Obama Booed at All-Star Game In St. Louis

No lies from me son. I posted the link that shows Obama has dropped about 25 points since he took office

I am glad you are happy with the way Obama and the Dems are taking this nation. Much like in 1980 with Carter - you voted party despite the Dems miserable failures - and were in the minority

Looks like you are once again going with party over country - and in the minoirty

Right Direction or Wrong Track
Number Who Says U.S. Heading in Right Direction Slips to Lowest Level Since February

Thirty-two percent (32%) of likely voters believe the United States is heading in the right direction, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

While that’s only down two points over the past week, it’s the lowest level found on the question since mid-February.

Sixty-two percent (62%) of voters say the country is moving down the wrong track, up a point from last week and also the highest level since February.

The percentage of voters who believe the country is moving in the right direction spiked at 40% in early May but hovered around 37% through June before slipping to 34% last week.

Glad you like the hope and change son - many people are seing obama for what he is

A fraud and a boy trying to do a mans job

no. you lied. Onceler posted about the poll of polls and then you replied that it had shown a 25% drop. that was a lie. You, oddly enough, do not have the balls to admit that you lied... you keep spinning and dancing and ignoring your own words.

Until you admit that you lied, we really have little to say. You can insult me and my patriotism all you like... you are a PROVEN lying sack of shit and therefore your opinions of me - or of anything, for that matter - are worth less than a bucket of warm spit.

run along now...don't your butt buddies at DP.com need you there to keep the volume of the wailing consevative pity party at a fever pitch?
no. you lied. Onceler posted about the poll of polls and then you replied that it had shown a 25% drop. that was a lie. You, oddly enough, do not have the balls to admit that you lied... you keep spinning and dancing and ignoring your own words.

Until you admit that you lied, we really have little to say. You can insult me and my patriotism all you like... you are a PROVEN lying sack of shit and therefore your opinions of me - or of anything, for that matter - are worth less than a bucket of warm spit.

run along now...don't your butt buddies at DP.com need you there to keep the volume of the wailing consevative pity party at a fever pitch?

YOU are the one who said I was using RCP to show Obama is down about 25 points - I used THIS link to show he his

Obama's Favorable Rating

Obama also has earned an extraordinarily high 78% favorable rating in Gallup's most recent poll, conducted Jan. 9-11 -- his highest to date, and one of the higher favorable ratings for a political figure in Gallup's recent polling history. Obama's favorable rating is well above Bush's favorable rating of 62% in January 2001 just as he was taking office, and Bill Clinton's rating of 66% at the time of his first inauguration in mid-January 1993. Obama's rating was 68% just after the election last November.


You pulled this crap over at DP where you tried to change what people posted, then you attack and smear to try and deflect the thread

This is how you operate son when the facts go against you. It has been and always will be party over country

And once again allow me to be clear. I can't attack your "patriotism" - I can't attack something you do not have.

With you, an example of your patriotism is waving the DNC banner and not the US flag
in post #10, onceler said:
No cherrypicking allowed. The poll of polls still has him at just under 60.
Oh - that's twice what Bush was for the past few years. If you wanna hear boos, youtube some of the few times Bush dared to go out in public during that time...

and in post #13 you QUOTED post #10 and then said, without any link:
and down about 25 points since he took office

But I am sorry to bring facts into the discussion. My bad.

anyone who knows anything about the english language and its use in conversation would clearly conclude that your first sentence in post #13 refers to onceler's second sentence in post #10. So either you are a liar or you are an illliterate moron. take your pick. I actually think that both are correct.
in post #10, onceler said:

and in post #13 you QUOTED post #10 and then said, without any link:

anyone who knows anything about the english language and its use in conversation would clearly conclude that your first sentence in post #13 refers to onceler's second sentence in post #10. So either you are a liar or you are an illliterate moron. take your pick. I actually think that both are correct.

Same old same old from you. Ignore the poll I posted that clearly shows your boy is tanking. Ognore the right track/wrong track that shows the voters are not happy with the way Dems are running things

But do keep trying to deflect from those facts and change the subject. Loke most Obama supporters, the last thing you want to do is to talk about the Hope and Change Express and how Obama and the Dems are destroying the private sector, how the will rape taxpayers, and will put millons more out of work

the fact that you have a poll which shows that Obama has dropped 25 points does not change the fact that you were lying when you responded to onceler.... or you are illiterate.

Remember the good old days when you LOVED RCP?

today.... not so much!:pke:
the fact that you have a poll which shows that Obama has dropped 25 points does not change the fact that you were lying when you responded to onceler.... or you are illiterate.

Remember the good old days when you LOVED RCP?

today.... not so much!:pke:

So even when I say Obama has dropped 25 points AND POST A POLL THAT PROVES HE HAS - I stil lied

That makses as much sense as Biden saying how the government is spending trillions so the country does not go bankrupt

Go back to the Daily Kos and Dem Underground son - you are totally outclassed here, and showing what a pathetic hack you are
So even when I say Obama has dropped 25 points AND POST A POLL THAT PROVES HE HAS - I stil lied

That makses as much sense as Biden saying how the government is spending trillions so the country does not go bankrupt

Go back to the Daily Kos and Dem Underground son - you are totally outclassed here, and showing what a pathetic hack you are

when you replied to onceler's post that was clearly about RCP, and you said "AND down by 25 points since he took office", that was a lie...

or you are illiterate and don't know how to communicate using the english language....

