Nuclear News Thread

One held a series of local referenda

That only polled a small subset of people, that was illegal under Ukrainian law, and was not recognized by the UN.

If the same referendum were held in the West Bank, polling only Israelis, it would have the same result as Russia's bogus referendum, and be just as credible.
Russia is in Ukraine illegitimately. They are required, by international law, to leave.

Unlike the Israeli scum the Russians actually do have a case for occupying the Donbas and Crimea.
Also, although occupation and annexation are illegal, occupation is accepted on a temporary basis as a means of self-defense. There is nothing temporary about Israel's occupation - as the ICC is just about to reaffirm.
That only polled a small subset of people, that was illegal under Ukrainian law, and was not recognized by the UN.

If the same referendum were held in the West Bank, polling only Israelis, it would have the same result as Russia's bogus referendum, and be just as credible.

We are at a point wherein every loser calls ' FOUL ! - even in the US. If you don't agree with the Russians being in Russia then saddle up and evict them Good luck.
Now you're just another pro-NATO voice attempting to deny history. Research ' 2014 coup' .

Your guy lost an election, how is that a coup?

You can't scream and cry "coup" just because you're a fucking sore loser.

Doing so gives me a ton of insight into you and this thread, specifically.
Russia is trying to exterminate Ukrainians, which is why Russia targets civilian infrastructure like apartment buildings and malls.

Israel does the same thing.

Not at all. The Ukrainian civilian casualty list is small in comparison. The Israeli scum have killed hundreds of thousands of Palestinian civilians.

Also- it should be very evident- even to you- that the Russians are targeting infrastructure.

Before you even try to go there- the ' collateral damage ' of US wars is massive.
The fat lady hasn't sung.

Oh yes she has...this thing was over way back in March 2022 when Putin stalled out before reaching Kiev.

Now Russia is just fighting to survive the invasion they launched and it's not going particularly well for them.

Zelensky is alive, most all the Ukranian leadership is alive, the people are defending their homeland, and Russian tanks are getting stuck in the mud...when they're not being lit up by drones.

At least 100,000 Russians have died in this invasion...Russia weakened its own army and its own global standing with this quagmire, and they are going to leave it with their tail between their legs, just like they left Afghanistan.
Same can be said for the Russians in Crimea.

Squatters who Putin brought in to hold a fake and illegal referendum that the UN didn't recognize.

If Israel held a referendum on annexation and only polled the Israelis, it would win just like the "referendum" in Crimea that polled only Russians.

Crimea was always Russian. It was never legitimately Ukrainian. Crimeans held a legitimate referendum. Your ' sour grapes ' matters to them not at all.
Besides, Russia cannot lose this war. They will nuke Ukraine rather than have NATO on their borders.

Well then that should tell you who the bad guys are here...are they the ones defending their home, or are they the ones threatening nuclear annihilation if they don't get their way?
Well then that should tell you who the bad guys are here...are they the ones defending their home, or are they the ones threatening nuclear annihilation if they don't get their way?

They're not ' threatening nuclear annihilation '. They're threatening using tactical nukes on any military threatening their borders. They always have. So have we.

To understand whether they would you have only to ask yourself ' Would we ? '
The answer is, of course, yes.
Somebody better tell the addlepate in the Oval Office.
Threats don't get you anything, and Russia is learning that the hard way right now.

Despite this supposedly powerful Russian military, Ukrainian cheerleaders have been more successful beating back Russian propaganda than Russia has been in attempting to snuff Ukraine out.

In the Western press, yes. Ukraine does not have universal support.
No, no they're not.

The average age of a Palestinian is 20.

There may be some 80 year old Palestinians walking around, but not "many".

And those 80 year old Palestinians were small children when Israel was partitioned, and thus have no memory of this "homeland".

OK - so you want to promote yourself as an expert on Palestinian demographics. Go ahead.

Will that be before or after your dissertation on Ukrainian land sales ?
Unlike the Israeli scum the Russians actually do have a case for occupying the Donbas and Crimea.

Let's examine this case, shall we?

1. Border Security: Prior to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, how many border incursions did Ukraine make into Russia between 2014-2022? ZERO.

2. Ahistorical claims: Prior to the illegal referendum conducted by Russian assets in Ukraine, how big was the ethnically-Russian population of Crimea? No data exists.

3. Foreign investment: How come foreign investment in Ukraine is bad, but Donald Trump investing in Russia is not? Because you are a fascist and you will always make excuses for them.

4. NATO: NATO was already right up on Russia's border in Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia...also in Turkey and Poland, right? So what makes Ukraine any different?
Also, although occupation and annexation are illegal, occupation is accepted on a temporary basis as a means of self-defense.

What self-defense? Ukraine never once violated Russia's borders between 2014-2022.

But you know who was violating borders during that time? RUSSIA! Specifically in Syria.

Then there's the attacks they waged against our elections. None of that was self-defense.
There is nothing temporary about Israel's occupation - as the ICC is just about to reaffirm.

There's nothing temporary about Russia's either and the ICC will also reaffirm that.

In fact, the ICC is going to be very busy with Russia because of all the war crimes Russia is committing by waging a war against civilian infrastructure.
We are at a point wherein every loser calls ' FOUL ! - even in the US.

But you're the one crying FOUL.

You're crying FOUL over a coup.

You're crying FOUL over an illegal invasion.

You're crying FOUL because it's not going the way you wanted it to go.

That's why it's absurd for Russia to demand Ukraine come to the table to make a deal...why would Ukraine do that when they're winning?

Ukraine can keep getting resupplied by its allies, but Russia can't.

That's why Russia has already lost the war...and Putin knows it too.