that nothing you are able to do is going to get a rise out of me or make me change my mind.

And also, if you are having to resort to this kind of name-calling because I called you a fascist, then you are a fuckin fascist.
You simply attempt to draw ' conclusions ' to suit your own misinformation. I was comparing the casualty numbers.

But what casualty numbers? Ukrainian civilians.

How many Russian civilians in Russia has Ukraine killed? Excatly zero.

So you are on the side of the people who are killing civilians, not on the side of people who aren't.
You're missing your info. on Palestinian demographics and Ukrainian land sales.


You're the one who thought there were "many" 80 year old Palestinians walking around Gaza and the West Bank, and then when I give you actual information showing the average age of Palestinians is 20, you disregard it for the same reason you disregard everything else...YOU ARE A COWARD.
Krushev handed it over illegally and without Crimean consultation.

Well that sounds more like a YOU problem than a WE problem...

And that was back when the USSR was around, which it isn't today.

The Russia of today has only existed for about 30 years, and thus has no historical claims to anything.
Like I said, your sour grapes matter not at all. Crimea is Russian now- and will always be so, I dare say.

Sour grapes? Russia's the one losing the war in case you couldn't tell.

Zelensky is at the Golden Globes and Putin is hiding in his bunker.

If this war was going swimmingly for Putin, he'd be out there doing victory laps...but he's not.

He's hiding like a little bitch, even from his own people.

That's the guy you've cast your lot in with...