Nuclear News Thread


Aw, that's cute. Have you got any shots with the launching elastic fitted ?

Haw, haw.......................................haw.
They won't cause a food shortage but they will bankrupt the nation that tries to run everything on them.

Here's a comparison (all the money is in 2016 dollars)

Solar Star I / II (each--largest PV arrays in US currently)
579 MW nameplate
32.8% capacity factor
1663 GW generated per year (actual output)
3,200 acres of land
$2.5 billion to build

Palo Verde Nuclear
4000 MW nameplate
94% capacity factor
32,300 GW / year
4000 acres footprint
$11.5 billion to build

It would take 20 Solar Star PV plants sitting on 64,000 acres at a cost of $50 billion to match the output of Palo Verde Nuclear. Now, since a PV solar plant only runs when the sun is shining, we'll need storage to keep the grid supplied when the sun goes down.
To store 20 hours of output from our array, we'll need about 75,000 MW of batteries at a cost of $225 (again 2016 dollars) per kilowatt hour. That works out to a mere $1.7 trillion dollars.

Solar is the most singularly stupid way to generate masses of electricity there is, hands down. It is retarded to even try and use it. Solar doesn't work, nuclear does.

LOL.. Meanwhile back in the real world. Current solar and wind is cheaper to install than the cost of already installed coal and natural gas.
LOL.. Meanwhile back in the real world. Current solar and wind is cheaper to install than the cost of already installed coal and natural gas.

Who cares what it costs to install? Clearly and there is no denying the numbers I used, in service solar is grotesquely expensive to generate power with.
it will not be the first silly thing you have taken, Dutch Perry.....

Honest question: ANd I'm 100% serious now:

Why would I need a "sock" account?

If, as you hypothesize, I am the same as Dutch you do so based on posting "style". If we post much the same thing...what is the possible advantage of it being a sock of the other?

It honestly sounds like double the work with ZERO pay-back.

Can you explain to me why I would need a sock, especially one like Dutch????

Thanks. (This is, as I said, a serious question).
Who cares what it costs to install? Clearly and there is no denying the numbers I used, in service solar is grotesquely expensive to generate power with.

It appears you care about the cost to install since you only included install costs in your comparison.

You didn't include maintenance, fuel costs, security, labor to run the solar vs the nuclear plant over a 20 year life span.

Installing new solar and wind will result in lower electricity costs over a 20 year time frame compared to running existing gas and coal plants.
Honest question: ANd I'm 100% serious now:

Why would I need a "sock" account?

If, as you hypothesize, I am the same as Dutch you do so based on posting "style". If we post much the same thing...what is the possible advantage of it being a sock of the other?

It honestly sounds like double the work with ZERO pay-back.

Can you explain to me why I would need a sock, especially one like Dutch????

Thanks. (This is, as I said, a serious question).

The funniest part of that accusation is your posts are nothing like Dutch Uncle's. How anyone with a brain could confuse you two is beyond me.
Not a school, Nibbles- a dojo .

You'd be starting in the brown underwear class.

Haw, haw..........................haw.

A "dojo" is the word sissies use for what real fighters call a gym. When I trained in Rip Valenti's legendary gym in the North End,
little girls like you were there with mops and buckets, keeping the place clean.

Why do I waste my time with this towelhead cunt? I should just ignore it.
A "dojo" is the word sissies use for what real fighters call a gym.

Sooner or later forum loudmouths make fools of themselves. You've just graduated.

Haw, haw............................haw.

When I trained in Rip Valenti's legendary gym in the North End,
little girls like you were there with mops and buckets, keeping the place clean.

So you're a misogynist as well as a fool. Still, the two do go together.

Why do I waste my time with this towelhead cunt? I should just ignore it

A racist too, Nibbles. My, my, you are a mess. Definitely the brown underwear grade for you.

Haw, haw................................haw.
Honest question: ANd I'm 100% serious now:

Why would I need a "sock" account?

If, as you hypothesize, I am the same as Dutch you do so based on posting "style". If we post much the same thing...what is the possible advantage of it being a sock of the other?

It honestly sounds like double the work with ZERO pay-back.

Can you explain to me why I would need a sock, especially one like Dutch????

Thanks. (This is, as I said, a serious question).

All you do is troll, just like Dutch.
It appears you care about the cost to install since you only included install costs in your comparison.

You didn't include maintenance, fuel costs, security, labor to run the solar vs the nuclear plant over a 20 year life span.

Installing new solar and wind will result in lower electricity costs over a 20 year time frame compared to running existing gas and coal plants.

Solar is the most expensive method of producing electric power, watt for watt...a LOT more expensive than either goal or natural gas!
It appears you care about the cost to install since you only included install costs in your comparison.

You didn't include maintenance, fuel costs, security, labor to run the solar vs the nuclear plant over a 20 year life span.

Installing new solar and wind will result in lower electricity costs over a 20 year time frame compared to running existing gas and coal plants.

Watt for watt, the costs to install solar panels is a LOT more expensive than building a nuclear power plant and getting it licensed and in operation.
That nuke will put out a LOT more power than huge acreages dedicated to solar power.
It appears you care about the cost to install since you only included install costs in your comparison.

You didn't include maintenance, fuel costs, security, labor to run the solar vs the nuclear plant over a 20 year life span.

Installing new solar and wind will result in lower electricity costs over a 20 year time frame compared to running existing gas and coal plants.

No, it won't. The reason is that wind and solar are unreliable, having capacity factors that range from about 20 to 60%. For solar it's about 20 to 35%. That means you need some other means of generation or massive amounts of storage capacity with excess generation capacity to fill it in order for wind or solar to work.

That in turn means duplication of generation capacity and raised costs. You just aren't looking at the entire picture here.
Watt for watt, the costs to install solar panels is a LOT more expensive than building a nuclear power plant and getting it licensed and in operation.
That nuke will put out a LOT more power than huge acreages dedicated to solar power.

I don't think that's true. Where solar fails is in its capacity factor. That ranges from about 20 to 35%. That means 65 to 80% of the time a solar array isn't producing any power or it is producing at a very reduced rate compared to what it is supposedly capable of producing (nameplate).

The result is, if you want to use solar as your sole means of generation you need something on the order of several times the array's output in storage, and in some cases, like pumped hydro, more array to fill the storage system.
The alternative is to build other power plants like diesel or gas turbine, that can pick up the load when solar isn't producing. Of course, this duplication of generation capacity means you spend billions on systems that sit idle a lot of the time. It's far cheaper to just build the, say, natural gas turbine plant and not even bother with solar.
No, it won't. The reason is that wind and solar are unreliable, having capacity factors that range from about 20 to 60%. For solar it's about 20 to 35%. That means you need some other means of generation or massive amounts of storage capacity with excess generation capacity to fill it in order for wind or solar to work.

That in turn means duplication of generation capacity and raised costs. You just aren't looking at the entire picture here.

He's ignoring the cost per watt of installation as well. Yes....installation. Those solar panels are EXPENSIVE! If you add battery ballasting...even MORE EXPENSIVE!

Coal, natural gas, and even nuclear power is MUCH cheaper, watt for watt.