Obama Booed at All-Star Game In St. Louis

No bitterness. So far all you have posted are insults, and nothing on the various polls that show Obama and the Dems are tanking

Much like conmanfrommaine, and other libs

Seems you guys are the bitter ones despite having a death grip on DC and the government

So you haven't got a surfeit of baggage?

Have you read any of your posts?
Must be a liberal thing to keep ducking direct questions and facts. So far I post the pol results, and you guys psot insults

I guess that is all you have since you can't refute the facts


I thought you were just here to have a bit of a bitch and let all that anger go?
Neocon groups like Operation Rescue teach that killing doctors is justifiable and then feeds its most extreme members into the Army of God. The Aryan Nations and several other white nationalist groups supplied the nine members of The Order, a racist terrorist group that killed two people (including Progressive talk radio host Alan Berg).

Since they lost the election, neocons feel like a persecuted elite who are being opposed. Paranoia drives the neocons to make concrete preparations to go on the offense against their perceived persecutors.

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, the number of hate groups in the US is up 40% since 2000, with nearly 1000 such groups active across the country right now.

Fueled by racism, an unnatural terror of Progressive government, frustration over the economic downturn, and fears about America's loss of world standing, the militant right is dangerous. You can find groups in every corner of the country, incidents of racist violence are rising.
Neocon groups like Operation Rescue teach that killing doctors is justifiable and then feeds its most extreme members into the Army of God. The Aryan Nations and several other white nationalist groups supplied the nine members of The Order, a racist terrorist group that killed two people (including Progressive talk radio host Alan Berg).

Since they lost the election, neocons feel like a persecuted elite who are being opposed. Paranoia drives the neocons to make concrete preparations to go on the offense against their perceived persecutors.

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, the number of hate groups in the US is up 40% since 2000, with nearly 1000 such groups active across the country right now.

Fueled by racism, an unnatural terror of Progressive government, frustration over the economic downturn, and fears about America's loss of world standing, the militant right is dangerous. You can find groups in every corner of the country, incidents of racist violence are rising.

Conmanfrommaine is on a roll today

He is hitting all of his talking points
Please explain how the current polices being pushed by Obama and the Dems will IMPROVE the economy

I do not know of any nation that taxed and spent their way into prosperity

That's your characterization. Taxes have actually gone down for most people.

You can choose not to understand the economic theory behind the stimulus & behind massive spending, but it exists, and it is not a fringe theory.

It doesn't matter; if it doesn't work, the Dems are screwed. If it does, you are.
For some reference, if you search through some old threads, red states rule spent a good part of 2007 showing us the polls and telling us how mad Americans were at Democrats and the Dem Congress, and how it would cost them in '08.

How did that one work out?
For some reference, if you search through some old threads, red states rule spent a good part of 2007 showing us the polls and telling us how mad Americans were at Democrats and the Dem Congress, and how it would cost them in '08.

How did that one work out?

S you are saying todays polls are false, and voters LOVE to see the government buying up private companies, raising taxes, a $2 trillion annual deficit, and a healthcare bill that will put private ins companies out of business?

Keep ignoring the pollls, keep not trying to defend Obama's policies, and by all means, keep attacking me for posting the polls
That's your characterization. Taxes have actually gone down for most people.

You can choose not to understand the economic theory behind the stimulus & behind massive spending, but it exists, and it is not a fringe theory.

It doesn't matter; if it doesn't work, the Dems are screwed. If it does, you are.

Down? When? Are you talking about that $13/week tax cut, that goes to $8/wk next year?

that is offset by the massive tax increase on smokes, and beer Obama and the Dems put through

and then we have the Bush tax cuts that Dems wil repeal

and the tax increase Obama will levy to try and pay for Obamacare (the tax increase does not even come close to paying for it)

What is the "economic theory" behind running up debt and huge deficits? Please expalin to all of us
S you are saying todays polls are false, and voters LOVE to see the government buying up private companies, raising taxes, a $2 trillion annual deficit, and a healthcare bill that will put private ins companies out of business?

Keep ignoring the pollls, keep not trying to defend Obama's policies, and by all means, keep attacking me for posting the polls

No need to get defensive. Just pointing out that you have been wrong before.

And most polls still show a majority of Americans still supporting not just Obama, but his policies. You're still in the minority. Ha ha.

As for the economic theory behind the stimulus, there are many economists who think we didn't spend enough. Do your own research; you really don't seem to know a lot about economics.
No need to get defensive. Just pointing out that you have been wrong before.

And most polls still show a majority of Americans still supporting not just Obama, but his policies. You're still in the minority. Ha ha.

As for the economic theory behind the stimulus, there are many economists who think we didn't spend enough. Do your own research; you really don't seem to know a lot about economics.

So a majority support the libs tax and spend agenda? How do you spin - eh explain - the low ratings for Congress and the right track/wrong track?

Polls show a majority OPPOSE Obamacare, worried about the deficit, and feel the government is moving to far to the left

Of course, if spending was the answer the US economy would be growing at a double digit rate given how much moeny Obama and the Dems have pissed thru in the last 6 months

And that economic genius VP Biden said recently the US government was deficit spending to avoid going bankrupt

No wonder liberal economic policies fail given that statement
No, the fact is your are a lying sack of shit who will always put party over country - and set aside all aspects of reality regardless of the number of lies you must toss out - and the number of people you have to smear

With you son, the ends always justify the means if it helps your party. The hell with how it harms America, and its citizens

you can run and hide from your lies, we all see them. the fact that you can't even admit to them when your own words clearly impeach you is really pathetic:pke:

I will be a democrat as long as I believe that the democratic party has the better interests of the American people as their goal. You can smear the party that the majority of Americans voted for if you like... I really don't care. Your entire approach is nothing but smearing and insulting democrats.... your hatred of my party clearly overshadows any realy honest affection and allegiance you might otherwise have had for your country.
you can run and hide from your lies, we all see them. the fact that you can't even admit to them when your own words clearly impeach you is really pathetic:pke:

I will be a democrat as long as I believe that the democratic party has the better interests of the American people as their goal. You can smear the party that the majority of Americans voted for if you like... I really don't care. Your entire approach is nothing but smearing and insulting democrats.... your hatred of my party clearly overshadows any realy honest affection and allegiance you might otherwise have had for your country.

