Nuclear News Thread

The fool is you. Germany had cheap Russian gas and no nuclear worries- until establishment Russophobes , such as you, fucked it up for them.
France, you may have noticed, is on the verge of fresh revolutions on a monthly basis.

Germany is going back to coal, dumbass.
You do realize that Palestine looks like that in no small part due to constrictions put on the people crowded into those small chunks of land and walled in by the Israelis, right?

I'm not saying the Israelis don't have plenty of reason to distrust the Palestinians, but it's kind of like what the Warsaw Ghetto probably looked like compared to greater Warsaw back in the 1940's.

The area shown in this image of Palestine is larger then the area shown in the image of Tel Aviv.

Then again, you have trouble with estimating or calculating areas.
One of the major problems is that the Palestinians do not have a government that represents all of them.

In Gaza, it's Hamas.

In Jerusalem, it's the Palestinian Authority.

In the West Bank, it's Fatah.

It's not reasonable to expect the Israelis to engage in negotiations with the Palestinians when the Palestinians lack a central authority which can negotiate.

Until that happens, nothing is going to change on either side.

He just described that, dumbass. Pay attention.
I have little doubt the Palestinian Authority has corruption and is probably pretty bad at running their "country". But it is irrational to assume that Israel isn't partially responsible for this.

You mean despite embargoes and economic sanctions put on them by Israel and walling them off from opportunities outside of their "ghetto"?

If you demonize people and make up a lie about them on the whole of course it is easy to justify treating them badly or just watching them live in squalid conditions.

The Palestinians have been a political football among the Arab states since 1948. The Arab states are in part responsible for the state of the Palestinians. They were a useful tool to use against the Israelis.

If you assume that is the whole of the truth you can enjoy an eternity of the same as we've had.

If you actually give a flying fuck about ANY of these people (Israeli and Palestinian) you might look at it more, shall we say, subtly?

There's a LOT more to all of this than just your cartoon view which was fed to you by Right Wing pundits.

The only ones treating Palestinian people badly are the Palestinian people.
The Russians requested secure borders- and were ignored. You're quite mistaken. Any material gains from absorbing previously-Ukrai nian territory will be viewed as compensation for the EU commerce that Biden, in his Nord-Stream frenzy, has denied them. THis was obvious from reports in 2020.

Are you aware that US oligarchs had already purchased huge swathes of Ukrainian agricultural assets ?

I'd think carefully before addressing me with condescension. You're smart- but you've only got half a grip on the fundamentals.

True- the US-led coup was in 2014- but that was just the usual US divide-and-conquer hegemony in action. Biden's focus on EU/Russian ties - and how to destroy them - lays the war right on his indoor slippers.

Are you aware you are making shit up again?
That's not true either. The Palestinians are unarmed. The US- among others - has been arming Ukraine for years.
Further, no Palestinians wanted to be absorbed by Israel whereas almost ALL of the pro-Russian people absorbed by Russia wanted Russian protection and integration.

Guns and rockets are weapons, idjit.
Define 'climate change'. What is changing? Climate has no value associated with it.

Void argument fallacy. Be specific.

Buzzword fallacy. Define 'polluter'. Define the so-called 'pollution'...what it is and what is being polluted.

Too expensive.
What 'filth'. Define this 'filth'.

An asshole isn't capitalism, dude. One is a piece of plumbing, the other is a type of economy. You're full of shit. Your asshole probably doesn't work properly.

Buzzword fallacy. Void argument fallacy.

Germany is going back to coal, dumbass.

Are you aware you are making shit up again?

Guns and rockets are weapons, idjit.

What to do when subjected to a shit avalanche by an addlepate with an upside-down brain ?

Answers on a postcard, please

Haw, haw, haw, haw, haw...........................haw, haw................................haw.
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This towelhead imbecile actually goes to school?

What decent school would let the beige savage in?

I just assumed it was home-schooled by its irresponsibly procreating parents.

I'm way beyond caring about moon's inane opinions.

I just find it's continued existence on this forum to be a sacrilege and abomination.

Not a school, Nibbles- a dojo .

You'd be starting in the brown underwear class.

Haw, haw..........................haw.
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They will cause a food shortage simnce wind turbines and solar farms are built on farmland. That means no food will be havested on those acres

wind farms have no great impact on farmland.....