I vote for both
when you replied to onceler's post that was clearly about RCP, and you said "AND down by 25 points since he took office", that was a lie...

or you are illiterate and don't know how to communicate using the english language....

I vote for both

Sorry son, I did not mention RCP - I posted the link from Gallup - a poll you use to post all the time over at DP

Keep showing your supreme arrogance,deceit, and stupidity

and your desire not to talk about the failed policies of your beloved party
Sorry son, I did not mention RCP - I posted the link from Gallup - a poll you use to post all the time over at DP

Keep showing your supreme arrogance,deceit, and stupidity

and your desire not to talk about the failed policies of your beloved party

actually...your reply to onceler was clearly referring to HIS statement concerning RCP and you did NOT post a link in that reply.

If you had said.... "sure, I understand that RCP, an average of many polls, shows Obama has dropped very little, but Rasmussen shows that his drop is bigger"

that would not have been a lie. what you said was.
actually...your reply to onceler was clearly referring to HIS statement concerning RCP and you did NOT post a link in that reply.

If you had said.... "sure, I understand that RCP, an average of many polls, shows Obama has dropped very little, but Rasmussen shows that his drop is bigger"

that would not have been a lie. what you said was.

Being a serial liar, and fraud - that is how you would want to spin mythread on your boys decining poll numbers - but once again reality bites you on your fat wrinkled ass
President Barack Obama remains by far the most popular world leader among people in major Western nations and is the one political figure on whom people consistently pin their hopes in the economic crisis, according to polls conducted for the International Herald Tribune.

President Obama's 63% first-quarter average matches the historical average of 63% for elected presidents' first quarters since 1953. However, it is the fourth highest for a newly elected president since that time, and the highest since Jimmy Carter's 69% in 1977. The historical first-quarter average includes two presidents whose scores exceeded 70% (John Kennedy's 74% and Dwight Eisenhower's 71%)
President Barack Obama remains by far the most popular world leader among people in major Western nations and is the one political figure on whom people consistently pin their hopes in the economic crisis, according to polls conducted for the International Herald Tribune.

Now the son of MFM jumps in with more spin and deflection

You do like to keep it in the family don't you conmanfrommaine? :)
What helps is that the voters have shifted to the left over the last 5 years, thanks to Bush's failures, even on issues like gay rights and gun control that GOP hatemongers used to be able to score points with.

Overall the strongly populist position President Obama has staked out serves us quite well.

As for President Obama, the enthusiasm of the media virtually guarantees that his numbers will continue to remain favorable, which should give him and his positions powerful leverage that helps us in the 2010 mid-terms.

Once the Fairness Doctrine has been reinstated and the Supreme Court realigned, the far right fringe will be even more powerless than they are today. Right now the nutballs who worship Limpballs and Shammity are being portrayed as knuckledragging kooks who should be laughed at.
What helps is that the voters have shifted to the left over the last 5 years, thanks to Bush's failures, even on issues like gay rights and gun control that GOP hatemongers used to be able to score points with.

Overall the strongly populist position President Obama has staked out serves us quite well.

As for President Obama, the enthusiasm of the media virtually guarantees that his numbers will continue to remain favorable, which should give him and his positions powerful leverage that helps us in the 2010 mid-terms.

Once the Fairness Doctrine has been reinstated and the Supreme Court realigned, the far right fringe will be even more powerless than they are today. Right now the nutballs who worship Limpballs and Shammity are being portrayed as knuckledragging kooks who should be laughed at.

So as the economy tanks, millions lose their jobs, liberal cities and states are bankrupt - the voters see what a total failure liberalism is

and all you want now is to silence anyone who dares to speak out against those failed polices

How typcial of Obama supporter. You are now held in high esteem in the eyes of MFM
" the voters see what a total failure liberalism is"

Let me get this straight: in 6 short months, liberalism has "failed"?

And your contention is that America was riding high and on an upward swing before Obama took office and ruined everything?

You're a hopeless party hack. Obama has about another year. If there is no recovery by then, I agree - the Dems will get destroyed in the mid-terms.

If there is a recovery, and things are looking good, enjoy being in a more or less permanent minority.
" the voters see what a total failure liberalism is"

Let me get this straight: in 6 short months, liberalism has "failed"?

And your contention is that America was riding high and on an upward swing before Obama took office and ruined everything?

You're a hopeless party hack. Obama has about another year. If there is no recovery by then, I agree - the Dems will get destroyed in the mid-terms.

If there is a recovery, and things are looking good, enjoy being in a more or less permanent minority.

Seems the same libs who were going after Bush on excessive spending and deficts (and rightly so) are now happy with even bigger deficits, and record excessive spending

Obama PROMISED that if his "stimulus" billl was passed unemployment would not go above 8%

We all know where unemployment is now - and it will go higher

As the economy tanks what do Dems want to do? Spend even more, grow government to new heights, put private healthcare ins companies out of business, and raise taxes through the roof

What a platform to run on :rolleyes:
Like I said, next summer will tell all: if the economy is bad, the Dems lose. If it's good, you're doomed.

Please explain how the current polices being pushed by Obama and the Dems will IMPROVE the economy

I do not know of any nation that taxed and spent their way into prosperity