Oceans were the hottest ever recorded in 2022: public discussion

Into the Night

Verified User
Yet again, some twit (in this case moon) thinks censorship actually works.
Bringing another thread out into public discussion. The OP:

Oceans were the hottest ever recorded in 2022, analysis shows
Seas dominate global weather patterns and the climate crisis is causing profound and damaging changes

The world’s oceans were the hottest ever recorded in 2022, demonstrating the profound and pervasive changes that human-caused emissions have made to the planet’s climate.

More than 90% of the excess heat trapped by greenhouse gas emissions is absorbed in the oceans. The records, starting in 1958, show an inexorable rise in ocean temperature, with an acceleration in warming after 1990.

Sea surface temperatures are a major influence on the world’s weather. Hotter oceans help supercharge extreme weather, leading to more intense hurricanes and typhoons and more moisture in the air, which brings more intense rains and flooding. Warmer water also expands, pushing up sea levels and endangering coastal cities.

The temperature of the oceans is far less affected by natural climate variability than the temperature of the atmosphere, making the oceans an undeniable indicator of global heating.

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Last year is expected to be the fourth or fifth hottest recorded for surface air temperatures when the final data is collated. During 2022, we saw the third La Niña event in a row, which is the cooler phase of an irregular climate cycle centred on the Pacific that affects global weather patterns. When El Niño returns, global air temperatures will be boosted even higher.

The international team of scientists that produced the new ocean heat analysis concluded: “The Earth’s energy and water cycles have been profoundly altered due to the emission of greenhouse gases by human activities, driving pervasive changes in Earth’s climate system.”


Melted icebergs in Baffin Bay in the Arctic Ocean near Pituffik, Greenland in July 2022.

Warmer swimming, eh.


As is typical, this is just more cut and paste by moon.

Again, he completely ignores that it is not possible to measure the temperature of the oceans.
The terrifying part is how much quicker this is happening than even the most dire predictions of a decade ago. But not to worry -- any moment now the Thai washerwoman will show up and slap us around with a Judith Curry blog post claiming this is all fake news.


Ah...the old '97%' claim, long ago debunked. Further proof that the Left can't meme.

Science has no voting bloc. Consensus is not used in science.
Don't wet your panties yet, insane white lib nazi scum.

" Scientists have predicted that Earth is 15 years away from a "mini ice age," The Telegraph reports. Using a new model of the sun's activity, the solar researchers estimate that in the 2030s the movements of two waves of fluids within the star will lead to a 60% reduction in solar activity. The subsequent decline in Northern Hemisphere temperatures would be similar to the freezing conditions seen in Western Europe during the late 17th century, the scientists announced at the 2015 National Astronomy Meeting. During that time, now known as the Little Ice Age, the Thames River in the United Kingdom froze over for several weeks, which it hasn't done since. Scientists still debate what caused the past cooling; possible explanations include a reduction in sunspots or the eruption of four tropical volcanoes that spewed ash and dust into the atmosphere."


And how can anyone measure the temperature of 352 quintillion gallons when they don't even understand the deep water currents?

Obviously, no one can.
You know that virtually no scientist believes we are heading into another ice age. If there are scientists who think that they are in the teensy minority. AND this article is predicated on analyses of the sun's "fluid movements" so it's reasonably hypothetical. I certainly wouldn't throw out about a century's worth of research for one hypothetical possibility proposed by ONE group somewhere.

Perhaps our friends at Woods Hole (the Oceanographic research facility) could provide you with more information:

https://www.whoi.edu/oceanus/featur... Gebbie, because,even if the atmosphere cools.

Here is Perry trying to speak for everyone again.
Woods Hole doesn't know the temperature of the oceans either.
Wrong, all scientists believe we are headed for another Ice Age. The questions are when, ... and will white lib nazi scum ever stop pretending they can not read a data chart like the Vostok Ice Core graphs.


