Nuclear News Thread

Yes you do!

You are oinking and mooing about something Kruschev did over 70 years ago, so clearly your problem is with the USSR and Kruschev affirming those lands are a part of Ukraine.

That's where the dissonance is cropping are trying to validate an ahistorical claim while disregarding actual history.

Now you're doing what Into the Night does here every day; come up with excuses for not engaging in the debate.



What is that?

Because all you've been able to provide has been a declaration by the USSR that says it ISN'T Russian.

The only hard, actual evidence you've provided has been Kruschev's declaration, which you're retconning now because it doesn't help your argument.

Yeah you did!

You provided all that wonderful evidence of the USSR affirming Ukrainian territory without providing any evidence to the contrary.

And then you admitted that the "referendum" wasn't a true referendum because it didn't poll everyone.

If Israel did the same thing, polling "the only people who matter" in the WB, they're also going to get a polling result that favors them...but you would NEVER accept that poll result.

That's why you're a hypocrite.

Good for them.

No one else shares that position.

You're the one who brought up Kruschev, not me.

So you're the one who kicked your own argument in the nuts.

No one believes this, even you.

So on top of being a hypocrite, you're also a disingenuous poseur.

Why am I not surprised?


You are a dumbass blowhard- with a propensity towards paranoiac masochism. I diagnose you with mild-to medium echolalia and suggest that you;
a) Get a girlfriend
b) Get a boyfriend
c) Have a toke
d) Give up sugary drinks
e) Buy a Russian phrasebook.

Now get lost. ALL of your crap has been debunked already. You are a loser.
You are a dumbass blowhard- with a propensity towards paranoiac masochism. I diagnose you with mild-to medium echolalia and suggest that you;
a) Get a girlfriend
b) Get a boyfriend
c) Have a toke
d) Give up sugary drinks
e) Buy a Russian phrasebook.

Now get lost. ALL of your crap has been debunked already. You are a loser.

You are a dumbass blowhard- with a propensity towards paranoiac masochism. I diagnose you with mild-to medium echolalia and suggest that you;
a) Get a girlfriend
b) Get a boyfriend
c) Have a toke
d) Give up sugary drinks
e) Buy a Russian phrasebook.

Now get lost. ALL of your crap has been debunked already. You are a loser.

You're a fucking hypocrite.

You are also wildly antisemitic because of your hypocrisy.

Russia, just like Israel, used phony border security and ahistorical claims to occupy Donbass and Crimea, just like Israel uses for the WB and Gaza.

You are a hypocrite because you attack Israel for using the same justifications Russia uses.
I'm enjoying your self- denigration.

Here's another example of your dissonance:

You say that Russia had to invade Ukraine in order to protect its borders, but then you also said that Russia could never lose a war because it's nuclear-equipped.

So why would Russia need to invade Ukraine if they could never lose a border conflict anyway because of their nuclear weapons?
You're a fucking hypocrite.

You are also wildly antisemitic because of your hypocrisy.

Russia, just like Israel, used phony border security and ahistorical claims to occupy Donbass and Crimea, just like Israel uses for the WB and Gaza.

You are a hypocrite because you attack Israel for using the same justifications Russia uses.

Here's another example of your dissonance:

You say that Russia had to invade Ukraine in order to protect its borders, but then you also said that Russia could never lose a war because it's nuclear-equipped.

So why would Russia need to invade Ukraine if they could never lose a border conflict anyway because of their nuclear weapons?

You are simply re-heating your own regurgitated shit. You have nothing to offer but tired canards. Fuck off and pose for somebody else.
You are simply re-heating your own regurgitated shit. You have nothing to offer but tired canards. Fuck off and pose for somebody else.

Now that your hypocritical dissonance has been called out, your instinct is to lash out rather than reconcile it.

So not only are you hypocritical but you're also a coward.
Now that your hypocritical dissonance has been called out, your instinct is to lash out rather than reconcile it.

So not only are you hypocritical but you're also a coward.

Dozens of responses to a moronic troll are unnecessary .
Again- You are simply re-heating your own regurgitated shit. You have nothing to offer but tired canards. Fuck off and pose for somebody else.

Your method of ' Shit Avalanche ' debating is rather funny.

Haw, haw................................haw.
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Alliance signs Canadian SMR contract
30 January 2023

The first commercial contract for a grid-scale small modular reactor (SMR) in North America sees Ontario Power Generation (OPG), GE Hitachi (GEH), SNC-Lavalin and Aecon team up in an innovative integrated project delivery model to develop, engineer and construct a BWRX-300 at OPG's Darlington New Nuclear Project.
The six-year alliance will see each company playing a specific role in the project, which aims to complete construction of the unit by late 2028 and to begin supplying power to the grid in 2029. Each partner will have a specific role: OPG will be the licence holder, with overall responsibility for the project; GEH will be the technology developer; SNC-Lavalin will be the architect engineer; and Aecon will be the constructor.

OPG President and CEO Ken Hartwick said the agreement put together by the four companies is "truly innovative" and will also guide future nuclear projects both in Canada and globally. OPG is already working in partnership with SNC-Lavalin and Aecon on the refurbishment of its existing Darlington nuclear power plant, and "a lot of learnings" from that have been factored in to the new project, he said.

