O.J. Simpson dies of cancer at age 76

Not everything is a competition

They were not hyper racist scum

Lies were told about the science

When you find it inside you

Scrape it the fuck out

Dont insist everyone else see it as truth

You are harming you

I have had to scrape it out

I know how it feels

It’s icky

It’s humiliating

But once you scrape that scum some fool left in you thinking they were making you wiser

Man does it feel better

Your thoughts and feeling begin to actually get more in tune with that feeling of decency you get when you help someone who needs a hand

Scrape it out dudes

It’s easier Than you think it will be

Those twelve people wanted justice

I truly believe they were trying to be fair and just

They wanted justice to win the day

They were slipped the equivalent of “covid isn’t real”

You are naive and gullible.

A Gomer Pyle level Pollyanna.
I was not talking about OJ.

You said, "Innocent men don't usually flee from the cops."

I replied that innocent black men often do...and for good reason.

Let's stick with that, because it is true.

That's why I wrote usually innocent men don't run from the cops, in recognition there are exceptions.

I think OJ was found responsible for his wife's death years later in a civil trial, so I don't tend to attach the principle of innocence to him.
That's why I wrote usually innocent men don't run from the cops, in recognition there are exceptions.

I think OJ was found responsible for his wife's death years later in a civil trial, so I don't tend to attach the principle of innocence to him.

He also had a history of physically abusing her

The blood trail was unbelievably sound

The defense lied about it

Just like republicans lied about the covid vaccine

Not one real shred of proof

Just baseless lies
That's why I wrote usually innocent men don't run from the cops, in recognition there are exceptions.

I think OJ was found responsible for his wife's death years later in a civil trial, so I don't tend to attach the principle of innocence to him.


And that was a jury too
That's why I wrote usually innocent men don't run from the cops, in recognition there are exceptions.

Most blacks killed by cop if not ALL are not innocent they have a warrant out etc....

Once u refuse cops orders gas your car etc...you are no longer innocent
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The only color that got him off was GREEN not black you idiot racists
Disagree. Even with a public defender, that jury was never going to convict. It was 2 years down the road from the Rodney King debacle, and it was time for a black (OJ wasn't black) person to enjoy the same perks that white people do.

Sure...the dream team (talk about karma being a bitch for those assholes) made such a carnival of the trial, the jury was within its rights to let a murderer go free.

So money played a factor, but again...that jury was going to let him off no matter what.
Yup. However, acquittal does not necessarily mean he didn't do it and you and I both know his "if I did it this is how" book describes what happened that night.. he then never paid the family....

basically... I don't like men who victimize women. Ultimately I believe that those men deserve much worse than that.
Plenty of cops were complicit over the years, being fans of his.

When it first happened I knew that he was innocent.

Then I watched the trial.
At the very least, acquittal means that we just don't know.

What we do know is that if he did indeed do it,
the malfeasance of the police and prosecution
made it impossible for a competent jury to convict him.

Evidence planting was literally proven.
Cops were idiots who might have planted evidence when it wasn't necessary. I'm not sure I believe the blood evidence was planted.
Soak a leather glove in blood and then let it dry for a year

See if it still fits you after that
Driving gloves tend to fit snugly.

If OJ took off the latex gloves, those leather gloves would have fit.

And yes...you make a valid point.

And who says that the gloves ever fit properly?
It doesn't even mean that. His loss in civil court made that one clear as well as the confession book. keep up.
A lot of damning evidence never made it to the jury. The woman (who had credit card fraud issues) saw him speeding through an intersection right after the murder. They never called her as a witness due to her past.
Disagree. Even with a public defender, that jury was never going to convict. It was 2 years down the road from the Rodney King debacle, and it was time for a black (OJ wasn't black) person to enjoy the same perks that white people do.

Sure...the dream team (talk about karma being a bitch for those assholes) made such a carnival of the trial, the jury was within its rights to let a murderer go free.

So money played a factor, but again...that jury was going to let him off no matter what.

I disagree

I think the king verdict effected the makeup the jury

That was a good thing

I believe every one of those jurists wanted the truth and for justice to win the day

But the defense lied about the brand new type of blood science

Just like we saw the right do under Covid
Cant remember thousands of whites jumping for joy when a white man that was clearly guilty was found not guilty

And had a juror raising the black power sign

Thats like having a juror raise the Nazi salute on a Neo-Nazi murder case....

In one of the most shocking moments of “The People v OJ Simpson” finale, one of the African-American jurors gives O.J. Simpson a raised-fist “black power” salute moments after the not guilty verdict is delivered.

Did it really happen? Yes — and the show left out an amazing detail about the juror. Welcome to O.J. Fact Check.

Althea grudgingly thanks Volsrock for this post