O.J. Simpson dies of cancer at age 76

How so?

You are the one claiming reverse racism

I’m saying the jury was fooled by the lies of the defense

Get your head on straight

I believe the black jurors were told out and out lies by the defense and that’s why they let him off

You claim they were just racist people

And me defending their integrity somehow makes me a racist?

You are confused my brother

You are a racist by virtue of refusing to accept and/or admit that the jury was too racist to impose an honest verdict of against a black hero who was obviously guilty of butchering two white people.

The only reason you've even condemned OJ personally is because his first victim was a woman.

Had both his victims been white males, you'd be hailing him as a modern day martyr and hero.

The cognitive dissonance of having to condemn him while defending the ghetto racist black jury who let him walk must be off the charts for you.

The entire reason why the defense asked and was granted a change of venue from conservative Orange County to "urban" downtown L.A. was to get a black jury who would be "sympathetic" (haters of the cops and white people) to a black criminal.

BTW, for you to claim the jury was fooled is more racist than anything else that's been said. You're basically saying that black people just aren't sophisticated enough to see through the obvious bullshit presented by the defense.

IOW, you think black people are dumb.

Way to go, RACIST.
The OJ jury had a juror on it that raised the black power gesture after the no guilty verdict was read

If Trump is found innocent and after the verdict a juror revealed a make America great again t-shirt what would you think of the verdict

I would insist that he was found not guilty. The verdict is the verdict.

The verdict in the criminal case for OJ was unanimous...just as the verdict in the criminal case against Trump will have to be.
Aren't you a proud WHITE AMERICAN?

Well, you do not speak for me!

I suppose you revealing your racist side is good information for the rest of us forum members to remember you by!

Thanks for your personal confession!

You and AnomyMOOSE!

You remind me of the likes of the OJ DREAM TEAM that used Racism to make a point!

You are no better than them!

Neither are you, apparently.
So the question <Why do you think he lied about not ever wearing those shoes at the civil depositon?> was too uncomfortable for you to answer. I understand, because you know the answer.

No question makes me uncomfortable to answer.

I am not talking about whether OJ murdered these people

I can make a guess...but I do not like guessing on questions like this.

The jury found him not guilty.

That is the way I would have voted if I had been on the jury.

This one too: < So you expect Trump to not lie in his trials. And that makes him innocent, like OJ?>

Not sure what you are talking about here. I suspect Trump will NOT testify, because he cannot even say, "Gesundheit" after a sneeze without lying.
You’ll have to refer to his taking the 5th when questioned about his prior use of racial epithets and whether he planted evidence.

Bring it

I already showed enough doubt on the screen play writing session

Bring the other on
Aren't you a proud WHITE AMERICAN?

Well, you do not speak for me!

I suppose you revealing your racist side is good information for the rest of us forum members to remember you by!

Thanks for your personal confession!

You and AnomyMOOSE!

You remind me of the likes of the OJ DREAM TEAM that used Racism to make a point!

You are no better than them!

So are you saying that black people cannot be racist or render a racist/race biased jury decision?

Because if you are, then you're revealing your racist side.
Furman was talking to a screenwriter on those tapes

Do you understand how a screenwriting team work?

As a writer when you create a character in your head

How do you do that?

Different creative people use different methods to understand this being they are creating for the purpose of a creative work

A tape of such a session can’t be taken literally

slipping in and out of that work in progress one might for a second try to inhabit the character

I don’t remember any other life incident where he was claimed to have been racist to a colleague or police subject

If there were remind me

Several witnesses testified that Fuhrman used racial epithets frequently. I have no idea if he did or did not...but they did testify that he did.

If you know he did not, so be it.
I would insist that he was found not guilty. The verdict is the verdict.

The verdict in the criminal case for OJ was unanimous...just as the verdict in the criminal case against Trump will have to be.

The verdict was racist.

Rendered by a racist black jury in favor of an obviously guilty black sports/cultural hero for no other reason than that he was black and his victims were white.

The only two things that mattered to them.

Verdict was a foregone conclusion.
You are a racist by virtue of refusing to accept and/or admit that the jury was too racist to impose an honest verdict of against a black hero who was obviously guilty of butchering two white people.

The only reason you've even condemned OJ personally is because his first victim was a woman.

Had both his victims been white males, you'd be hailing him as a modern day martyr and hero.

The cognitive dissonance of having to condemn him while defending the ghetto racist black jury who let him walk must be off the charts for you.

The entire reason why the defense asked and was granted a change of venue from conservative Orange County to "urban" downtown L.A. was to get a black jury who would be "sympathetic" (haters of the cops and white people) to a black criminal.

BTW, for you to claim the jury was fooled is more racist than anything else that's been said. You're basically saying that black people just aren't sophisticated enough to see through the obvious bullshit presented by the defense.

IOW, you think black people are dumb.

Way to go, RACIST.

I don’t believe what you claim must be believed

The jury were not “reverse racists”

No matter how deeply you believe it

I say it’s not true

Now who’s being racist here?
No question makes me uncomfortable to answer.

I am not talking about whether OJ murdered these people

I can make a guess...but I do not like guessing on questions like this.

The jury found him not guilty.

That is the way I would have voted if I had been on the jury.

Not sure what you are talking about here. I suspect Trump will NOT testify, because he cannot even say, "Gesundheit" after a sneeze without lying.

Ah. I didn't see this when I posted. Thanks.
So are you saying that black people cannot be racist or render a racist/race biased jury decision?

Because if you are, then you're revealing your racist side.

No! I am saying, you are no better than the next racist, if you are going to make racist comments.
OJ was a rich celebrity instantly recognizable by cops who would not mistake him for a lowly thug or street crack dealer. They would probably ask him for his autograph, rather than suspect he had dope in his trunk.

I was not talking about OJ.

You said, "Innocent men don't usually flee from the cops."

I replied that innocent black men often do...and for good reason.

Let's stick with that, because it is true.
Several witnesses testified that Fuhrman used racial epithets frequently. I have no idea if he did or did not...but they did testify that he did.

If you know he did not, so be it.

Fuhrman's use of a verboten word should have had zero bearing on anything.

The defense used it to give the racist black jury cover for rendering the verdict they all knew they were going to all along.
No! I am saying, you are no better than the next racist, if you are going to make racist comments.

And I am saying that you are no better than the next racist if you are going to label everything as racist.

I have an opinion about the black jury that acquitted OJ.

You don't like it, so it's automatically racist.

That makes you the real racist.
Yet you're too much of a coward to answer me.

Interesting. :thinking:

Fuck you, Asshole. (Mr. Asshole, if you prefer.)

I've answered your jerkoff questions.

And I am overlooking the fact that you do not have the spine to acknowledge that I have.

By the way...fuck you.