Obama Booed at All-Star Game In St. Louis

no spin....your reply to onceler was wrong. that's a fact.

No, the fact is your are a lying sack of shit who will always put party over country - and set aside all aspects of reality regardless of the number of lies you must toss out - and the number of people you have to smear

With you son, the ends always justify the means if it helps your party. The hell with how it harms America, and its citizens
Who controls Congress?

Who controls the White House?

Who controls the media and entertainment outlets?

Face it, liberalism is firmly in charge and will stay that way.

No more stolen elections. We have ACORN now.

No more racist Hate Speech from talk radio dimwits. We will bring back the Fairness Doctrine.

Neocons are laughed at, President Obama is respected.

Deal with it.
Who controls Congress?

Who controls the White House?

Who controls the media and entertainment outlets?

Face it, liberalism is firmly in charge and will stay that way.

No more stolen elections. We have ACORN now.

No more racist Hate Speech from talk radio dimwits. We will bring back the Fairness Doctrine.

Neocons are laughed at, President Obama is respected.

Deal with it.

Much like how things were in 1980 as the nation went trough the Carter years

And when Dems get crushed in 2010 and Obama is sent packing in shame in 2012 - libs like you and conmanfrommaine will balme racists, talk radio, and the stupid voters for not giving Dems and liberalism enough time to work
All you will have is racists Limpballs and Shammity with no radio or TV exposure and Sarah Failin, who is the butt of billions of jokes.

Not much of a lineup.
All you will have is racists Limpballs and Shammity with no radio or TV exposure and Sarah Failin, who is the butt of billions of jokes.

Not much of a lineup.

Yep, keep playing the race card even after a black guy is elected as President. Like conmanfrommaine, that is all you have since the last thing you want to talk is about is the long list of broken Obama promises,a nd the Hope and Change Express train wreck
The president of the United States, Barack Obama, has been ranked the most popular leader among Latin Americans by the Ibero-American Poll of Governance, which was conducted in 20 countries of the Americas.

The poll was conducted by the Ibero-American Consortium and coordinated by the National Consulting Center in Bogota, which has conducted the survey since 1992.

In the case of the President Obama, 85 percent of Latin American residents in his nation support him.
The president of the United States, Barack Obama, has been ranked the most popular leader among Latin Americans by the Ibero-American Poll of Governance, which was conducted in 20 countries of the Americas.

The poll was conducted by the Ibero-American Consortium and coordinated by the National Consulting Center in Bogota, which has conducted the survey since 1992.

In the case of the President Obama, 85 percent of Latin American residents in his nation support him.

Obama is very well liked overseas. His policies are destroying the US economy - so now those other countres wil now be able to compete with America
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Spoken like a racist imperialist.

President Obama is trusted over his puny Republican opposition to deal with the serious problems confronting the country by a margin of more than two-to-one.

The Republican party has gotten smaller, more backward, and less popular than it was in 1980 or 2000.

Thanks to the skillful media campaign conducted by President Obama's supporters, the public sees the GOP's stance against President Obama's proposals as racist and obstructionist. This precept is consistently and relentlessly reinforced millions of times a day in print, broadcast and net media outlets. Even TV and movie entertainment supports the message.

That perception has helped unify the people of the world in support of the most popular president in history.
Spoken like a racist imperialist.

President Obama is trusted over his puny Republican opposition to deal with the serious problems confronting the country by a margin of more than two-to-one.

The Republican party has gotten smaller, more backward, and less popular than it was in 1980 or 2000.

Thanks to the skillful media campaign conducted by President Obama's supporters, the public sees the GOP's stance against President Obama's proposals as racist and obstructionist. This precept is consistently and relentlessly reinforced millions of times a day in print, broadcast and net media outlets. Even TV and movie entertainment supports the message.

That perception has helped unify the people of the world in support of the most popular president in history.

Like conmanfrommaine, you actually think by saying something make it true :)

Trust on Issues
Voters Trust GOP More than Democrats on Eight of 10 Key Issues

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Voters now trust Republicans more than Democrats on eight out of 10 key electoral issues, including, for the second straight month, the top issue of the economy. They've also narrowed the gap on the remaining two issues, the traditionally Democratic strong suits of health care and education.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that voters trust the GOP more on economic issues 46% to 41%, showing little change from the six-point lead the party held last month. This is just the second time in over two years of polling the GOP has held the advantage on economic issues. The parties were close on the issue in May, with the Democrats holding a one-point lead.

Voters not affiliated with either party trust Republicans more to handle the economy by a 46% to 32% margin.

Last week’s report of 9.5 percent unemployment, the highest since 1983, raised doubts about the economy and the president's handling of it. Consumer and investor confidence is now down to the lowest levels in three months. Just 39% now say President Obama is doing a good or an excellent job on the economy while 43% rate his performance as poor. Those are by far the weakest numbers yet for the president.

