O.J. Simpson dies of cancer at age 76

The trial definitely drew specific lines down the middle of the nation.

OJ got his. He paid in numerous ways in the end.

Yeah, he continued collecting his NFL pension that couldn't be touched be any creditors including family members of victims he murdered, and until he got thrown in jail for the Las Vegas hotel incident, he was on the golf course everyday and out in the South Florida nightclubs every night.

Yes, he really paid.
If I was on the jury I would have been tired of police planting evidence on certain people and the racism displayed by cops to non white people too

I would have still gone by the evidence and wanted truth to prevail

None of you have the proof these people didn’t care about the evidence and just freed him

PEOPLE KNEW NEXT TO NOTHING about what blood evidence could tell you in those days folks

They got fooled by the insinuation that blood evidence was weak and or tampered with as SUGGESTED by the defense

I still believe those people had good intentions

But believed the lies
Yeah, he continued collecting his NFL pension that couldn't be touched be any creditors including family members of victims he murdered, and until he got thrown in jail for the Las Vegas hotel incident, he was on the golf course everyday and out in the South Florida nightclubs every night.

Yes, he really paid.
That was my point. Add to that the fact that not unlike trump, the fact that he wasn't universally adored ate at him.

He took great joy in trolling the Brown family for sure.
That is a lame excuse.

Rodney King was an asshole who was recklessly driving drunk on his ass endangering the lives of innocent people.

Nicole Brown was a dumb, social climbing gold-digger who married OJ for his fame and money.

In both cases, they put themselves into the situation they ended up in.

But the argument can be made that King deserved the ass kicking he got, legal or otherwise.

It's pretty hard to make the case that Nicole Brown deserved to be butchered like an animal, and as such her butcher should go free.

To try to use one to justify the other is descending into desperation to pat black people on the head and tell them "No matter how shitty your behavior ever gets, some of us benevolent white folks will always be here to coddle you and tell you that nothing you do is ever wrong or your fault."

Not only that, but you'd think they'd be sick of Rodney King types making their neighborhoods unsafe shitholes to live, to the point that teaching them a lesson with an ass-whoopin' would be something they'd get behind.

Lastly, what evidence do you have that "Rodney King cases" were resulting in acquittals time and time again?

Are you claiming that the LA cops were out targeting blacks for ass beatings while letting white reckless drunken drivers off with a pat on the behind?

Not sure I'm buying that.
Kind of hard to follow that, but if you're saying the beating that King took solely for running from cops was deserved...that's exactly what I would expect from you.

The fact that the cops initially walked is exactly why OJ got off. Today we're used to having atrocities being recorded. Back then, the cops never dreamed that they weren't going to get away with attempted murder.
Driving gloves tend to fit snugly.

If OJ took off the latex gloves, those leather gloves would have fit.

And yes...you make a valid point.

And who says that the gloves ever fit properly?

Too bad they had not thought to have the maker of the gloves give them an exact copy to have on hand
Too bad they had not thought to have the maker of the gloves give them an exact copy to have on hand
All they had to do was demand that he remove his latex gloves. Fear of AIDS was all the rage, so he would have refused.
Kind of hard to follow that, but if you're saying the beating that King took solely for running from cops was deserved...that's exactly what I would expect from you.

I didn't say he deserved it for running from the cops.

He deserved it for being an asshole in general, in this case, driving reckless and drunk while being on probation for a robbery conviction.

Sticking up for a POS like him solely because of his skin color (we both know you'd never defend a white guy for the same thing) is exactly what I'd expect from you.

The fact that the cops initially walked is exactly why OJ got off. Today we're used to having atrocities being recorded. Back then, the cops never dreamed that they weren't going to get away with attempted murder.

You can wrap it in any pretty paper you want and tie a cute bow on it, doesn't change the fact that black people can be racist and some will even let other black people walk free for murdering white people.

As the old saying goes, two wrongs don't make a right.

The jury who let the LA cops off for a simple excessive force case, probably took into account King's criminal history and felt that the lives and careers of police officers who protect the public from the likes of King, should not be sacrificed over a few facial bruises suffered by the very criminal who caused it all to begin with.

Other than marrying OJ, what did Nicole Brown do to deserve being butchered and her butcher allowed to skate by a bunch of butthurt, offended "urban" dwellers?
Just goes to show you that if you have the bucks to buy an army of attorneys you can get away with nearly anything, seeing the same scenario playing out today in NYC, DC, Fulton County, and Fort Pierce
Agreed. OJ got away with murder and Trump will get away with election fraud and an attempted coup.

Another notable thing about Trump is he’s using donations and bankrupting the RNC but will hardly spend a dime of his own money getting away with his crimes.
That is one of the eight idiot

He thought he just made progress for black rights

Perfectly legal and understandable if you believe you just returned some justice to the world

Not a fucking thing wrong with what he did

So because of slavery Jim Crow Rodney King and people saying nigger for 200 years

Its OK that a black juror let a black man that killed 2 whites go just so he can return justice for the above?

You and him are FUCKED UP!!!
Good point

As racist football fans back then would have uttered “he’s one of the good ones”

Yes, I'm old enough to remember the cultural mileu in which OJ was one of the 'nice negroes', an example of one of the 'good ones' who would be allowed into the Emerald City, be given roles in movies, and live in the best neighborhoods.
Yes, I'm old enough to remember the cultural mileu in which OJ was one of the 'nice negroes', an example of one of the 'good ones' who would be allowed into the Emerald City, be given roles in movies, and live in the best neighborhoods.

So explain to me what is wrong with making that determination about certain black people?

Even though in hindsight regarding OJ's case, it turned out to be wrong?

There are some "good ones" and some not so good ones in every group.

Or are you saying that the same determination is never made about other races of people?

The same kind of determination is made about white people all the time and nobody has a problem with it.

Or should all black people including the gangstas and thugs be regarded as the good ones and allowed into the Emerald City?

From what I see a lot of gangsta thug rappers have been allowed in.
So explain to me what is wrong with making that determination about certain black people?

Even though in hindsight regarding OJ's case, it turned out to be wrong?

There are some "good ones" and some not so good ones in every group.

Or are you saying that the same determination is never made about other races of people?

The same kind of determination is made about white people all the time and nobody has a problem with it.

Or should all black people including the gangstas and thugs be regarded as the good ones and allowed into the Emerald City?

From what I see a lot of gangsta thug rappers have been allowed in.

All u have to do is say blacks commit more murder in America than any other race...which is a fact

Say blacks commit more car jacking than any other race in America which is also a fact

The most violent part of any big city is the black areas...which is a fact

Blacks commit more flash looting etc...than any other in America....which is a fact

And most Libs scream racist...thats why we have the problems we have
I didn't say he deserved it for running from the cops.

He deserved it for being an asshole in general, in this case, driving reckless and drunk while being on probation for a robbery conviction.
LMFAO. Even for you, this is moronic.

What the cops did to him was illegal. They were set free, and then Los Angeles burned. It's a shame that's what it took to finally bring them to justice. Innocent people died because of people like you show support criminal cops.