Ah, Conmanfrommaine starts his offended liberal role. Speaking of smearing....

Originally Posted by manfrommaine
my sermon is already written, and you've got what, six or seven tricks before the night is done? I'm coasting and you've got ten yards of meat to swallow before heading home? I like where I'm at in this comparison.

and now you fell for the biggest lie yet to tossed out by Obama - and as more people see the lie - his numbers will sink even more

Originally Posted by manfrommaine
No one WISHES to pay more taxes than are required. I pay what the government requires me to pay. And so do you. The marginal tax rates have fluctuated throughout the history of the federal income tax. It is a exercise in political democracy. It has never been a choice between capitalism and socialism. Unless you make more that $250K/year, you will not be asked to pay more. If you do, you'll be asked to pay a few percentage points more and no more than you were under Clinton. If you have a terrible problem with that marginal increase, you are well aware of the variety of options that are available to you.

and when Conmanfrommaine is boxed into a corner - his reply speaks for itself

Originally Posted by manfrommaine
just answer me one question: HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW WHAT I MEANT????

I'll wait.
Ah, Conmanfrommaine starts his offended liberal role. Speaking of smearing....

Originally Posted by manfrommaine
my sermon is already written, and you've got what, six or seven tricks before the night is done? I'm coasting and you've got ten yards of meat to swallow before heading home? I like where I'm at in this comparison.

and now you fell for the biggest lie yet to tossed out by Obama - and as more people see the lie - his numbers will sink even more

Originally Posted by manfrommaine
No one WISHES to pay more taxes than are required. I pay what the government requires me to pay. And so do you. The marginal tax rates have fluctuated throughout the history of the federal income tax. It is a exercise in political democracy. It has never been a choice between capitalism and socialism. Unless you make more that $250K/year, you will not be asked to pay more. If you do, you'll be asked to pay a few percentage points more and no more than you were under Clinton. If you have a terrible problem with that marginal increase, you are well aware of the variety of options that are available to you.

and when Conmanfrommaine is boxed into a corner - his reply speaks for itself

Originally Posted by manfrommaine
just answer me one question: HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW WHAT I MEANT????

I'll wait.

stuff posted on some other board.....

give it up, you stalking weirdo... debate the things I say or run the fuck away. you got caught lying your ass off...be a big boy and just admit that you screwed up, and then we'll move on to the next bone of contention.


you made a statement in response to onceler's post, and your response was incorrect. say so. be a man. move on.
stuff posted on some other board.....

give it up, you stalking weirdo... debate the things I say or run the fuck away. you got caught lying your ass off...be a big boy and just admit that you screwed up, and then we'll move on to the next bone of contention.


you made a statement in response to onceler's post, and your response was incorrect. say so. be a man. move on.

I am showing you do the same thing here. You duck the issues, you change the subject, and most of all - you are the same onxosious asshole here as you were over there

The only difference is - you are banned for life because of your posts, and the vulgar content

But I must say, you are withouit a doubt - the biggest liar I have ever seen in my life. You are btter then Bill Clinton Conmanfrommaine

I can see why you are a Democrat. The boldness of lies are such - it is so obvious - yet you do not care that people see right thru them. You act like the victim and play the role of the offended liberal so well - you must practice in real life. Yet you are so defensive, and get so aggry to the point of threatening physical violence if these same people see what you post. The lies are so blatant, yet your arrogance prevents you from seeing it

Originally Posted by manfrommaine
how little you know. My congregation does love me...and so do my friends and family. Former sailors are always stopping by to visit me in Maine. I understand that YOU hate me, kathianne, because I don't roll over and play nice when your buddies question my patriotism or my service. I know you hate me because I don't share your politics. I don't hate you, however. I actually only come close to hating one person on this site and he has worked hard on two different message boards to earn my enmity. You? You're kinda kooky... kinda soaked with the GOP koolaid, but I certainly don't HATE you...not one little bit.
Last edited:
and as someohne else psoted in response to your blatant lies and obvious arrogance

BREAKTHROUGH! MFM is NOT lying about his preaching or the congregation's reaction.

They really are like Wright's church, they hate all but themselves! Their wonderful, blessed selves. It's all bout them.

It should be United Church of Christ, but rather :"Church of Hubris, You Slobs May Be Lucky If We Give A Shit About You"

Yep, that makes sense. We understand and they all remain happy
and as someohne else psoted in response to your blatant lies and obvious arrogance

BREAKTHROUGH! MFM is NOT lying about his preaching or the congregation's reaction.

They really are like Wright's church, they hate all but themselves! Their wonderful, blessed selves. It's all bout them.

It should be United Church of Christ, but rather :"Church of Hubris, You Slobs May Be Lucky If We Give A Shit About You"

Yep, that makes sense. We understand and they all remain happy

you have absolutely no idea what my congregation is like. they are actually an incredibly warm and welcoming bunch of folks... they'd welcome even you into our midst with joy.