BTW, I don't do click bait. If your link contains a significant Quote, I know you will not be afraid to post it here.

Another that tries to speak for 'all scientists'. The omniscience fallacies are flying thick and fast now. This conclusion also forms a compositional error fallacy since the Vostok ice core is not the temperature of the Earth or it's oceans. Ice cores don't measure temperature, and the numbers put forth in this graph are random numbers.
Speaking as one who is trained in geology let me clarify that statement for you:

We know that, without the effect of human-cause global warming, ice ages are on a cycle dictated by what is called the Milankovich Cycles which relate to the orbital shape of the earth causing the earth to go through ice ages occasionally.

This is called a CLIMATE FORCING, and it is highly likely that the climate forcings due to human activities (including greenhouse gases) will be sufficient to overcome this effect of orbital obliquity and the next ice age won't happen or will be pushed off for a few centuries. In fact if you look we should be heading back into a cooling cycle in preparation for this next ice age BUT WE AREN'T.

That's actually pretty sobering when you think about it. We are NOT cooling. We are warming. Exactly as everyone predicted.

What do YOU think YOU can read from the Vostok core that actual scientists can't?

You consider WHOI to be "clickbait"? Guess you know next to nothing about oceanography.

Again, Perry is making up shit about himself. He is not trained in geology or science or any of the other numerous jobs and degrees he's claimed (I suppose to try to impress someone?).
Climate is not a force and has no force. There is no such thing as a 'greenhouse gas'. No gas or vapor has the capability to create energy out of nothing. You cannot trap heat. You cannot trap light. You cannot trap thermal energy, there is always heat.
Perry is once again ignoring the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics.
Again, Perry is making up shit about himself. He is not trained in geology or science or any of the other numerous jobs and degrees he's claimed (I suppose to try to impress someone?).
Climate is not a force and has no force. There is no such thing as a 'greenhouse gas'. No gas or vapor has the capability to create energy out of nothing. You cannot trap heat. You cannot trap light. You cannot trap thermal energy, there is always heat.
Perry is once again ignoring the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics.

You are a complete idiot. Congrats.
Try a thermometer. Temps are easy to measure. What is important is measuring the same place repeatedly. That shows if the water is getting warmer. They also measure many places over and over.

His usual idiocy. He thinks a single thermometer can measure the temperature of the oceans.
Believe it or not we know a lot about the currents. I was fortunate enough about 30 years ago to be on a research cruise in the North Atlantic (when I was briefly working as an oceanography tech) and our job was to measure what is called a "Deep water formation event", where one of the big currents in the sea between Greenland and North America dips down very deep into the water column and then turns and comes back up. We were using tracers to measure the rate of the current's overturning. It was really neat stuff. Gave me a real appreciation for how complex oceanography actually is.

Sure we can always learn more, but we know enough right now to at least not be totally in the dark.

Now Perry claims to be an oceanographer and a hydrodynamics expert.
That's the problem. Likely all the worst effects of climate change will probably happen after many of our generation are dead. It will be the next generations that suffer the most.

That's the worst part of it all. There are "tipping points" that we are dangerously close to going past and we won't even know it until many years after the fact when we realize we cannot fix the problem.

Frankly I'm glad I don't have kids because I know our generation will go down as one of the worst in human history because we had all the information and we let scientific illiterates "debate" it until we couldn't take care of the problem.

This stupid argument has been made for at least 50 years.

No, there are no magick 'tipping points'. Another buzzword.
Perry not only discards science, he can't even define The Problem.

At least he has chosen not to reproduce and subject any of his kids to this idiocy.
I do have kids and share that worry.

LOL. Here's someone that apparently doesn't realize that kids routinely handle temperature differences throughout a single year from -25 deg F to 100 deg F. They love to play in the snow, play in the yard on the hottest of days, and don't really give a shit what the temperature of the oceans are.
No one believes this "data". Climate change is the most obvious scam in history. Of course climates change.

