O.J. Simpson dies of cancer at age 76

I do remember a claim that preservative was found in some of the drops of blood from the Bronco.

I don't believe it, or I absolutely believe that some idiot cop tried to make a case that already had plenty of evidence.

Either or.

I would have to revisit that exact evidence

But from what I recall that was unproven and just suggested

The blood evidence was "suggested" to be planted by the defense who had refused to do their own tests, however both DNA experts for the defense refused to back that up and even the defense changed tactics...

The reality is that DNA was new technology at the time and the prosecution struggled to explain how definitive it really is. Nowadays he'd have been found guilty, we are DNA savvy.

Anyway your "proven" stuff was not proven, quite the opposite. Even their own experts rejected that idea.

He did it, got away with it, and never felt even a modicum of remorse past the slow motion chase.

Her family deserved some justice, and all I was hoping for was a slight measure of that justice. And I still hope he was in pain and sitting in his own sh*t...
Again...I remember a defense claim that there was preservative in some of the blood droplets.

Throw everything against the wall and see what sticks.
Due to its abundance and exhaustive validation, the prosecution considered the DNA evidence infallible.[3] However, at this time the public was unfamiliar with the precision and significance of DNA matching, and the prosecution struggled to get the jury to appreciate this.[4] The defense, on the other hand, had to change strategies after neither of their forensic DNA experts would support their theory.[5][6]
He got away with the vicious murder he committed, because a jury of whitey-hating black racists let him off.

The reason they did that was because they hate white people.

Especially white ho's who take their black men.

And as such, they felt the white bitch deserved it.
The original premise in this post is factual.

Not sure I agree with all of it, but this was a jury who was tired of seeing Rodney King cases result in acquittals time and time again.

It was tit for tat. They didn't need to actually hate white people to let a murderer go free.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA... that bloodstains on,through while no one was

They offered samples of all the blood stains to the defence to test themselves

They refused the offer


The new strategy, according to defense attorney Alan Dershowitz, intended to elicit a cherry-picking response from the jury whereby they would discard all of the "mountain" of DNA evidence against Simpson if they could show "a few of the hills" were corrupted by police fraud resulting in a jury nullification for the murders via an error of impunity.[7] Although three exhibits were allegedly planted, by his closing arguments, lead defense attorney Johnnie Cochran had focused on a single exhibit: the bloody glove found by detective Mark Fuhrman at Simpson's Rockingham home.
I watched the entire trial.

Never saw OJ lie even once.

Saw several LA detectives LIE.

If I had been on the jury, I would have voted NOT GUILTY.

He may have done it...but the question is not about whether he did it or not...it is about whether the prosecution PROVED that he did it.

They didn't.
You never saw him say anything. He refused to testify. You saw him lie in the civil trial. (ugly ass shoes)

Yes...cops were incompetent, and terrible witnesses.

There was plenty of evidence that he was guilty. There was enough evidence of reasonable doubt too.
I would have to revisit that exact evidence

But from what I recall that was unproven and just suggested
I have no problem believing that one of the cops planted droplets of blood in the Bronco. There was no need. I believe those were the drops that supposedly contained preservative.
DNA evidence in the O. J. Simpson murder case
Article Talk
With no witnesses to the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman, DNA evidence in the O. J. Simpson murder case was the key physical proof used by the prosecution to link O. J. Simpson to the crime.
Over nine weeks of testimony, 108 exhibits of DNA evidence, including 61 drops of blood, were presented at trial. Testing was cross-referenced and validated at three separate labs using different tests with no discrepancies found. The prosecution offered the defense access to the evidence samples to conduct their own testing, but they declined.[1]

Why did the defense not say yes and test for this preservative

Because they knew it was a baseless lie
Looking back the collapse of the confidence in the courts....which are now generally abusive and useless...started with his failed trial.
The original premise in this post is factual.

Not sure I agree with all of it, but this was a jury who was tired of seeing Rodney King cases result in acquittals time and time again.

It was tit for tat. They didn't need to actually hate white people to let a murderer go free.

That is a lame excuse.

Rodney King was an asshole who was recklessly driving drunk on his ass endangering the lives of innocent people.

Nicole Brown was a dumb, social climbing gold-digger who married OJ for his fame and money.

In both cases, they put themselves into the situation they ended up in.

But the argument can be made that King deserved the ass kicking he got, legal or otherwise.

It's pretty hard to make the case that Nicole Brown deserved to be butchered like an animal, and as such her butcher should go free.

To try to use one to justify the other is descending into desperation to pat black people on the head and tell them "No matter how shitty your behavior ever gets, some of us benevolent white folks will always be here to coddle you and tell you that nothing you do is ever wrong or your fault."

Not only that, but you'd think they'd be sick of Rodney King types making their neighborhoods unsafe shitholes to live, to the point that teaching them a lesson with an ass-whoopin' would be something they'd get behind.

Lastly, what evidence do you have that "Rodney King cases" were resulting in acquittals time and time again?

Are you claiming that the LA cops were out targeting blacks for ass beatings while letting white reckless drunken drivers off with a pat on the behind?

Not sure I'm buying that.