Nuclear News Thread

How is it illegal if the USSR did it themselves?

Because no one forced Kruschev or the Soviet government to do this; they did so on their own, officially.

Quit playing stupid. I've already told you

Still waiting for something official from you that establishes that territory as Russian and not Ukrainian.

It's official in the Donbas, in the Crimea- and most importantly, in Russia.

No it isn't.

You don't have anything official that says those regions are a part of Russia, though there is plenty of official shit that establishes those regions as part of Ukraine.

The USSR thought that it was Ukrainian territory, so you are now also in conflict with what the USSR said, back when it existed.

The Russia of today is only about 30 years old and has no legitimate claim to anything outside of its borders.

You're a repetitious fool. You must be bored today, repeating your same old drivel.

How is that going to happen when Russia is clearly losing this war?

Russia cannot lose the war. It is nuclear armed.

You are a Zelensky shill.

That referendum didn't poll all the people in those regions, was illegal under Ukrainian law, and was not recognized by any international body.
The referenda polled eveybody that mattered.

If Israel did the same poll of Israelis in WB, it would turn the same result.

You are a very dumb ass

You can't prove that referendum was legitimate, mostly because it didn't poll all the people who lived there.

Also, if they want to live in Russia so bad, then move there.

They are there. Russia has accepted them as requested

No one else has recognized that, no one else thinks it's legitimate.[
So go complain in Moscow.

You're also a hypocrite.

No, not me. Besides, you are to brainwashed to recognize hypocrisy.

So where is something official that establishes those regions are a part of Russia?

Because the USSR didn't think so, and neither did the UN.

Russian law says so. The people were asked- and they spoke.
Quit playing stupid. I've already told you

It sounds to me like your beef is with the USSR and Kruschev, and not Ukraine.

Sour grapes is all that is coming from you here.

You're saying Crimea is not a part of Ukraine while also saying that the USSR lacked the authority to make that a reality.

How did the USSR lack that authority?

You: Crimea is a part of Russia

Me: According to the USSR and UN it's not.

You: They don't count.

It's official in the Donbas, in the Crimea- and most importantly, in Russia.

Where and when was that officially decreed?

Because the only official declarations relating to Crimea and Donbass are those of the USSR affirming they are Ukrainian lands.

Time to show your work, or abandon the thread.
You're a repetitious fool. You must be bored today, repeating your same old drivel.

You keep repeating that those parts of Ukraine are Russian, but you have absolutely nothing to support that.

You have however posted facts that support the position that Crimea is a part of Ukraine, not Russia.

You haven't posted similar facts to establish that Crimea is a part of Russia.

All you've done is insist, but that doesn't meet any kind of evidentiary standard, legal or otherwise.

Your position comes down to Crimea and Donbass are part of Russia because Putin says so.
The referenda polled eveybody that mattered.


So you're admitting that the referendum wasn't actually a true referendum because it didn't poll everyone who lived there.

Like I said, if you did the same poll of only Israelis in the WB, you'd get the same result.

Every justification you are using for Russia are justifications you refused to accept for Israel.

That makes you a hypocrite.
No, not me. Besides, you are to brainwashed to recognize hypocrisy.

You are a hypocrite because the same reasons you're using to justify Russia's invasion of Ukraine are justifications for Israel's occupation of the WB and Gaza that you refuse to accept.

So that makes you a hypocrite.
It sounds to me like your beef is with the USSR and Kruschev, and not Ukraine.

There is no USSR- and I don't have a ' beef'

You're saying Crimea is not a part of Ukraine while also saying that the USSR lacked the authority to make that a reality.
You are inventing garbage to walk on.

You keep repeating that those parts of Ukraine are Russian, but you have absolutely nothing to support that.
Russia does

You have however posted facts that support the position that Crimea is a part of Ukraine, not Russia.

No, I haven't. You are inventing garbage to feed on

Your position comes down to Crimea and Donbass are part of Russia because Putin says so.
That's Russia's position

Where and when was that officially decreed?

Because the only official declarations relating to Crimea and Donbass are those of the USSR affirming they are Ukrainian lands.

Your repetition reveals you as a boring troll

Time to show your work, or abandon the thread.

I'm enjoying your self- denigration.
It sounds to me like your beef is with the USSR and Kruschev, and not Ukraine.

Sour grapes is all that is coming from you here.

You're saying Crimea is not a part of Ukraine while also saying that the USSR lacked the authority to make that a reality.

How did the USSR lack that authority?

You: Crimea is a part of Russia

Me: According to the USSR and UN it's not.

You: They don't count.


You keep repeating that those parts of Ukraine are Russian, but you have absolutely nothing to support that.

You have however posted facts that support the position that Crimea is a part of Ukraine, not Russia.

You haven't posted similar facts to establish that Crimea is a part of Russia.

All you've done is insist, but that doesn't meet any kind of evidentiary standard, legal or otherwise.

Your position comes down to Crimea and Donbass are part of Russia because Putin says so.

Where and when was that officially decreed?

Because the only official declarations relating to Crimea and Donbass are those of the USSR affirming they are Ukrainian lands.

Time to show your work, or abandon the thread.

It was nuclear armed when it invaded Afghanistan and had to retreat from there after wasting nearly 10 years doing the same thing they're trying to do in Ukraine.


So you're admitting that the referendum wasn't actually a true referendum because it didn't poll everyone who lived there.

Like I said, if you did the same poll of only Israelis in the WB, you'd get the same result.

Every justification you are using for Russia are justifications you refused to accept for Israel.

That makes you a hypocrite.

You are a hypocrite who can't type in complete sentences.

Who are they? You can't even find one!

That's actually your problem, not mine, because the international community doesn't recognize those parts of Ukraine are Russian.

You are a hypocrite because the same reasons you're using to justify Russia's invasion of Ukraine are justifications for Israel's occupation of the WB and Gaza that you refuse to accept.

So that makes you a hypocrite.

What law?

You just admitted in this very post that the people were NOT asked.

You're a hypocrite.

You are a dumbass troll. You have nothing new to offer. Your whining is embarrassing. Go away.
There is no USSR- and I don't have a ' beef'

Yes you do!

You are oinking and mooing about something Kruschev did over 70 years ago, so clearly your problem is with the USSR and Kruschev affirming those lands are a part of Ukraine.

That's where the dissonance is cropping are trying to validate an ahistorical claim while disregarding actual history.
Russia does


What is that?

Because all you've been able to provide has been a declaration by the USSR that says it ISN'T Russian.

The only hard, actual evidence you've provided has been Kruschev's declaration, which you're retconning now because it doesn't help your argument.
No, I haven't.

Yeah you did!

You provided all that wonderful evidence of the USSR affirming Ukrainian territory without providing any evidence to the contrary.

And then you admitted that the "referendum" wasn't a true referendum because it didn't poll everyone.

If Israel did the same thing, polling "the only people who matter" in the WB, they're also going to get a polling result that favors them...but you would NEVER accept that poll result.

That's why you're a hypocrite.