OPG's responsibilities under the contract will include operator training, commissioning, Indigenous engagement, stakeholder outreach and oversight. "Working with these three companies, OPG is leveraging decades of nuclear energy and large project experience to deliver much-needed new, reliable electricity generation to Ontarians," he said, adding that the project will create jobs as well as helping to meet the province's growing.

The Darlington site is the only Canadian location currently licensed for new nuclear, with an accepted environmental assessment and a site preparation licence already in place. In October 2021, OPG selected GEH's BWRX-300 - a 300 MWe water-cooled, natural circulation SMR with passive safety systems that leverages the design and licensing basis of the ESBWR boiling water reactor - for the site. In November 2022, it submitted a construction licence application to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) and held a ceremony to mark the start of site preparation work the following month.

There is growing global interest in the BWRX-300, and a "lot of synergy", GEH president and CEO Jay Wileman said, with US and Canadian regulators cooperating on licensing of the technology and the Tennessee Valley Authority - which has started planning and preliminary licensing for potential deployment of the reactor at Clinch River near Oak Ridge, Tennessee - collaborating with OPG to coordinate design, licensing, construction and operation efforts. The BWRX-300 has also been selected for potential deployment in Saskatchewan in the mid-2030s. Beyond North America, ORLEN Synthos Green Energy has begun the pre-licensing process with Poland's National Atomic Energy Agency for assessment of the BWRX-300 and plans to deploy a fleet of BWRX-300s; and GEH has begun the licensing process for the reactor in the UK and has memorandums of understanding or other agreements in place with companies in several countries.

GEH will be responsible for design, procurement of major components, and engineering and support for the Darlington plant. "We aim to deliver the first SMR in North America and, in doing so, lead the start of a new era of nuclear power that will provide zero-emission energy generation, energy security and energy reliability around the globe," Wileman said.

SNC-Lavalin will provide engineering and building expertise, including project management, licensing, engineering, design, procurement, construction support and commissioning, as well as digital delivery capabilities in both the nuclear island and balance of plant scopes for the project. The company - which is the original equipment manufacturer of CANDU reactors - said it will leverage its expertise as a reactor developer and its experience with CNSC reactor licensing.

Aecon is to provide all construction services, including project management, construction planning and execution. The company is lead constructor for the Retube and Feeder Replacement project at the Darlington plant and the Steam Generator Replacement and Fuel Channel and Feeder Replacement projects at the Bruce nuclear power station, part of the for the ongoing Canadian nuclear refurbishment projects.

"This project provides an opportunity to utilise our unique multidisciplinary expertise across Aecon’s diverse operating sectors to perform new nuclear construction work safely and with an unwavering commitment to quality, schedule and cost performance," Thomas Clochard, Aecon Group's executive vice president, Nuclear and Civil, said.

Researched and written by World Nuclear News
Ultra-expensive and nobody appears concerned about the filth it will produce- whereas renewable technologies are clean.
Of course, the capitalists who have invested in this filthy and dangerous route to further climate change are claiming that it's clean.

Haw, haw.....................................haw.

Define 'climate change'. What is changing? Climate has no value associated with it.
You sound like a capitalist polluter that that been hit hard in the wallet, maggot. Oh....wait...

Haw, haw...............................haw.

Buzzword fallacy. Define 'polluter'. Define the so-called 'pollution'...what it is and what is being polluted.
The underpinning fault in all efforts to save the planet as a whole for fit human habitation is our failure in the area of battery technology.
The sun is our perfect power source- but we are still too dumb to collect and use its almost-infinite energy.

While moronic capitalist assholes, such as the Brit maggot, fuck about with the disgraced and dead technology of nuclear power we are wasting money, time and effort.

Fuck the moon, fuck Mars , fuck nuclear and fuck the likes of maggot. Develop an efficient solar energy storage technology- or die in our own filth.

Too expensive.
What 'filth'. Define this 'filth'.
I don't need a sycophantic gang, maggot. Capitalist assholes- such as yourself- are dependent upon them.

An asshole isn't capitalism, dude. One is a piece of plumbing, the other is a type of economy. You're full of shit. Your asshole probably doesn't work properly.
The problem is nuclear scales nicely to cover most of our energy needs and the technology is there already. Nuclear is not necessarily the most preferable for the reasons you state, but it has the advantage that as the climate deniers keep us from addressing climate change and we run out of time we are forced more and more into a nuclear future.

At least folks like NuScale and a few others are working to improve the technology.

Define 'climate change'. What is changing? Climate has no values associated with it.
Well- I'd like to say that it's been nice chatting with you- but you've taught me nothing and you've become repetitiously stupid and insulting.

I have classes now- but I'll check over any other dumbass dollops that you might leave in the hope of winning a point.

This towelhead imbecile actually goes to school?

What decent school would let the beige savage in?

I just assumed it was home-schooled by its irresponsibly procreating parents.

I'm way beyond caring about moon's inane opinions.

I just find it's continued existence on this forum to be a sacrilege and abomination.