Obviously, the Church of Global Warming believes this "data". He is right that 'climate change' is the most obvious scam in history. Climate has no value associated with it, however. There is no value in climate that 'changes'.
The ONLY reason YOU know climate changes over the earth's history is the work of what are called Paleoclimatologists. They have spent decades understanding how the earth's climate NATURALLY changes. And they have learned a LOT about the NATURAL FORCING mechanisms.

Now we can't explain the warming we've seen over the last 60-100 years using ONLY the natural forcings. We have to start factoring in what humans are doing.

So in the end the people who taught you the earth's climate changes naturally almost all believe that the current warming is due at least 50% or more to human activity.

Here's an IPCC graphic that shows the effect. Scientists took temperature data from 1850 to the 2000's and they tried to explain the warming by looking at the effects of NATURAL FORCINGS ALONE, but the data doesn't fit perfectly. But when you bring in HUMAN FORCINGS (eg greenhouse gases, landuse changes, industrialization, etc) suddenly the data MAKES SENSE.


More Holy Buzzwords from the Church of Global Warming. There are no 'forcings'. There is no 'greenhouse gas'. There is no such thing as a 'paleoclimatologist'. The graph is just random numbers again. It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth.
Milankovitch cycles predict an ice age every 40,000 years, but for the last 2 million years we've had 20 ice ages, about one every 100,000 years. And the predictions for when the next one is due are all over the place. The Holocene epoch is unprecedented.

As you can see even in the Vostok chart, Earth's avg. temperature does not move in a straight line. And the whole thing is based on comparing satellite data to proxy data, which is NOT a scientific method. The Left throws out modern proxy data that does not agree with the Sat's, like Tree rings.

I can see the data they are hiding or dismissing (the vast majority depend on gov't funding). I look at raw data first and then make my own conclusions, as do many scientific minds that are not being paid to toe the global line.

If you can't post the significant link, yes it's clickbait. The purpose of a link is to source the quote you post, IMO.

Here several different sets of random numbers are compared and show to be 'different', thus 'proving the exception'. It does no such thing, since there is no data to begin with.

It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth. A satellite cannot measure temperature of anything but itself. The Earth's temperature is unknown. The Earth's emissivity is unknown and likewise cannot be measured.

The so-called Milankovich cycle is a theory based on unobserved past events. It is not known if those events even happened. The theory itself is not a theory of science. It is mere speculation to explain what cannot be measured.
Why wouldn't it be?

Incorrect. The tree ring data you are talking about is a small subset of tree ring data from some trees in the the high latitudes whose tree ring growth deviates from temperature trends but ONLY RECENTLY. It could also be related to stresses like local drought stresses in that area etc. So it isn't a significant issue but it is an interesting issue.

It would be like finding one of your pH meters started malfunctioning for an unknown reason. You wouldn't then assume that pH as a concept isn't correct, but you'd try to figure out why this particular meter doesn't work as normally it would.

Tree rings do not measure temperature either. Even if they somehow did, a single tree is not the Earth or it's oceans.
Very cool, down and up .. sounds like a unique phenomenon. IMO, we know very little about the oceans or predicting global climate or how human's can control the climate. Cyanobacteria gave us oxygen ... and humans are restoring CO2 back to the atmosphere

Even Nasa admits they don't understand clouds because they also reflect sunlight and have a cooling effect. You can't have an effective computer modeling when you have any fudge factors.

The entire computer model is 'fudge factor'. It is nothing more than a random number generator.
Because you have to use the same method of measuring all data for comparison. You know that.

There's a lot more old proxy ring data than just the pines that Mann used.

Here a good statement is made, that the same method of measuring is required.

Science does not use proxy data. The meaning of any proxy is, out of necessity, a speculation in and of itself. Any measurements in science are direct measurements. Proxies are not used. This proxy 'data' is just random numbers again.
Tree rings do not measure temperature. A tree is not the Earth nor the Oceans.