O.J. Simpson dies of cancer at age 76

The verdict was racist.

Rendered by a racist black jury in favor of an obviously guilty black sports/cultural hero for no other reason than that he was black and his victims were white.

The only two things that mattered to them.

Verdict was a foregone conclusion.

Then why did they hold the trial?

I do agree that there is racism involved here...and your comments seem to be a part of it.
The verdict was racist.

Rendered by a racist black jury in favor of an obviously guilty black sports/cultural hero for no other reason than that he was black and his victims were white.

The only two things that mattered to them.

Verdict was a foregone conclusion.

And I say you are wrong

I say they would have convicted if they had not been fed trash lies about the obvious blood trail

I say they were decent people looking for the truth

Pretend all you want to that I don’t really believe that

It’s you backing racist bullshit here
Fuhrman's use of a verboten word should have had zero bearing on anything.

The defense used it to give the racist black jury cover for rendering the verdict they all knew they were going to all along.

I appreciate you sharing that opinion with me.

Not everyone agrees with you, though.
I don’t believe what you claim must be believed

The jury were not “reverse racists”

No matter how deeply you believe it

I say it’s not true

Now who’s being racist here?

I say they were racist.

You say they weren't.

Rather than just leave it at that, you accuse me of racism for having an opinion you don't agree with.

Now who’s being racist here?

Don't answer.

It's YOU.
And I am saying that you are no better than the next racist if you are going to label everything as racist.

I have an opinion about the black jury that acquitted OJ.

You don't like it, so it's automatically racist.

That makes you the real racist.

One Black man on the Judy Dude!

And all it took was one.

And one racist investigator in the case!

And all it took was one!

So can you now see how racism fucks everything up?

Stop making racist comments!
And I say you are wrong

I say they would have convicted if they had not been fed trash lies about the obvious blood trail

I say they were decent people looking for the truth

Pretend all you want to that I don’t really believe that

It’s you backing racist bullshit here

So you're saying black people are stupid, gullible and easily fooled simpletons.

That makes you a racist.

One Black man on the Judy Dude!

And all it took was one.

And one racist investigator in the case!

And all it took was one!

So can you now see how racism fucks everything up?

Stop making racist comments!

Stop lying.


All jurors selected from "urban" Central Los Angeles where the defense knew they'd get jurors who distrusted cops and white people.
One Black man on the Judy Dude!

And all it took was one.

And one racist investigator in the case!

And all it took was one!

So can you now see how racism fucks everything up?

Stop making racist comments!

The jury consisted of 8 blacks, 2 hispanics, 1 mixed (white/native), and 1 full white
Then why did they hold the trial?

I do agree that there is racism involved here...and your comments seem to be a part of it.

Now you are catching why I’m giving him shit

We need to be willing to spot our own mis steps in race relations

If you ever find yourself (the rhetorical self not just you) stopping and just saying “well black people are just racist towards whites” you have given the other side a bone in your headspace

Are there black people who hate all white people?

Of fucking course there are

Once you just start lumping a collective black action as “oh they just have white people”

Ya fucked up friend

Each brain inside each head is not a collective monolith

They are individuals all containing various thoughts and beliefs

No lumping

Lumping is the pathway to full on lumping

I remember how racism played all the way through the trial and after

It was very sad

I remember the intertwining of those racist elements during the mess around Rodney Kings torture on the streets of LA

made my heart very heavy
Fuhrman's use of a verboten word should have had zero bearing on anything.

The defense used it to give the racist black jury cover for rendering the verdict they all knew they were going to all along.

And I believe the blood evidence would have changed their minds about the whole case
Fuhrman's use of a verboten word should have had zero bearing on anything.

The defense used it to give the racist black jury cover for rendering the verdict they all knew they were going to all along.

In the creation of a story and it’s characters I agree

I don’t believe there was any other incidents in his real life of him displaying racism
And one that loves black power

That is one of the eight idiot

He thought he just made progress for black rights

Perfectly legal and understandable if you believe you just returned some justice to the world

Not a fucking thing wrong with what he did
After many years of testifying in criminal trials, I have never questioned a jury’s verdict. I believe they take their duty very seriously and do the best they can given the evidence presented them. That is, until this trial.

This is the only case I can recall where I did. They simply didn’t do their duty to deliberate - to consider all the evidence. This was a long and complex trial. Deliberation should have taken days or weeks or longer. They hardly had time to choose a foreman and eat lunch. It took LESS THAN FOUR HOURS.

So, was there a racist underpinning? Sure appears to be.