Nuclear News Thread

Also- it should be very evident- even to you- that the Russians are targeting infrastructure.

Which targets civilians.

So Russia is targeting civilians.

That is whose side you are on; the side of the people who are targeting civilians.
Let's examine this case, shall we?

1. Border Security: Prior to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, how many border incursions did Ukraine make into Russia between 2014-2022? ZERO.

That depends on your viewpoint. The Zelensky neo-Nazis shelled the pro-Russian Donbas for eight years.

2. Ahistorical claims: Prior to the illegal referendum conducted by Russian assets in Ukraine, how big was the ethnically-Russian population of Crimea? No data exists.

Loaded question. The referendum wasn't illegal. Ask the participants

3. Foreign investment: How come foreign investment in Ukraine is bad, but Donald Trump investing in Russia is not? Because you are a fascist and you will always make excuses for them.

Just a while ago you were denying that huge swathes of Ukraine have been sold to Americans. You are now looking like a thick-skinned twat.
!'M a fascist, eh ?

Haw, haw......................haw.

Ukraine was the Russians red line.4. NATO: NATO was already right up on Russia's border in Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia...also in Turkey and Poland, right? So what makes Ukraine any different?

Ukraine was the Russians' red line . Russia now controls the Black Sea coast.
Instead of turning everything into a farting contest, people are going to have to realize, that we don't always get what we want but, if we try to work together sometimes- WE GET WHAT WE NEED!

We should realize that it is going to take a little bit of all the energy resources available to us, to supply power to our country..

Solar and Wind Power! DAM POWER generated through the force of Water! Natural Gas Power! Coal Power! AND NUCLEAR POWER. However, I do believe in standards. SO there must be sensible regulations. Coal Power seems to be the only one that does not meet our Environmental standards, and is already dying it's natural DEATH- just as steam did at the turn of the century before last!

And the same thing goes for what we will use to fuel our Vehicles and Automobiles, trains and Planes, as we will need them all!

Gasoline/Diesel/Jet Fuel
Electrical Power!

But DAMN, let's stop the FARTING CONTESTS already!
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Before you even try to go there- the ' collateral damage ' of US wars is massive.

They have nothing to do with this.

So you whatabout to Israel, I end up making a strong connection between Israel and Russia's justifications, and instead of reconciling those similarities, you avoid them because you're a coward.
By comparison?

So you're admitting that Putin is targeting civilians, then.

You simply attempt to draw ' conclusions ' to suit your own misinformation. I was comparing the casualty numbers.

Over 80 years.

Putin's killed nearly that many in just 1.

14,000 died in the Azov Nazis eight years of shelling the Donbas. It probably never made your propaganda sheets.

You're missing your info. on Palestinian demographics and Ukrainian land sales.
Your ' sour grapes ' matters to them not at all.

Well since they are a tiny, tiny minority in Crimea, they don't matter to me at all. Nor do they matter to Ukraine.

They should just go back to Russia since that's where they're from, and stop squatting on Ukrainian land.
Sure it was, because when Ukraine was admitted to the UN as a member state, it did so with Crimea.

Crimea was Russian at the time. Its passage to Ukraine was illegitimate. Krushev handed it over illegally and without Crimean consultation. Take it up with the courts.
Well since they are a tiny, tiny minority in Crimea, they don't matter to me at all. Nor do they matter to Ukraine.

They should just go back to Russia since that's where they're from, and stop squatting on Ukrainian land.

Like I said, your sour grapes matter not at all. Crimea is Russian now- and will always be so, I dare say.
They're threatening using tactical nukes on any military threatening their borders.

Russia's borders were never once breached by Ukraine.


Russia already had NATO allies on its borders, so that's not a viable excuse either.
In the Western press, yes. Ukraine does not have universal support.

Well you know who has NO SUPPORT? Russia.

Ukraine has allies it can call on. Does Russia? Who is Russia going to call on? Belarus? Syria? Not exactly global powers, there.
Sure it was, because when Ukraine was admitted to the UN as a member state, it did so with Crimea.

It wasn't legally Ukrainian. Krushev handed it over with a quorum of the Grand Presidium ( illegal ) and the Crimeans were not consulted.