The president's approval ratings also have fallen to new lows in the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll.

(Want a free daily e-mail update? Sign up now. If it's in the news, it's in our polls.) Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter.

Most voters (52%) now trust Republicans more on the issue of taxes, also the highest level found in over two years. Only 36% trust Democrats more on taxes. A survey conducted at the end of June found that 39% of voters now expect their taxes to go up under Obama, the highest level of concern measured to date.

On national security, Republicans hold a 49% to 40% lead over Democrats. That’s down from a 15-point lead last month.

For the second straight month, voters put North Korea at the top of the list of biggest threats to U.S. national security.

Republicans hold a four-point lead on the issue of the War in Iraq, down from an eight-point advantage in June.

Even though American troops have now pulled out of all cities in Iraq and still are on schedule to be completely withdrawn by the end of 2011, 64% of U.S. voters do not believe the war in Iraq is over.

The GOP has a 40% to 34% lead on the issue of immigration and is ahead 46% to 39% on abortion.

Republicans also edge out Democrats on government ethics and corruption for the second straight month, 34% to 33%. In June, the GOP held a six-point advantage on the issue.

Also for the first time in over two years, Republicans lead Democrats on the issue of Social Security 42% to 37%. Democrats held a six-point lead on the issue last month, and the parties were tied in April.

Democrats have also seen their leads shrink on two of the party’s strong points, health care and education. The party holds a four-point lead on health care, down from 18 points in May. The Democrats’ advantage on the issue is the smallest found in over two years.

Voters are evenly divided when it comes to the health care reform plans being promoted by the president and Democrats in Congress.

On education, Democrats lead Republicans 41% to 38%, also the smallest margin in over two years. Democrats held a 15-point lead in May on the issue.

Fifty-four percent (54%) of all voters say the average congressional Democrat is more liberal than they are, while 36% believe the average Republican congressman is more conservative in comparison to themselves. Just 44% say their own representative in Congress is about the same as them ideologically.

Republican candidates lead Democrats for the second straight week in the latest edition of the Generic Congressional Ballot. Support for the GOP remains unchanged this week - at its highest level over the past year, but support for Democrats dropped one point to tie its lowest level in the same time period

Who controls Congress?

Who controls the White House?

Who controls the media and entertainment outlets?

Face it, liberalism is firmly in charge and will stay that way.

No more stolen elections. We have ACORN now.

No more racist Hate Speech from talk radio dimwits. We will bring back the Fairness Doctrine.

Neocons are laughed at, President Obama is respected.

Deal with it.
I would swear that this dude is a troll trying to make liberals look bad, but I'm not quite sure, he might really think this way.
While you're at it, Damo, perhaps you could give this old man a hand with his rather burdensome baggage?

I know bieng a liberal, you have a sever reaction to the truth, facts, and have a hard time taking a strong dose of reality

Conmanfrommaine is a great example of that - and you are slowly coming off the bench and learning the role of the angry pissed off liberal very well
Neocons are domestic terrorists who oppose equal rights and advocate the overthrow of President Obama and the other duly elected Democrats who now rule us.

The neocon's global agenda includes constantly expanding U.S. military expenditures, a unilateral U.S. drive for global domination, and increased control over the world's fossil fuel supplies.

The Middle Eastern neocon agenda includes the strengthening of the racist Israeli/U.S. partnership and hegemony throughout the region and, in furtherance thereof, advocacy of war, first against Iraq and then if necessary against Syria, Iran, and possibly other Middle Eastern states.
Neocons are domestic terrorists who oppose equal rights and advocate the overthrow of President Obama and the other duly elected Democrats who now rule us.

The neocon's global agenda includes constantly expanding U.S. military expenditures, a unilateral U.S. drive for global domination, and increased control over the world's fossil fuel supplies.

The Middle Eastern neocon agenda includes the strengthening of the racist Israeli/U.S. partnership and hegemony throughout the region and, in furtherance thereof, advocacy of war, first against Iraq and then if necessary against Syria, Iran, and possibly other Middle Eastern states.

PK Conmanfrommaine JR - keep tossing out the insults and keep ignoring all those pesky facts that keep getting in the way of your delusional rants
I know bieng a liberal, you have a sever reaction to the truth, facts, and have a hard time taking a strong dose of reality

Conmanfrommaine is a great example of that - and you are slowly coming off the bench and learning the role of the angry pissed off liberal very well

Let go of the bitterness mate.

There's a good chap.
Let go of the bitterness mate.

There's a good chap.

No bitterness. So far all you have posted are insults, and nothing on the various polls that show Obama and the Dems are tanking

Much like conmanfrommaine, and other libs

Seems you guys are the bitter ones despite having a death grip on DC and the government