O.J. Simpson dies of cancer at age 76

Because I think Flash was right on the button.

The OJ jury had a juror on it that raised the black power gesture after the no guilty verdict was read

If Trump is found innocent and after the verdict a juror revealed a make America great again t-shirt what would you think of the verdict
People who watched the entire trial were much more likely to vote "not guilty." Most personally thought OJ committed the crime, but did not think the prosecution proved it beyond a reasonable doubt.

Those who would have voted "guilty" were less likely to have watched the trial. They just wanted him convicted.

The pro-Trump people already think he is not guilty of the indictments and the anti-Trump people think he is guilty. Neither side has heard any evidence at a trial.

Exactly. The prosecution didn’t really do its job, they impeached the testimony of the racist cop, brought the DNA stuff into question, Ito was a shitty judge. Also, the jury really didn’t do its job well, either, which is called “deliberation”.
Because I think Flash was right on the button.

I watched the whole trial

The Defense lied about the validity of the new blood science

We’re you aware of that during the trial?

I was

Again what were the lies that were claimed on the cops part?
Get an education and then come back to me. I'll talk to you then.

So the question <Why do you think he lied about not ever wearing those shoes at the civil depositon?> was too uncomfortable for you to answer. I understand, because you know the answer.
This one too: < So you expect Trump to not lie in his trials. And that makes him innocent, like OJ?>
Exactly. The prosecution didn’t really do its job, they impeached the testimony of the racist cop, brought the DNA stuff into question, Ito was a shitty judge. Also, the jury really didn’t do its job well, either, which is called “deliberation”.

What was the racism by the cop?
No Sir!

This is an example of how High Priced lawyers can shift the focus of the crime, BY PUTTING THE JUSTICE SYSTEM on trial, CREATE DOUBT, and get an acquittal in a case.

Remember, all it takes is one juror to disagree to get an acquittal! In OJ's case, the single Black Man on the Jury, clenched his fist as a victory sign to the defense lawyers after the verdict was read and as he left the court room!

This is how most people viewed this crime and it's trial- REGARDLESS TO THEIR RACE, CREED, OR COLOR.

This is an example of how a Chief Investigator in the case, who investigated the crime, had a history of being a racist by using the "N" word openly amongst his fellow officers, for many years before this crime ever happened, and that became evidence presented to the MIX-RACED Jury in the trial.

This worked for OJ, and now DOnald Trump and his expensive lawyers are now using these same tactics to shift the focus of his crimes, and creating doubt, by putting the focus on the Justice Department and our Judiciary system on trial in the minds of his cult following.

Donald Trump has now spent over 100 million dollars already in defending himself, so far, in his pending cases that haven't even gone to trial yet!

The OJ Lawyers used racism as a motivating factor by the investigators, and Donald CHUMP is using politics as a motivating factor in the investigation in his case!

It is just proof of how our Justice system has been horribly damaged by the racial and political divides that exist within our Country.





Black jury + black celebrity murder defendant = automatic acquittal.

Justice denied.

End of story.



Black jury + black celebrity murder defendant = automatic acquittal.

Justice denied.

End of story.

Aren't you a proud WHITE AMERICAN?

Well, you do not speak for me!

I suppose you revealing your racist side is good information for the rest of us forum members to remember you by!

Thanks for your personal confession!

You and AnomyMOOSE!

You remind me of the likes of the OJ DREAM TEAM that used Racism to make a point!

You are no better than them!
Furman was talking to a screenwriter on those tapes

Do you understand how a screenwriting team work?

As a writer when you create a character in your head

How do you do that?

Different creative people use different methods to understand this being they are creating for the purpose of a creative work

A tape of such a session can’t be taken literally

slipping in and out of that work in progress one might for a second try to inhabit the character

I don’t remember any other life incident where he was claimed to have been racist to a colleague or police subject

If there were remind me
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Black innocent men often do. And justifiably!

OJ was a rich celebrity instantly recognizable by cops who would not mistake him for a lowly thug or street crack dealer. They would probably ask him for his autograph, rather than suspect he had dope in his trunk.
Should the Buffalo Bills have some sort of O.J. commemoration on their uniforms this year?

I would really have to respect the titanium balls of doing that.

Not anticipating it, though.
No admission of anything.

You just can't admit reality.

You are the biggest racist on this forum.

How so?

You are the one claiming reverse racism

I’m saying the jury was fooled by the lies of the defense

Get your head on straight

I believe the black jurors were told out and out lies by the defense and that’s why they let him off

You claim they were just racist people

And me defending their integrity somehow makes me a racist?

You are confused my brother
OJ was a rich celebrity instantly recognizable by cops who would not mistake him for a lowly thug or street crack dealer. They would probably ask him for his autograph, rather than suspect he had dope in his trunk.

Good point

As racist football fans back then would have uttered “he’s one of the good ones”
I went by the facts when I watched the trial

The defense used lies to get him off

The judge should have been more diligent

But the science was brand new to him too

It was and is perfectly sound science
OJ was a rich celebrity instantly recognizable by cops who would not mistake him for a lowly thug or street crack dealer. They would probably ask him for his autograph, rather than suspect he had dope in his trunk.

I have always said the real color that mattered in that trial was Green
I contend this about that case

If the defense had not been allowed to successfully malign this brand new science

The jury would have convicted him

I truely believe they would have looked past the glove stunt

The tapes with the N word in them

They would have realized the blood trail was obvious

I think the Jury were decent and good people who were seeking the truth

They would have convicted